facebookresearch / tacto

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Errors while running examples/demo_pybullet_digit.py #16

Open shivanimall opened 3 years ago

shivanimall commented 3 years ago


I am on a macos, and have been successfully running bullet/pybullet.

here are some issues I am running into while running this file:

1/ panel.start() calls into https://github.com/facebookresearch/pybulletX/blob/main/pybulletX/gui/control_panel.py#L141 and this is throwing a segfault.

2/ clock_gettime() is supported in unix, so I am getting an attribute error since the pbx calls into threading libs that use that func, I noted this earlier(#15 #12 ), let me know if you need a longer stacktrace.

would appreciate help with these, thanks!

wx405557858 commented 3 years ago

Hi, @poweic might be helpful for pybulletX