facelessuser / Rummage

Rummage is a GUI for grep like searches in Python
MIT License
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v4.20 - settings window doesn't work #458

Closed toxpal closed 3 months ago

toxpal commented 3 months ago

I'm not sure of this is related to https://github.com/facelessuser/Rummage/issues/457 or not, but in v4.20 clicking "File > Preferences" does nothing.

Downgrading to v4.19 solves the issue.

facelessuser commented 3 months ago

Weirdly, that may actually be the case. After fixing the preference dialog, the command line was available after install, at least on mac. I'll push the release and see if it fixes it for you.

facelessuser commented 3 months ago

@toxpal try updating to 4.20.1 and let me know how it goes.

toxpal commented 3 months ago

4.20.1 fixed issue with preferences window, but command line still not available in Linux.

facelessuser commented 3 months ago

Okay, this is weird. I uninstalled and installed the latest release via:

pip install rummage

And the command line broke.

I uninstalled and installed directly from from master and then command line worked:

python3 -m pip install -U git+https://github.com/facelessuser/Rummage.git

So, something weird is different between installing from the wheel and not from the wheel.

toxpal commented 3 months ago

Well, at least we see some progress with debugging here :)

facelessuser commented 3 months ago

Yeah, this is good, but it is a weird one though. Installing from the tarball or wheel gives me no command line, but installing from the git repo does give me the command line. 🤔

Something is different about the installs, but there shouldn't be.

toxpal commented 3 months ago

I know you won't be happy about yet another bug, but... :) After upgrading to 4.20.1, app window title is blank. The same with Rummage entry in taskbar - it's completely blank.


Not sure if this is related to this error which is displayed after launching Rummage:

(__main__.py:5898): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 15:36:40.361: gtk_widget_set_size_request: assertion 'height >= -1' failed

facelessuser commented 3 months ago

😱 That seems to be Linux specific...it's working here. I'll take a look once I resolve this command line nightmare.

facelessuser commented 3 months ago

There's something wrong with hatch, what we use to package the distribution. The custom hook used to generate rummage and rummage<python_version> dynamically on the command line for the wheel. This would create entry points in the wheel. But now that is not happening. Abandoning the hook for a simple static rummage on the command line works. So this is a regression in hatch. I'm not sure why this occurs though for built distributions, but not when installing from a repo.

facelessuser commented 3 months ago

I've created an issue for the title. While I think hatch has a regression that is breaking command line usage, we can work around it with a static define. We will have to temporarily drop rummage<python-version> availability. I should be able to look into Linux title issue next. Hopefully, it is an easy fix. GTK is always breaking stuff...I wish it just worked consistently. I haven't changed how titles work in years...