fadion / Maneuver

Easily deploy Laravel projects via FTP or SFTP, using Git for versioning
MIT License
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cURL backend error on l5 branch #15

Closed rigelk closed 8 years ago

rigelk commented 9 years ago


Not sure if I’m doing it wrong, but following the readme lead me to having the following error on php artisan deploy

+ --------------- § --------------- +
» Server: developmentUnable to check if file/folder exists using cURL backend. This functionality has not yet been implemented.

Is it due to a missing dep ? A misconfiguration ? Or is it simply that my site is unreachable ?

fadion commented 9 years ago

I'm using Bridge for the backends and it hasn't implemented cURL fully yet. Actually Maneuver it's supposed to be used with FTP or SFTP. Anyway, if you want, you can open an issue at Bridge requesting to fully implement cURL.

banago commented 9 years ago

@rigelk you need to install php_ssh2 extension and everything will work fine. cURL is meant to be a fallback when php_ssh2 is missing.

rigelk commented 9 years ago

@fadion do you mean Maneuver actually doesn’t support FTP and sFTP as advertised ? @banago i installed php_ssh2 yet still have the same error on a FTP scheme. php -m | grep ssh2 shows ssh2 activated and so does the phpinfo().

fadion commented 9 years ago

I meant just the opposite, that it supports FTP and sFTP. @banago is the creator of Bridge and will provide better help than me.

banago commented 9 years ago

@rigelk seems something is wrong on your system. FTP does not fall back to cURL as far as I can remember, only SFTP and SSH do. What system are you on?

rigelk commented 9 years ago

@banago i’m running on archlinux. I installed php-ssh2 through AUR via the php-ssh-git package. I then activated extension=ssh2.so and did a systemctl restart httpd to restart the php dæmon.

banago commented 9 years ago

@rigelk seems you are set. However, my last guess now would be you check extension=ssh2.so is set for both php.ini, webserver and CLI. At least in Ubuntu I had to update both of them. To test you really have php_ssh2 installed, please run this in a little file and see what you get:

    if(!function_exists('ssh2_connect')) {
        return false;

If you get false, you are not done with configuration yet.

rigelk commented 9 years ago

@banago i did a php -r 'echo function_exists("ssh2_connect") ? "ssh2 supported\n" : "ssh2 unsupported\n";'. Seems like the function exists.

banago commented 9 years ago

I don't have any clues. This is not an expected behavior if php_ssh2 is active and works well. Sorry I cannot help further.

rigelk commented 9 years ago

Thanks anyway ! I will try investigating further on the php_ssh2 side

fadion commented 9 years ago

@rigelk any update on this issue?