facebookresearch / xR-EgoPose

New egocentric synthetic dataset for egocentric 3D human pose estimation
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How to understand the Joint rotations (Eulers angles) #17

Open 0merjavaid opened 2 years ago

0merjavaid commented 2 years ago

If I understand correctly, the rotation angles are Euler angles normally represented as Rotation about the x-axis = roll angle = α Rotation about the y-axis = pitch angle = β Rotation about the z-axis = yaw angle = γ

"rot": [0.2110171152869712, 0.7265798018474156, 0.03091111571684459] how do I get the order of alpha, beta, and gamma or, roll pitch and yaw? is it safe to assume that the first element of the above array is roll, the second is pitch and the third is yaw?

Also is there documentation available for the dataset to understand it better?

DenisTome commented 2 years ago

Yes that is correct. All the information we had was included in the dataset. In https://github.com/facebookresearch/xR-EgoPose/blob/main/utils/config.py you can find some information about the data definition and the order of the joints.

0merjavaid commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the clarification,

I have one follow-up question. Euler Angles are supposed to be in the 0-2pi range in radians, but I see some angles that are like -245 or 258 etc. Are the angles in Degrees or Radians? For my experimentation, I need to convert the Euler angles to rotation matrices and then 6D representation but I don't know how to treat these angles. Thanks