fahlisaputra / laravel-minify

Minify your blade views, html, css and obfuscate js files on the fly. Lightweight minifier for your Laravel project.
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All attributes starting with"@" are removed after minification. #12

Closed SaeedHeydari closed 7 months ago

SaeedHeydari commented 7 months ago

The following Alipine code: <button @click="alert('test')">Test</button>

After minification becomes: <button>Test</button> This applies to all attributes starting with @

We have to use its equivalent to be able to have it: <button x-on:click="alert('test')">Test</button>

"@" is shortened version of "x-on"

fahlisaputra commented 7 months ago

Hi @SaeedHeydari, thank you for reporting the issue.

The problem is from this code.

protected function loadDom(string $html, bool $force = false)

    static::$dom = new DOMDocument();
    @static::$dom->loadHTML($html, LIBXML_HTML_NODEFDTD | LIBXML_SCHEMA_CREATE);

Method loadHTML from class DOMDocument automatically clear unnecessary characters. See: https://www.php.net/manual/en/domdocument.loadhtml.php. There is no option for this case.

I took the approach to replace the directives '@' with x-on. But, this solution may break on another JS framework. So, I added new config that devs can change what characters to change.

Please update your laravel-minify dependency to 1.1.3, run: composer update fahlisaputra/laravel-minify

After that, please add this line at the bottom in file config/minify.php

  | Custom Directives Replacement
  | Here you can specify the directives that you want to replace. For example,
  | you can replace the @ symbol with x-on: for AlpineJS with '@' => 'x-on:'.
  | Minify use preg_replace to replace the directives.

  'directives' => [
      "@" => "x-on:",


And clear the config cache, run: php artisan optimize

If you encounter any issue, please report it to me. Thanks!

SaeedHeydari commented 7 months ago

Thank you @fahlisaputra But in code below: image You have used @preg_match required a valid regex. but in config the '@' has been used. so it doesn't work.

I changed the above code and it works. I think you should change code to this: image

Also there is a mistake in the README line below: "You can replace it by adding @ => x-click: to the directives array. For example:" This is correct: "You can replace it by adding @ => x-on: to the directives array. For example:"

SaeedHeydari commented 7 months ago

I see another problem: The Vite use scripts like this in the development <script type="module" src="http://%5B::1%5D:5173/@vite/client"></script> That contains @vite! so it becomes: x-on:vite and throws error.

I solved it by adding new config as: "keep_directives" => [ '@vite' ],

and code below in Minifier:

       $keepDirectivesKeys = config('minify.keep_directives', []);

        // make $keepDirectives array: keys = keep_directives values, values = '____'. uniqid(). '____'
        foreach ($keepDirectivesKeys as $key) {
            $keepDirectives[$key] = '____'. uniqid(). '____';

        // replace directive must be kept with unique strings
        foreach ($keepDirectives as $search => $replace) {
            $html = str_replace($search, $replace, $html);

        // replace custom directives, issue #12
        $directives = config('minify.directives', []);
        foreach ($directives as $search => $replace) {
            $html = str_replace($search, $replace, $html);

        // replace unique strings with directives must be kept
        foreach ($keepDirectives as $replace => $search) {
            $html = str_replace($search, $replace, $html);

At first I replaced all words in keep_directives array to a unique names, then replaced all '@' directives to 'x-on:' then replaced unique names with original keep_directives values. by this way words like @vite will be kept.

This was my solution, maybe you have a better solution.

fahlisaputra commented 7 months ago

Have you tested it? When I try to use str_replace directly, it causes the page layout to change.

Before: image

After: image

or maybe we may add new config that devs can choose to use str_replace or preg_replace?

fahlisaputra commented 7 months ago

Sorry, in the previous commit it turns out I made a mistake when testing this feature. Fixed soon!

fahlisaputra commented 7 months ago

Hi, I added new function to process the custom directives

protected function replaceDirectives($html) : string {
    if (!config('minify.enable_directive_replacement', false)) {
        return $html;

    // split the html into head and body
    $body = explode('<body', $html);

    // mask the directive that want to keep, solution by @SaeedHeydari #12
    $keepDirectivesKeys = config('minify.keep_directives', []);
    $keepDirectives = [];
    foreach ($keepDirectivesKeys as $key) {
        $keepDirectives[$key] = '____'. uniqid(). '____';
        $body[1] = str_replace($key, $keepDirectives[$key], $body[1]);

    // replace custom directives, issue #12
    $directives = config('minify.directives', []);
    foreach ($directives as $search => $replace) {
        $body[1] = str_replace($search, $replace, $body[1]);

    // unmask the directive that want to keep
    foreach ($keepDirectives as $replace => $search) {
        $body[1] = str_replace($search, $replace, $body[1]);

    // rejoin the html
    $html = $body[0]. '<body'. $body[1];

    return $html;

I was forced to break the html into two parts so as not to affect anything in the <head> section. This version runs fine on my local laptop. I will merge this version tomorrow.