fact-project / fact-tools

The fact-tools are an extension to the streams framework to analyse the data of the First G-APD Cherenkov Telescope.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Skip 27s events, fixes #150 #305

Closed maxnoe closed 6 years ago

maxnoe commented 6 years ago

This implements skipping of the 27s events in the standard analysis and photonstream extraction xmls.

While I did the implementation I looked into the file 20151218_161, as this has a lot of 27s early in the file (first is EventNum 12).

I noticed that these events take considerably longer to analyse than even events with large showers, in the order of multiple seconds, so I went for skipping them early instead of flagging them.

The typical 27s second event in that file had round about 60 % saturated slices. I put the skip threshold to 40 %. I think this is quite save as even if a physics shower could produce 40 % saturation it 1. would be not reliable to reconstruct and 2. be very likely a hadron event.

maxnoe commented 6 years ago

I think we should have a little discussion about this, so I'll wait for the others to comment. An I would like to analyse the full file. And maybe look into a large shower.

maxnoe commented 6 years ago

Here is a histogram of the saturatedSlicesPercentage for a single run with 27s events (only events where saturatedSlicesPercentage > 0. All Events below 0.2 (maximum is 0.006) look like bright showers, all above look like 27s events.
