For some combinations of k, p, alpha (for instance, k=10, p=0.1, alpha=0.05), the FA*IR test is always passed without the need of re-ranking.
Such a case can be detected by the AlphaAdjustment routine, which could throw a RerankingNotNeededException or somehow communicate that re-ranking will not be needed.
The output ranking should, if possible, include a variable saying that re-ranking was not done because it was not necessary.
For some combinations of k, p, alpha (for instance, k=10, p=0.1, alpha=0.05), the FA*IR test is always passed without the need of re-ranking.
Such a case can be detected by the AlphaAdjustment routine, which could throw a RerankingNotNeededException or somehow communicate that re-ranking will not be needed.
The output ranking should, if possible, include a variable saying that re-ranking was not done because it was not necessary.