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Memory efficient way to encode varying input sequence lengths in self attention #679

Open thoglu opened 1 year ago

thoglu commented 1 year ago

Hi, I have the issue that my sequences are strongly varying in length, with sometimes having outliers that are an order of magnitude longer than the average. In default pytorch one can only pass a padding mask with the max length, and as far as I understand my current situation, that will lead to a memory usage that is rather large, because one effectively calculates attention with the max length. Is this the same in xformers? In "memory efficient self attention", one cannot pass a mask, so it seems that one only works for similar-length sequences.

My guess is that padding all series to "max_length" ensures one can efficiently parallelize on the GPU for the dot product, but I wonder if there are any implementations that focus on memory efficiency, and do not require padding, but rather work similar to "packed_sequences" for RNNs in pytorch?

❓ Questions and Help

danthe3rd commented 1 year ago


Indeed padding sequences is not efficient for multiple reasons. What you should do instead is concatenate all of your sequences together, and when you do the attention you pass a special mask to memory_efficient_attention. There is some illustration in the documentation there, along with an example: https://facebookresearch.github.io/xformers/components/ops.html#xformers.ops.fmha.attn_bias.BlockDiagonalMask

thoglu commented 1 year ago

Cool I will check that out , thanks :).. maybe it would be helpful to link to this from the README, it is not straight forward to find this in the documentation.

function2-llx commented 11 months ago

Hi @danthe3rd , may I ask what if I do want padding sequences? I'm working on vision tasks, the lengths of sequence do not vary a lot. Currently, I'm creating attn_bias Tensor myself.

danthe3rd commented 11 months ago

@function2-llx can you describe with more details what your bias look like? Like with an example for instance. It's usually better if you can avoid padding, and in fact we don't support any form of padding during training

function2-llx commented 11 months ago

@danthe3rd My use case is as follows:

Suppose there are three images in a batch with shapes $(h_1, w_1)$, $(h_2, w_2)$, and $(h_3, w_3)$. After applying the patch embedding of vision transformers, they become sequences of lengths $L_1, L_2, L_3$. Let's say $L_1$ is the longest length among this batch. The other sequences will be padded to the length of $L_1$. The attention bias for the $i$-th image will be a matrix of size $L_1 \times L_1$. The top-left $L_i \times L_i$ elements will be filled with 0, and the rest will be filled with $-\infty$.

And yes, you're right that it will be better if we can avoid padding. I think another alternative should be to put images of similar shape into the same batch.

danthe3rd commented 11 months ago

So if you want to use xFormers like this, you will need to cat patches together. Eg instead of having a shape [B, max(L_i), D], something like [1, sum(L_i), D], and the information about batches will be in the bias, see: https://facebookresearch.github.io/xformers/components/ops.html#xformers.ops.fmha.attn_bias.BlockDiagonalMask

function2-llx commented 11 months ago

Thank you for your suggestion. Yes, I've checked the BlockDiagonalMask. But my concern is: will it have much more computation cost compared to padding when the lengths of the sequence are close? E.g., if padding to $L_{\max}=\max Li$, the computation cost is proportional to $BL{\max}^2$, while with concatenation, it is $\left(\sum Li\right)^2 = B^2L{\text{average}}^2$. When the lengths are close, $L{\text{average}}$ will be close to $L{\max}$ and the computation cost is about $B$ times higher.

danthe3rd commented 11 months ago

Hum that's not how it works. It's not an additive bias that gets added after the entire attention matrix is calculated. This specific bias type is recognized by the kernel, which will only compute the areas necessary in the attention matrix. So this bias will always be faster than padding.

function2-llx commented 11 months ago

Wow that's cool, thanks for clarification!

tzayuan commented 3 months ago

Hi, @function2-llx , @danthe3rd Sorry to bother you, I would like to change xformers.ops.fmha.BlockDiagonalMask.from seqlens([N] * B, mask) to a general implementation of pytorch. Can you provide me with some guidance? Thank you

danthe3rd commented 3 months ago

a general implementation of pytorch

What do you mean?

tzayuan commented 3 months ago

a general implementation of pytorch

What do you mean?

Problem solved. Thans a lot!

xdhuang493 commented 2 weeks ago

a general implementation of pytorch

What do you mean?

Problem solved. Thans a lot!

Hi @tzayuan, How to solve it?