factoriotools / factorio-docker

Factorio headless server in a Docker container
MIT License
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question: how much resources does it use normally? #347

Closed renannprado closed 3 years ago

renannprado commented 3 years ago

I'm considering hosting my factorio server too using this docker image, but I'd like to know if you guys know how much CPU/RAM it requires to host a game for 3 persons for example? I bet it varies also when you have more things built, but I would like to know if you some a rough estimation.

SuperSandro2000 commented 3 years ago

There shouldn't be any real difference compared to running it without docker. The performance depends on how big and complex your map is. I can't give you any recommendations there except the official factorio ones.

renannprado commented 3 years ago

@SuperSandro2000 the question was not about docker vs without docker but it was in general how much resources it consumes. I have only ran the game so far and played multiplayer, and I haven't tried to run the server. But ok, I'll give it a try to find out.

nicolas-lang commented 3 years ago

The docker images adds like "nothing" on top of the Factorio deadicated server (which is supported in the official forums) , so still not really a docker related question... Anyways a short summary: The Server suffers from the same issues as the base game, there are no real performance benefits from running a server and it will hit a wall at roughly the same point as any local game will on equal hardware (+/- 15% ) (unless your GPU is a toaster). The main bottleneck for factorio in general (assuming a well built PC of any price range) is usually memory bandwidth. I tend to hit a wall usually somewhere between 50-150 MB savegame size depending on the mods. Also factorio does not really benefit from > 2 cores, even the 2nd core adds barely anything. Usually a CPU at 2+ GHz with 4-8GB Ram reserved (4GB vanilla vs 8GB modded) should do it. Again, test ups/fps and memory with local sessions.

renannprado commented 3 years ago

@nicolas-lang as I said earlier, it's not about docker. I was just wondering if people running the server (through docker or not) would know more or less how much resources the server consume.