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Use OSM for municipality outlines/borders #3

Open daveol opened 8 years ago

daveol commented 8 years ago

I already extracted a list with OSM relation id's for Dutch municipalities. The relation is an administrative boundary with admin_level 8 (here is the relation for the municipality "Bladel" for example)

I'm not sure we can use these relations with a client side api since the one I used (overpass), was kind of slow. (you can play with it here)

m-zart commented 8 years ago

Does the map have to be dynamic / draggable? If a static map is generated server-side it is irrelevant how slow/fast the API is. I don't see what a draggable map adds to the user experience. (by the way, that API is great, spend last hours launching queries)

m-zart commented 8 years ago <- Sweet