fair-research / minid

Minimal Viable Identifier
Apache License 2.0
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Correct minid client_id? #82

Open peterg1t opened 1 month ago

peterg1t commented 1 month ago

Hi all, This is probably more of a question than an issue and my apologies if this is not the best forum for this question. I'm trying to deploy a minid server to mint my own minids however when using the client despite login in successfully I'm encountering the following error.

(env) [pemartin@minid-test-server minid]$ minid register --test README.rst
ConnectionError on request

This is the initial section of the client modified to accommodate our server

class MinidClient(object):
    CLIENT_ID = 'ceeb17b9-36fc-4938-b80c-869c1ab973d6'
    SCOPES = ('https://auth.globus.org/scopes/b72b4bd9-7314-4739-8420-9d4d359107f4/'
              'writer', 'openid', 'profile')
    CONFIG = os.path.expanduser('~/.minid/minid-config.cfg')

    NAME = 'Minid Client'
    # The namespaces within the identifiers.fair-research.org service

    # Common prefixes associated with MINID
    PREFIXES = {
        'minid': 'minid:',
        'hdl': 'hdl:20.500.12582/',
        'ark': 'ark:/57799/',
        'minid': 'minid.test:',
        'hdl': 'hdl:20.500.12633/',
        'ark': 'ark:/99999/',

    def __init__(self, authorizer=None, app_name=None, native_client=None,

I guess one of my questions is does the client_id and the id in the scopes section need to match and belong to the same globus app? Is there any additional configuration that needs to be done to the client to connect to our server. We have checked that our server is up and available. image

I'm no sure where this error might be coming from and if you could point me in the right direction we will very much appreciate it. Thank you very much for your help.

Best regards, Pedro

peterg1t commented 1 month ago

I'm so sorry. I have found that I had the wrong landing page. After correcting the landing page I get the following error. ('POST', 'http://minid.rcs.ucalgary.ca:5000/namespace/minid-test/identifier?namespace=minid-test', 'Bearer', 405, 'Error', 'METHOD NOT ALLOWED')