facn2 / Week2-Ba6e5-Developers-TodoList

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Unaccessible icons #49

Open m4v15 opened 7 years ago

m4v15 commented 7 years ago

LOVE your use of Icons, looks smart :business_suit_levitating:

However, you should be careful to ensure that icons that both convey meaning and are interactive, are properly accessible for ALL users.

Font awesome's site has good instructions for how to do this

If an icon represents an interactive element

In the case of focusable interactive elements, there are various options to include an alternative text or label to the element, without the need for any visually hidden or similar. For instance, simply adding the aria-label attribute with a text description to the interactive element itself will be sufficient to provide an accessible alternative name for the element. If you need to provide a visual tooltip on mouseover/focus, we recommend additionally using the title attribute or a custom tooltip solution.