factoriolib / flib

A set of high-quality, commonly-used utilities for creating Factorio mods.
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Table module #16

Closed raiguard closed 4 years ago

raiguard commented 4 years ago

What it says on the tin. The table module is fairly straightforward, in that it contains several table functions. It imports the Lua table object into itself so mods can overwrite the default table global with the module and still be able to access everything.

Some functions were borrowed from the core lualib and modified for style and consistency, while some other functions were borrowed from (or loosely inspired by) stdlib's table module. I tried to strike a good balance between module size and utility, and I feel that I found that balance.

The only really new thing here is JARG's for_n_of function, which greatly eases spreading iteration of a table over multiple ticks. I think it is quite useful and is quite a good thing to have.

I'll merge this in a day or two if nobody brings up anything specific.

All functions were tested in my sandbox mod, but the tests are pretty naive. I want to try to write a test helper at some point, but for now, this will do.

I still need to add usage examples for each function.


```lua local event = require("__flib__.event") local table = require("__flib__.table") event.on_init(function() local arr = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90} local tbl = { foo = "bar", bar = 69, baz = { foo2 = true, alf = nil } } local tbl2 = table.deep_copy(tbl) local equal = table.deep_compare(tbl, tbl2) local merged = table.deep_merge{tbl, { alf = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}, baz = { alf = false } }} table.for_each(arr, function(v) if v > 50 then return true else log(v) end end) local next_k = arr[1] local i = 0 while next_k do i = i + 1 log("ITERATION "..i) next_k = table.for_n_of(arr, next_k, 2, function(v) log(v) end) end local function filter_func(v) return (v / 10) % 2 == 0 end local filtered = table.filter(arr, filter_func) local arr_filtered = table.filter(arr, filter_func, true) local inverted = table.invert(arr) local mapped = table.map(arr, function(v) return v * 2 end) local sum = table.reduce(arr, function(acc, v) return acc + v end) local sum_minus_ten = table.reduce(arr, function(acc, v) return acc + v end, -10) local shallow_copy = table.shallow_copy(arr) local shallow_copy_rawset = table.shallow_copy(arr, true) local table_size = table.size(arr) local sliced = table.slice(arr, 3, 7) -- should be {30, 40, 50, 60, 70} local spliced = table.splice(arr, 1, 4) -- should be {10, 20, 30, 40} local breakpoint end) ```