facelessuser / MarkdownPreview

Markdown preview and build plugin for Sublime Text https://facelessuser.github.io/MarkdownPreview/
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GitLab preview authentication token expired #158

Closed JoyBrad closed 1 year ago

facelessuser commented 1 year ago

You need to generate yourself a non-expired token then.

gitressa commented 1 year ago

Here is how to add Gitlab token: https://forum.sublimetext.com/t/how-can-i-modify-built-in-packages-snippets/9939/19

JoyBrad commented 1 year ago


jaluc commented 1 year ago

Just in case anyone else runs into this issue:

  1. You'll need to create a personal access token with the api scope. It appears that other scopes will result in a 403 error "insufficient scope".
  2. Then you'll need to go to Sublime Text's Preferences/Package Settings/Markdown Preview/Settings and save it as such:
    "gitlab_personal_token": "your-new-personal-and-secret-access-token-goes-here",