fadion / Maneuver

Easily deploy Laravel projects via FTP or SFTP, using Git for versioning
MIT License
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Any way to pass a pem key to connect on Amazon EC2? #10

Closed tbergeron closed 9 years ago

tbergeron commented 9 years ago


I'd like to know if there's any way to pass a pem key to connect on Amazon EC2?

Suggestions are welcome.

Thanks and keep up the good work :+1:

tbergeron commented 9 years ago

Another quick question: any way of running tasks after a deploy? composer update for example?

fadion commented 9 years ago

I believe adding an identity file is doable. Give me a couple of days to check it out.

As for tasks, currently it's not possible.

fadion commented 9 years ago

Added the ability to pass options to Bridge, the library Maneuver uses for ssh/ftp transfers. You just define options like below:

'development' => [
  'scheme' => 'ftp',
  'host' => 'someserver',
  /* ... */
  'options' => [
    'pubkey' => 'pubkey_file'

The pubkey option expects a file location and you'll have to experiment with that. I haven't actually tried it with a real-world scenario. Hope it does the job for you.

tbergeron commented 9 years ago

Great! Thanks for the quick response, I'll go try it now :D