fafhrd91 / actix-web-postmortem

Actix project postmortem
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Thank you for your service #4

Open cmars opened 4 years ago

cmars commented 4 years ago

I'm sad to see Actix go. I've tinkered with Rust and I'm a fan of the actor model, and while I never got to build anything substantial with actix, I always found the project interesting and wished it well. As an open source developer, I completely sympathize. There are too many opinions and freeloaders and not enough do-ers. Some thoughts:

I hope you continue to build great things, and ignore the peanut gallery.

BillBarnhill commented 4 years ago

Ditto. I've used Actix-web on projects before and found it to be great, and not cause problems. I understand your decision to step back from a maintainer role. I hope though that you'll let someone else step into that role, or open source the code again and mark it unmaintained.

wooleyra commented 4 years ago

I can't say that I know what it is like to moderate even a small open-source project, let alone one that is considered a "go-to" framework within a language. I am sorry to see this project go, but I do not blame anyone who has dedicated so much time and effort already to want to move on to other things. I try my best to be civil with all others I am collaborating with and not to assume that I know better, but this is a good reminder of how not doing so can be detriment to ourselves and the community at large.

Best wishes!

CptnKirk commented 4 years ago

As a Rust dabbler I loved this project and the whole Actix ecosystem. This ecosystem demonstrated to me that Rust could be used to write micro-service applications and that Rust wasn't just a systems programming language relegated to grep clones (although the ripgrep blogs on performance are amazing).

Other amazing web frameworks exist for Rust now, each with their own tradeoffs. But Actix was my first. It got me excited about Rust and the Rust ecosystem. Thank you for all your hard work. This situation is a shame.

davidroman0O commented 4 years ago


I was just playing with Actix and I was really enjoying it.

Thank you for all of your work! :)

paulcsmith commented 4 years ago

I'm also a maintainer of a few projects. It can be very hard. Thanks for the work you've done. I'm glad you're taking some time for yourself. ❤️

trev-dev commented 4 years ago

I don't even know what actix is, I just started learning Rust, and I'm sorry to see the entitled masses leaning into a project so hard that it falls down. Go well! I hope you find more happy projects.

ady624 commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your work. Really hoping you will reconsider, and reopen the project, while at least marking the project as unmaintained. I know what it's like to put in time for open-source and have people complain as if you have a big company behind you. So sorry to hear about this.

Be well

alexpana commented 4 years ago

I know it doesn't mean much, but thank you! You've done something very few people have (maintaining a large open source project used by quite a few people) and you did it with dignity and respect. That something to be proud of!

Exegetech commented 4 years ago

Actix-web is the only Rust framework I use and spent time learning on. Thank you for always answering my questions in the chat channel. Don't be sorry!

robo-corg commented 4 years ago

Just want to say thanks for making such a great framework. I first started using actix to build a weather station interface WeeWX. It has been running solid for many months now.

Pretty sure this also helped me land my first rust job where we also use actix-web.

Thanks for all the hard work you put in and sorry the rust community collectively did not treat you better.

nassor commented 4 years ago

Thank you so much for actix-web. The project was the reason for me to go and look again at the Rust language. And again, don't be sorry.

yingw787 commented 4 years ago

I don't know you or use Rust or do much open-source contributions. Take care of yourself mate, and keep your chin up :)

shirshak55 commented 4 years ago

Thanks Nikolay Kim for giving us wonderful web framework. I have used many framework and actix covers almost all the use case. And you have helped me countless time on glitter. Best of luck for future endeavors.

Noah-Kennedy commented 4 years ago

Actix-web was one of the first Rust web frameworks I ever used. Thank you for all that you have done. You did a lot to advance the community. I really admired the project and the work done on it.

It will be a shame to see this go, and I hope that you choose not to go the nuclear route, but you would certainly be in your rights to do so.

I'm sorry about what happened, and I think that this reflects poorly on the community. I maintain libraries myself, and I understand how challenging it often is, and I think that you in no way deserved to be treated as you were. Criticisms of source code are a necessary part of maintainership, but the extent of the dog pile here was ridiculous. Personal attacks were also involved, and those are always completely uncalled for, and I hope that this serves as a reflection for the community as a whole.

This isn't the community I've come to know and love, and I hope that the situation improves. I'm both sad and disappointed to see this happen.

I wish you the best in your future endeavors, and I hope that you are alright.

