fafhrd91 / pyramid_sockjs

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multiplexing channels #29

Open espretto opened 9 years ago

espretto commented 9 years ago

are you planning to implement channels to which one can un-/subscribe similar to "rooms"? or is it that setting up multiple sockjs-routes will do just that? i need some way to namespace sessions in order to filter them prior to broadcasting messages. if i were to fork/pr pyramid_sockjs where would i start to implement this?

fafhrd91 commented 9 years ago

sockjs is just transport layer, it does not implement concept of rooms and subscriptions (at least it was like that when i developed pyramid_sockjs) so rooms and subscriptions are application level logic, i don't think you need to modify pyramid_sockjs to implement that logic. i'm not planing to do any development on pyramid_sockjs, but i'm happy to give anyone access to repo.