fairDataSociety / WAM

WAM - We Are Millions - A Fair Data Society hackathon
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Inspiring art published on Swarm decentralized storage #9

Closed crtahlin closed 1 year ago

crtahlin commented 2 years ago

Prize Bounty

3 winners of 261 BZZ each

Challenge Description

Decentralized storage has many properties different to classical ways of publishing. In case of Swarm, certain levels of redundancy are guaranteed by its very design, as well as censorship resistant properties that stem from the fact that data is spread between peers and not in a central location.

Art can take many different forms, depending what mirrors the current stat of the society best.

This challenge is about posting art to Swarm decentralized storage. This can be an image, song, video ... The art should reflect the state of the relevant issues in the world, society or even technology and inspire thoughts.

Submission Requirements

Submission deadline

19th March 2022, 24:00 UTC

Judging Criteria

Winner Announcement Date

Winner(s) will be announced on 21st March 2022.

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work for 783.0 BZZ (970.92 USD @ $1.24/BZZ) has been submitted by:

  1. @shepherliu
  2. @chenraz
  3. @0xbeedao
  4. @sacshin
  5. @admin-x-code
  6. @eugenesan1
  7. @zxx9
  8. @parpika
  9. @en0c-026
  10. @k1s0
  11. @async-dime
  12. @ray-blue
  13. @m1elnikofff
  14. @gmiezitis
  15. @isharif
  16. @d0nc0de
  17. @loutre166

@fairdatasociety-github please take a look at the submitted work:

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work has been started.

These users each claimed they can complete the work by 36 minutes from now. Please review their action plans below:

1) 0xbeedao has started work.

This image entered into the “We are Millions Hackathon” was created with assistance by a matrix AI function that I wrote over a few months last summer. This was my first real success collaborating with AI techniques by first starting with a rough drawing. I then generated a large matrix of options, and rendered hundreds of variations over a few days.

After selecting my favorites, I further edited and embellished, resulting in the final image here, selected for entry for the “Inspiring Art” bounty.

It's inspiring to me, and hopefully to others by being an example of creating something unique that couldn't have been done by my illustration skill alone. 2) payjoe93 has started work.

Will Create Design/Art for Swarm 3) bismarckuxui has started work.

Inspiring Art Published On Swarm Decentralized Storage 4) d0nc0de has started work.

Uploading a unique art created by me 5) admin-x-code has started work.

I will create an art 6) en0c-026 has started work.

An art image stored in Swarm decentralized storage. 7) async-dime has started work.

What would outer space be like if it consisted of giant organic organisms? This artwork is based on that premise. Created with artificial intelligence and a little help from graphics software, 10 images are chosen from hundreds of outputs from artificial intelligence and deployed individually on Swarm Decentralized Storage. The exploration of bright but vivid colors takes us into the vast but not always dark outer space. The possibilities of a life in the universe are so vast, it's only because of our current limitations that we can't see it yet. 8) avpoolsspb has started work.

My job 9) dimapuh has started work.

Ìt all starts small 10) lisiteya has started work.

The world in simple 11) ray-blue has started work.

I will be creating an art piece depicting freedom 12) m1elnikofff has started work.

Art my 13) eugenesan1 has started work.

my contribution to the project 14) zxx9 has started work.

how i see the project 15) parpika has started work.

part of my contributions to the project 🙂 16) gmiezitis has started work.

I will make artwork and list it in swarm storage 17) linux369 has started work.

Creating art for WAM 18) isharif has started work.

An inspirational poster, and an accompanying informal semi-pledge to carry on the work and legacy of Aaron Swartz. Someone who has been an inspiration and role model for the creator growing up. The spirit and substance of Aaron's work and his ideas align very well with fds principles. 19) loutre166 has started work.

The idea is to make a Artwork based on the swarm logo, illustrating the swarm storage system.

Learn more on the Gitcoin Issue Details page.

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

The funding of 783.0 BZZ (422.60 USD @ $0.54/BZZ) attached to this issue has been approved & issued to @loutre166.