MaxBittker commented 4 years ago

"I believe software development is one of the most creative work we do, and creativity is part of why we love software development, why it is fun."

I felt touched reading your postmortem. I think we could be better colleagues to each other in the programming community if we acknowledged this truth. Thanks Nikolay and I hope that your enjoy your creative work in the future and look back on this project fondly

zmilan commented 4 years ago

Thank you for amazing work. I wish you everything the best and try to not take this too close to the heart.

oronsh commented 4 years ago

Thank you for everything, I've learnt so much from actix, from rust to concurrency. I've been working on a distributed chat app using actix and actix-web for the past 6 months and was planning to use it in the company I work for. It was a pleasure to work with actix, learn to code better and learn new concepts from it. Actix is an ambassador of the rust language and one of the pretty faces of the ecosystem.

HugoKempfer commented 4 years ago

I found this post-mortem while browsing the Actix doc with my friends. We are working on a long-term internship project with Actix. We've been closely following this project for two years, and it was a great journey! Through your work, I learned so many concepts and good practices. I was proud to demonstrate how strong the rust ecosystem is. This is a great loss for the community and our project, but I totally understand your exhaustion! Thanks for putting so many under-considered efforts in this community.

I regret not trying harder to positively contribute. You made things fun with Actix, you achieved this goal and gave me so much pleasure spending time with it. Have a great future!

ghost commented 4 years ago

I didn't want to belong to the silent masses who just read about stuff like this happening and do nothing. Keep your head up @fafhrd91.

Thank you for your code, time and effort. The open-source community isn't all bad, but I wish we were better to each other.

Be good to each other, people!

andy128k commented 4 years ago


namibj commented 4 years ago

I only found actix a bit over a week ago, and after seeing those performance numbers, I started wanting it so bad to be practical for an upcoming project I'd likely do almost all on my own. I wanted to use Rust in large part for integrating with timely-dataflow, as there's nothing comparable outside of Rust.

I'd definitely contribute the timely integration back to the community.

You are right, however: pushing the system to it's limits certainly showed me that it can and will be blazing fast, unless I do heavy computing before responding. This showed me that actix could deliver speeds that allow me to skip extensive prefetching and similar overhead, while delivering a very responsive (and thus nice) UI.

I wish you'd come to us earlier, to ask for help with shielding you from the madness of un(der)appreciative users. I work through a customer-facing intermediate for a good reason. Maybe it's not too late? Take a Vacation or such. Shed your anger; it does not belong with this awesome piece of technology. Consider putting it back, and just renaming the original Readme.md to push your (important) message with less destruction. It's counter to your good-spirited open source work.

robertorojasr commented 4 years ago

You held the Rust web framework ecosystem almost on your own for a long time and made a great job. Maybe is hard to see it right now but the legacy you left weren't those few complainers, but the thousands of us who enjoyed working with what you made, many of us learned Rust just after what Actix could make and not just us but the whole Rust ecosystem is richer and more mature because of your work.

I know that "community" must sound like a cursed word to you right now but I hope that those few are not all you take from us. Said that, as a community, we all failed, specially those of us that didn't talked loudly enough to silence those few. We failed to make the community healthy and to keep a great developer like you in here.

Change is not made with complains but with work and in our case code, the fact that all the code is available there is no reason to complain, you don't like it? fix it, fork it or shut up. You don't go to a house uninvited and start complaining feel grateful if you can ask for things, politely. Some of us should learn some manners.

If losing Actix is the price for our failure, so be it, I just hope we learned a lesson and this doesn't happen again.

Thanks for your work and good luck.

trev-dev commented 4 years ago

Change is not made with complains but with work and in our case code, the fact that all the code is available there is no reason to complain, you don't like it? fix it, fork it or shut up.

@robertorojasr I couldn't have put it better myself. FOSS project leaders owe the complainers nothing - if remembering this helps you pick up the project and ignore the haters, I'd encourage you to keep going.

sangechen commented 4 years ago

"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted."

I’m a fan of Rust, still learning. I sincerely hope this great project & ecosystem will come back! let’s make the great work COUNTS!

DarkThrone commented 4 years ago

It's not often that you feel inspired to do something, that you take time to share with others. I'm using Rust for system development, and every once in a while I skim through Rust web frameworks. I stumbled upon actix-web, so I did what most do at first, jumped into the docs.

