facebookresearch / unbiased-teacher-v2

PyTorch code for CVPR 2022 paper Unbiased Teacher v2 Semi-supervised Object Detection for Anchor-free and Anchor-based Detectors
MIT License
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How to convert Trained Model(Backbone : Faster RCNN) to ONNX and How to deploy a inference environment?? #13

Open JeongHanJun opened 1 year ago

JeongHanJun commented 1 year ago

Hello, thank you for such a great study. What I'm curious about is that Unbased Teacher v2 is how to convert the learned Faster RCNN model based on Detectron2 to ONNX. I referred to the contents of this repository and train the model (Faster RCNN) based on COCO-Detection/faster_rcnn_R_101_FPN_3x config. Now I want to convert it to ONNX. I installed Detectron2 based on Docker, so I'd appreciate your help on how to deploy the inference environment and the model converted to ONNX!

In short, How can I convert a learned model to ONNX? and How to execute the inference of the learned model regardless of the docker container?

I would be very grateful if you could help me with this.