fadion / Bouncy

Map Elasticsearch results to Eloquent models
MIT License
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Custom Analyzers #4

Closed apsdehal closed 9 years ago

apsdehal commented 9 years ago

Is there a way to add custom analyzers while indexing? Like I want to use nGram tokenizer to analyze.

fadion commented 9 years ago

Tokenizers/analyzers are set on the index settings and that's out of scope for Bouncy. I could add such a functionality, but it would be a direct interface to the low level ElasticSearch client and wouldn't provide much of a value. You can build indexes with indeces()->create() and provide your own settings, including the tokenizer.

Bouncy exposes an Elastic facade for the low level client. Basically, you'd have something like below. I personally prefer to place such operations in an artisan command, so I have them handy whenever I need to rebuild an index.

$params['index'] = 'my_index';
$params['body']['settings']['analysis'] = [
  'analyzer' => [
    'myngram' => [
      'tokenizer' => 'myngramtokenizer'
  'tokenizer' => [
    // ...


As for applying the analyzer to a field, you can do that with Bouncy's mappings. They are set as simple model properties.

Let me know if I missed something.

apsdehal commented 9 years ago

Thanks a lot. It was really helpful.