factoriotools / factorio-docker

Factorio headless server in a Docker container
MIT License
888 stars 218 forks source link

Unable to find server #458

Open The-playmaker opened 1 year ago

The-playmaker commented 1 year ago

hello i struggle with factorio game server i have open the port 34197 on my firwall but i cant find it either on lan or public servers

are there somebody that have any suggestions to have to get it working ? i am using FSM in a docker container https://hub.docker.com/r/ofsm/ofsm

                             Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed

100 405 100 405 0 0 964 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 961 100 55.2M 100 55.2M 0 0 42.0M 0 0:00:01 0:00:01 --:--:-- 42.0M 2023/01/28 19:22:54 CookieEncryptionKey invalid or empty, create new random one 2023/01/28 19:22:54 Rcon password default one or empty, generated new one: 2023/01/28 19:22:54 Password: XVlBzgbaiCMRAjWwhTHctcuA /opt/fsm/mod_packs 2023/01/28 19:22:54 no ModPackDir found ... creating one ... 2023/01/28 19:22:54 Loaded Factorio settings from /opt/factorio/config/server-settings.json 2023/01/28 19:22:56 Created default admin user. Please change it's password as soon as possible. 2023/01/28 19:22:56 Username: admin 2023/01/28 19:22:56 Password: dPxJQJkOQrCuKvNglCfInZAC 2023/01/28 19:22:56 Starting server on: 2023/01/28 19:23:38 Logging in user: admin 2023/01/28 19:23:38 Password for user admin wrong 2023/01/28 19:24:14 Logging in user: admin 2023/01/28 19:24:14 User: admin, logged in successfully 2023/01/28 19:24:33 Starting Factorio server. 2023/01/28 19:24:33 Starting Factorio server with settings: {"bindip":"","savefile":"Hansen lars.zip","port":34197} 2023/01/28 19:24:33 Starting server with command: /opt/factorio/bin/x64/factorio [--bind --port 34197 --server-settings /opt/factorio/config/server-settings.json --rcon-port 42528 --rcon-password XVlBzgbaiCMRAjWwhTHctcuA --server-adminlist /opt/factorio/config/server-adminlist.json --start-server /opt/factorio/saves/Hansen lars.zip] 2023/01/28 19:24:33 new state, will also send to correct room 2023/01/28 19:24:33 Factorio Server: 0.000 2023-01-28 19:24:33; Factorio 1.1.76 (build 60350, linux64, headless) 2023/01/28 19:24:33 Factorio Server: 0.000 Operating system: Linux 2023/01/28 19:24:33 Factorio Server: 0.000 Program arguments: "/opt/factorio/bin/x64/factorio" "--bind" "" "--port" "34197" "--server-settings" "/opt/factorio/config/server-settings.json" "--rcon-port" "42528" "--rcon-password" "--server-adminlist" "/opt/factorio/config/server-adminlist.json" "--start-server" "/opt/factorio/saves/Hansen lars.zip" 2023/01/28 19:24:33 Factorio Server: 0.000 Config path: /opt/factorio/config/config.ini 2023/01/28 19:24:33 Factorio Server: 0.000 Read data path: /opt/factorio/data 2023/01/28 19:24:33 Factorio Server: 0.000 Write data path: /opt/factorio [7327/20480MB] 2023/01/28 19:24:33 Factorio Server: 0.000 Binaries path: /opt/factorio/bin 2023/01/28 19:24:33 Factorio Server: 0.009 System info: [CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3930K CPU @ 3.20GHz, 12 cores, RAM: 44117 MB] 2023/01/28 19:24:33 Factorio Server: 0.009 Environment: DISPLAY= WAYLAND_DISPLAY= DESKTOP_SESSION= XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP= XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP= GL_FSAA_MODE= GL_LOG_MAX_ANISO= __GL_SYNC_TO_VBLANK= GL_SORT_FBCONFIGS= GL_YIELD= 2023/01/28 19:24:33 Factorio Server: 0.009 Running in headless mode 2023/01/28 19:24:33 Factorio Server: 0.016 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua) 2023/01/28 19:24:33 Factorio Server: 0.041 Loading mod base 1.1.76 (data.lua) 2023/01/28 19:24:33 Factorio Server: 0.237 Loading mod base 1.1.76 (data-updates.lua) 2023/01/28 19:24:33 Factorio Server: 0.334 Checksum for core: 870127790 2023/01/28 19:24:33 Factorio Server: 0.335 Checksum of base: 3065294274 2023/01/28 19:24:34 Factorio Server: 0.551 Prototype list checksum: 3034860339 2023/01/28 19:24:34 Factorio Server: 0.599 Info PlayerData.cpp:73: Local player-data.json unavailable 2023/01/28 19:24:34 Factorio Server: 0.599 Info PlayerData.cpp:78: Cloud player-data.json unavailable 2023/01/28 19:24:34 Factorio Server: 0.600 Factorio initialised 2023/01/28 19:24:34 Factorio Server: 0.601 Info ServerSynchronizer.cpp:29: nextHeartbeatSequenceNumber(0) initialized Synchronizer nextTickClosureTick(0). 