Reading through them I could instantly felt how much their mainteinres care for the project. It is contagious, so much that I clone the docs and contributed some fixes! I don't usually contribute to FOSS, perhaps I'm too lazy or I just don't feel I'd be welcome. But the actix ecosystem made me want to contribute and help.

@fafhrd91 I'm really sorry you had to endure the negativity and harassment of a group of people, no one under any circumstances should be subjected to that kind of treatment. I hope you can take the time you need to heal yourself and find the energy to jump back to what makes you happy.

I'd like to leave you with a thought. There might be detractors and people that might not share your views, but for each one of them there are plenty more that that enjoy and learn from your work. I'm one of them, and wanted to say thank you for your time and sharing actix with the world.

Good luck!

jjpe commented 4 years ago

@fafhrd91 I would like to thank you for working on Actix. Regardless of what the haters say, it is a marvelous system that I will still use to build async web servers with. And that is only possible because of your work.

There's a lesson I learned long ago: never listen to the haters, because 1. They typically don't have skin in the game and 2. You can't let yourself be limited by people like that.

I really wish you well in your future endeavors :)

h4tr3d commented 4 years ago

Most people's can only consume goodies. And produce only shit. It is reality of the world. Tolerance is a mother of this problem. Be intolerant to stupid people and just do great products.

zhimoe commented 4 years ago

thank you for your hard work and great ideas behind actix code, I learned a lot.

demisstif commented 4 years ago

I'm learning rust and actix-web, I don't know much, but i think actix is ​​awsome。Thank you

zzy commented 4 years ago

As a Chinese saying goes, "A mountain is formed by accumulation of earth and an ocean is formed by accumulation of water." Thank you, @fafhrd91 . You've done so much for Actix in the past three years.

Tipuch commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your project.

Pepeye commented 4 years ago

@fafhrd91 Don't listen to the BS from the supposedly most friendly community ever [Rust]. I review many frameworks and Actix is head and shoulders above anything else I've seen in the rust community including tide which is being built by supposed community expert, numerous contributors and for months it's still not ready for production. Many people have used Actix in production with spectacular results. I wouldn't listen to the comments of several haters. If they weren't haters, they would roll up their sleeves and contribute to making it even better. Personally I don't want to see the framework go but do what's best for your own mental state.

Even if it's one person that loves and uses the project... you've succeeded. Change starts with impacting one life and I believe open source is the same. There are several advocates of Actix here and we'll continue to defend it. Don't be disheartened and discouraged, you can't save everyone but you can impact, influence, encourage and support many as you've done. Keep going, don't look back... I guarantee you, as I have, many will continue to fall in love with Actix, your work and effort. That's the reward and not the voice of a bunch of irritable critics that have not and probably cannot do better.

staninprague commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your work! Working with actix-web was a great learning exercise. Over the last year I've noticed a few attacks towards your project and I guess your reaction now is just fair. You've done a lot, async/await work for 2.0 was just amazing. Time to start learning Go for me and re-writing Rust parts to Go. If there are no news on your work being bought by Mozilla alike in the next few days I guess I'll look no more at Rust. Was a good learning exercise and now a good lesson to learn from!

gmg137 commented 4 years ago

actix-web 是一个了不起的项目,甚至可能成为 Rust 的标杆,看到今天的结局实在是令人伤感。开源项目的维护从来都是不易的,你不可能讨好所有人,像 Linus 那样,做自己认为正确开心的事。

Supporters from China.

Ryan-Git commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your work!

I'm using actix-web 0.7 in my first rust web project , upgraded to 1.0 soon for its great refactor on simplified api surface. It's blazing fast and stable. Recent work on migration to async await is awesome too.

kekcheburec commented 4 years ago

Спасибо за великолепный фреймворк (скорее почти веб сервер). После появления 2.х я только и используют его. Это тот инструмент которым приятно пользоваться (у rocket много штукатурки, и он не всегда удобен)
А насчет небезопасного кода и прочего, а как же без него? Операционные системы, производительный софт и прочее используют небезопасные хаки, ведь Rust это инструмент, а не серебряная пуля. Спасибо!

Nicolab commented 4 years ago

The higher you go, the more passion you generate.

Actix is "THE" framework that attracts me to Rust. If there is no more Actix, now my API servers in Crystal and Rust in FFI to use some modules and for those things where Rust might be fun.

As said above, you don't owe anyone anything and you're not responsible for the world. Thanks for your great work and good luck!