fact-project / fact-tools

The fact-tools are an extension to the streams framework to analyse the data of the First G-APD Cherenkov Telescope.
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Better regressor for Disp #116

Closed mahnen closed 6 years ago

mahnen commented 8 years ago

Hi guys,

I wrote a little something about the current status of the Disp-parameter. In particular it would be quite important to get this Parameter estimated better.


mahnen commented 8 years ago

small summary from the pdf:


My opinion on it:


maxnoe commented 8 years ago


Can you give more details on the plots you showed? I do not really understand what the different colors mean. Can you maybe add a plot where you just show the comparison for the old disp method and your random forrest?

Also a correlation plot between the two methods might be interesting.

mahnen commented 8 years ago

1) correlation plot between the two methods


2) comparison for the old disp method and your random forrest


mahnen commented 8 years ago

I made some more plots. In theory, Disp = Distance for gamma-rays. The following plots are Disp vs Distance for the two methods. It looks to me rather like the current parametrization of Disp is a random number...

disp0_eval disprf_eval

mahnen commented 8 years ago

The last comparison is the size over theta^2 distribution. It shows that we can particularly gain something at higher sizes

theta0_eval thetarf_eval

ftemme commented 8 years ago

Really nice, but I have some comments on that:

I would propose to have a brainstorming telcon (or skype con) next week (11.4. - 15.4.) to discuss this. But I agree with you, this is one of the main remaining issue FACT-Tools has to handle and your application of the RF regression is quite impressive.

mahnen commented 8 years ago

I have looked up the definition of Dist in Sebastian Commichaus old PhD thesis. He there writes:

The image parameters DIST and ALPHA are so-colled source-dependent image parameters...

The drawing in my mind goes as follows: img_20160406_144217

Also, the current implementation of the alpha (by Kai?) looks source dependent:


    //TODO: this might throw an NPE for source[1]

    double auxiliary_angle  = Math.atan( (source[1] - dist.getCenterY() )/(source[0] - dist.getCenterX()) );    

    //auxiliary_angle         = auxiliary_angle / Math.PI * 180;

    alpha                  =  (dist.getAngle() - auxiliary_angle);


and also our implementation of Dist is source dependent, as Kai writes:


  • Quite simply the distance between the CoG of the shower and the calculated source position.
  • @author kaibrugge /

So after all it looks to me that Dist for Gamma-MC is the MC-truth for Disp.

Sebastian C. further continues about the sign of the Disp parameter (M1 - single telescope!):

Because of the head-tail ambiguity in the 2nd moment analysis, the Disp method provides two possible solutions for the location of the source along the mayor axis of the Hillas ellipse. A possibility to overcome the head-tail ambiguity is to make use of the asymmetry parameter M3LONG. ... The achieved ratio of correct head-tail assignment is in the order of 70%, which strongly depends on the considered energy range.

The MC-truth (DIST) is really, like you mentioned, cleaning dependent etc..., which unfortunately breaks the streams-flow... you have to process it first and then build the Disp-RF and then run again.

Telcon next week - no problem.

maxnoe commented 6 years ago

Moved to our python classifier tools and works quite nicely