fadmaa / grefine-rdf-extension

An extension to Google Refine that enables graphical mapping of Google Refine project data to an RDF skeleton and then exporting it in RDF format
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Prefix not resolving in RDF when ID/NAME has period (eg: #aaaaaaa.bbbbbb) #98

Open NovasTaylor opened 10 years ago

NovasTaylor commented 10 years ago
I am creating RDF in OpenRefine using the DERI extension. I use a prefix "foo" to reference an external list of coded terms: @prefix foo: http://www.codesource.foo/sdtm-terminology# . I refer to this list using rdfs:seeAlso in order to tie my local codelist to the external source. An example value for my rdfs:seeAlso would be: http://www.codesource.foo/sdtm-terminology#C66731.C16576 I want my resulting RDF use of the prefix "foo", as in: my-code:sex-F a skos:Concept , sdmx:Concept , my-code:Sex ; rdfs:seeAlso foo:C66731.C16576 . I used OpenRefine to build the value as a "Constant Value" , "as a URI". My Constant Value is specified as: http://www.codesource.foo/sdtm-terminology#C66731.C16576 The period in the value C66731.C16576 causes my RDF to not use the prefix, instead giving me: crmd-code:sex-F a skos:Concept , sdmx:Concept , crmd-code:Sex ; rdfs:seeAlso http://rdf.cdisc.org/sdtm-terminology#C66731.C16576 . Is there a work-around so I can use the prefix? Is there a way to "escape" the period? If I remove the period the prefix resolves perfectly as: rdfs:seeAlso sdtmct:C66731C16576 . I have no control over the the "dot" terminology in my external reference. Why is "dot" not acceptable? The HTML spec shows periods are acceptable for ID and NAME tokens, unless I am missing something. http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/types.html#type-id Thank you for any advice you may be able to provide. Tim W.