factorapp / factor

Component based full stack web framework using Web Assembly for Go
Apache License 2.0
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Vendored code in generated apps? #28

Open arschles opened 6 years ago

arschles commented 6 years ago

If you have the "wrong stuff" in your GOPATH, you'll get compile errors after generating an app with factor init. For example:

arschles ~/gocode/src/github.com/factorapp/factor/examples/myapp $ make wasm
GOARCH=wasm GOOS=js ~/gowasm/bin/go build -o example.wasm ./client
# github.com/factorapp/factor/vendor/github.com/gopherjs/gopherwasm/js
../../vendor/github.com/gopherjs/gopherwasm/js/js_wasm.go:107:19: undefined: js.TypedArray
../../vendor/github.com/gopherjs/gopherwasm/js/js_wasm.go:110:9: undefined: js.TypedArrayOf
make: *** [wasm] Error 2

We should probably output a Gopkg.toml file