facile-it / paraunit

Run PHPUnit tests in parallel
Apache License 2.0
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crashing on --exclude-group #223

Open keradus opened 6 months ago

keradus commented 6 months ago

Hey, issue I noticed while working on https://github.com/PHP-CS-Fixer/PHP-CS-Fixer/pull/7606 .

With switch to PHPUnit v10, running PHPUnit works:

./vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite unit --exclude-group covers-nothing
PHPUnit 10.5.3 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

Runtime:       PHP 8.3.0
Configuration: /Users/d.ruminski/github/PHP-CS-Fixer/phpunit.xml.dist


While running paraunit crashes:

ker@d ~/github/PHP-CS-Fixer λ ./vendor/bin/paraunit --version
Paraunit 2.2.3

ker@d ~/github/PHP-CS-Fixer λ ./vendor/bin/paraunit run --testsuite unit --exclude-group covers-nothing

  The "--exclude-group" option does not exist.  

run [-c|--configuration CONFIGURATION] [--parallel PARALLEL] [--chunk-size CHUNK-SIZE] [--debug] [--logo] [--pass-through PASS-THROUGH] [--testsuite TESTSUITE] [--sort SORT] [--] [<stringFilter>]

Would appreciate support ;)

keradus commented 6 months ago

looks like with v2, we need to wrap it like --pass-through=--exclude-group=covers-nothing. original --exclude-group doesn't work anymore.

a bit sad, i liked to be able to call 2 tools same way, now I need to have params passed differently, depending which tool I call :(