facontidavide / rosx_introspection

Deserialize any ROS message, without compilation time information.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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ROS1 support? #8

Open v4hn opened 6 days ago

v4hn commented 6 days ago

Hi @facontidavide ,

looks like you are moving forward with projects at your usual speed :athletic_shoe: . You sure keep busy.

The README.md for the project states:

The library compiles either using:

ROS1 (catkin),
ROS2 (colcon/ament) or
without any ROS dependency (vanilla cmake).

But there is sadly no support for catkin yet. Instead, the check for whether this is a ROS2 build is based on whether ament_cmake is installed on the system, which is true if you run ROS and ROS2 side-by-side, so trying to build it with catkin results in the build missing rosbag2_cpp, which is obviously only needed for ROS2.

Do you want to include catkin/ROS again? The plotjuggler-ros-plugins for ROS are still based on ros_type_introspection, which you archived two years ago, so I was wondering how easy it would be to migrate them to this library.

facontidavide commented 6 days ago

yes, that will eventually happen