facelessuser / BracketHighlighter

Bracket and tag highlighter for Sublime Text
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Add Jinja to list of supported syntaxes #605

Closed stfnx closed 1 year ago

stfnx commented 1 year ago

The package Jinja2 provides the Jinja syntax. BracketHighlighter already has support for the following Jinja syntaxes:

But "Jinja" is missing on this list so BracketHighlighter isn't active for this syntax.

Since it already supports HTML (Jinja2)and Jinjais exactly the same syntax, the change would probably be as simple as adding Jinja to the above list in the package settings.

I have to admit though that I couldn't get it working while editing the package's tag settings. Probably I'm just too stupid.

facelessuser commented 1 year ago

Yeah, at this point, I don't often update the list with every supported language, I should probably just add a and more entry 🙃. I personally have only validated the Jinja2 package as that is the only one I use.

stfnx commented 1 year ago

I am talking about the Jinja2 package and tag highlighting doesn't work for me. Should it work by default?

facelessuser commented 1 year ago

Hmm, let me check, it may be something I have locally...

facelessuser commented 1 year ago

Okay, I missed that this was requesting for the Jinja syntax support to be added, I thought you were requesting it to be mentioned in the docs...

This is an easy fix.

facelessuser commented 1 year ago

I have a fix in PR.

stfnx commented 1 year ago

Nice! Thank you. :)