factn / Resilience-Design

Thinking about the future of Resilience through technology.
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Specify label for adress in the Volunteer Profile #25

Open thoughtsky opened 3 years ago

thoughtsky commented 3 years ago

Right now its not clear whether to only enter a street, city or both. The example in the field could be modified to an exemplary adress in the correct format "e.g. 123 Lakefield Drive, LA, 90000".

This is actually the way it is in the Figma file. Might only need an update from development?

utunga commented 3 years ago

I think it would be great to bring the component that somebody wrote which allows you to type an address and then it moves the map below so that as you type it works out where you mean which means that as long as you type with something that Google understands then you can type anything you like...

I guess the tricky thing is we don't necessarily need to know exactly where our volunteers live So perhaps it would be better if it showed a kind of a round transparent disc about a block or two wide like the one that you see on Airbnb before you book a place where you can sort of see roughly what neighborhood it's in but you don't know where it is.. ?

of course that would be nice to have but not necessarily easy to do

thoughtsky commented 3 years ago

Definitely a great idea! We should consult the devs on how complicated that would be and decide on that basis if we want to go with an easier solution for now or do it like this.