factoriotools / factorio-docker

Factorio headless server in a Docker container
MIT License
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Change CI systems #363

Closed dbt closed 3 years ago

dbt commented 3 years ago

travis-ci.org is shutting down soon and it looks like it's already falling behind on running new builds. Free alternatives include https://circleci.com/open-source/ and Github Actions (I'm sure there are others).

profborkensnoot commented 3 years ago

Thanks for getting ahead of me on this. I was a contributor on another factorio docker and that didn't require a slow CI pipeline to update on DockerHub. I'm happy to contribute server capacity if it means speeding things up :)

SuperSandro2000 commented 3 years ago

I am going to replace travis with github actions. I hoped the releases would slow down a bit so that it wouldn't be a problem.

jswny commented 3 years ago

I think a good improvement to keep in mind while migrating is to only build/push images for versions that actually got bumped. For example, when bumping the experimental version, it looks like every version still gets built even though only 1.1 actually needs to be built. This should be fairly easy to do, one way would just be to grab the list of files changed in the last commit (seems to me like your bot bumps the Dockerfile in the correct version directory), and then grep it to figure out which ones you need to build. Something like this for example:

git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r HEAD | grep -q 1.1/
SuperSandro2000 commented 3 years ago

I won't do that because then all the other images are using old versions of the packages included.

jswny commented 3 years ago

Not really sure what you mean by that. The packages inside the Dockerfile?

SuperSandro2000 commented 3 years ago

The packages inside the Dockerfile?


lucasreiners commented 3 years ago

Thankyou for your work! If you need any help let me know, although I see you are already busy working on the migration :-)

tflinz commented 3 years ago

Still seeing the 1.1.19 building (stalled) on travis, fyi: https://travis-ci.org/github/factoriotools/factorio-docker/builds/756262796

(not sure if it should be cancelled and then the github-route triggered now that it is merged in)

coreysabia commented 3 years ago

@tflinz, @SuperSandro2000 went the GitHub Actions route, per recent commits. However after checking the docker hub, it looks like the description is getting updated (per one of the two CI jobs) but 1.1.19 is not getting pushed from the other CI job yet.

@SuperSandro2000 you might want to double check your CI pipeline.

tflinz commented 3 years ago

Heh, yes, that's why I commented "the github-route triggered now that it is merged in" ;)

SuperSandro2000 commented 3 years ago

it looks like the description is getting updated (per one of the two CI jobs) but 1.1.19 is not getting pushed from the other CI job yet.

The description is pushed with every commit and the 1.1.19 tag is only released when a tag 1.1.19 or 1.1.19-[1-9*] is pushed.