2023/01/28 19:24:34 Factorio Server: 0.601 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:795: updateTick(4294967295) changing state from(Ready) to(PreparedToHostGame) 2023/01/28 19:24:34 Factorio Server: 0.602 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:795: updateTick(4294967295) changing state from(PreparedToHostGame) to(CreatingGame) 2023/01/28 19:24:34 Factorio Server: 0.602 Loading map /opt/factorio/saves/Hansen lars.zip: 6816276 bytes. 2023/01/28 19:24:34 Factorio Server: 0.630 Loading level.dat: 16274054 bytes. 2023/01/28 19:24:34 Factorio Server: 0.635 Info Scenario.cpp:199: Map version 1.1.74-1 2023/01/28 19:24:34 Running Factorio server detected 2023/01/28 19:24:34 Factorio server with save: Hansen lars.zip started on port: 34197 2023/01/28 19:24:34 Factorio Server: 1.130 Loading script.dat: 691466 bytes. 2023/01/28 19:24:34 Factorio Server: 1.132 Checksum for script /opt/factorio/temp/currently-playing/control.lua: 2881393120 2023/01/28 19:24:34 Factorio Server: 1.138 Info UDPSocket.cpp:27: Opening socket at (IP ADDR:({})) 2023/01/28 19:24:34 Factorio Server: 1.138 Hosting game at IP ADDR:({}) 2023/01/28 19:24:34 Factorio Server: 1.138 Info HttpSharedState.cpp:54: Downloading https://auth.factorio.com/generate-server-padlock-2?api_version=5 2023/01/28 19:24:35 Factorio Server: 1.560 Info AuthServerConnector.cpp:79: Obtained serverPadlock for serverHash (3wCkmvlwdL0AE0ub7S3klOHH1Dp0JGVD) from the auth server. 2023/01/28 19:24:35 Factorio Server: 1.561 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:795: updateTick(1716202) changing state from(CreatingGame) to(InGame) 2023/01/28 19:24:35 Factorio Server: 1.688 Info ServerRouter.cpp:650: Asking pingpong servers (pingpong1.factorio.com:34197, pingpong2.factorio.com:34197, pingpong3.factorio.com:34197, pingpong4.factorio.com:34197) for own address 2023/01/28 19:24:35 Factorio Server: 1.688 Info UDPSocket.cpp:39: Opening socket for broadcast 2023/01/28 19:24:35 Factorio Server: 1.688 Info RemoteCommandProcessor.cpp:130: Starting RCON interface at IP ADDR:({}) 2023/01/28 19:24:35 Rcon running on Factorio Server 2023/01/28 19:24:35 rcon session established on 2023/01/28 19:24:35 Factorio Server: 1.688 Info CommandLineMultiplayer.cpp:292: Maximum segment size = 100; minimum segment size = 25; maximum-segment-size peer count = 10; minimum-segment-size peer count = 20 2023/01/28 19:24:35 Factorio Server: 1.688 Info RemoteCommandProcessor.cpp:249: New RCON connection from IP ADDR:({}) 2023/01/28 19:24:35 Factorio Server: 1.789 Info ServerRouter.cpp:533: Own address is IP ADDR:({}) (confirmed by pingpong1) 2023/01/28 19:24:35 Factorio Server: 1.972 Info ServerRouter.cpp:533: Own address is IP ADDR:({}) (confirmed by pingpong4) 2023/01/28 19:24:35 Factorio Server: 2.174 Info MatchingServer.cpp:114: Matching server game 14422653 has been created. 2023/01/28 19:24:35 Factorio Server: 2.188 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:727: Matching server connection resumed

thamathar commented 1 year ago

Having the same problem After disabled my firewall even activated DMZ people could not connect to the server not even me, that is on my machine

oddsoul commented 1 year ago

also having this issue. Using PFsense as a router with TCP/UDP port mapped for 34197. Using Canyouseeme.org the connection is refused. However I am able to access the server by direct connection? Maybe docker mapping isn't working/binding correctly?

Have also tried to bind the address using sudo docker run -d --network=host -p 34197:34197/tcp -p 27015:27015/tcp -v /opt/factorio:/factorio --name factorio --restart=unless-stopped factoriotools/factorio as I did read somewhere that UDP and docker don't play nice.