fadmaa / grefine-rdf-extension

An extension to Google Refine that enables graphical mapping of Google Refine project data to an RDF skeleton and then exporting it in RDF format
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Import vocabularies failure #16

Open luigiselmi opened 13 years ago

luigiselmi commented 13 years ago

Hi, the import of vocabularies doesn't work. All the vocabularies (rdf,rdfs,owl) that should come with the installation don't seem to have classes or properties. The same happens when adding a new prefix so when I try to edit the RDF skeleton I cannot use the "suggest" feature and cannot set any property. For example I tried to add the "foaf" prefix with the "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/" URL but it didn't work. The same resulted trying to re-import the rdf vocabulary (http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#). Maybe it depends on the proxy since my machine is behind a proxy server. It is set in my browser (Mozilla Firefox 3.5.3) and I know Google Refine can read it because it can connect to Freebase to reconcile the data in the spreadsheet with that on Freebase.


The OS is Linux Ubuntu 9

fadmaa commented 13 years ago

Hi Luigi,

thanks for reporting... honestly I kind of overlooked working from behind a proxy... I will have a deeper look into it and try to fix this into the next release (due in a week hopefully)

Thanks, Fadi

pmkoetsier commented 9 years ago

Hi Fadi,

While quite an old issue, I was wondering if you've looked into his issue?
