facultymatt / angular-unsavedChanges

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Form not set to pristine after unsaved changes were disregarded #33

Open stephanie-dm opened 9 years ago

stephanie-dm commented 9 years ago


First of all thank you for this directive, it's very helpful and easy to use!

The documentation describes the following behaviour:

The module defers to the forms $dirty property as a single source of truth. If dirty, the user is alerted. Disregarding changes resets the form and sets pristine.

I don't see that behaviour happening, and I don't see it in the code either: the form doesn't get set to pristine after the user decided to disregard the unsaved changes.

As a result of this, I get 2 confirmation dialogs. My routeEvent configuration is as follows:

unsavedWarningsConfigProvider.routeEvent = ['$locationChangeStart' ,'$stateChangeStart', 'accordionPanelChangedEvent', 'dossierClosedEvent'];

When I broadcast the dossierClosedEvent, the confirmation dialog is shown. When I decide to ignore the changes, my page redirects, so one of the location-change-events is caught and the confirmation box shows up a second time because the form is still dirty. Will this behaviour be changed in a future version or can I work around it somehow? Currently the behaviour doesn't match with the pasted documentation.

stephanie-dm commented 9 years ago

I used the following as a workaround (in my own code, not by changing unsavedChanges.js) for the confirmation dialog showing up twice.

var event = $rootScope.$broadcast("dossierClosedEvent");
if (event.defaultPrevented == false){
  //Set all forms to pristine to avoid a second unsaved-dialog
  var allForms = unsavedWarningSharedService.allForms();
  angular.forEach(allForms, function(item, idx) {
  //now redirect (which would have previously triggered the second unsaved-dialog)

The issue still remains though that the documentation doesn't match with the implementation in the code (setting the form to pristine after the user disregarded the changes)

stephanie-dm commented 9 years ago

@facultymatt : Any comments on the issue I posted? My workaround works fine, but I'd like to know if I understood everything correctly.