fairbird / RaedQuickSignal

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Added bitrate support to plugin #20

Closed zukon closed 1 year ago

zukon commented 1 year ago

Maybe not pretty but working bitrate

fairbird commented 1 year ago

@zukon Thank you for this cods but already my plugin supporting bitrate and works on py2 & py3 ... But the bitrate not active on all plugin skins just the full screen skin ... look this skin bitrate active and works https://github.com/fairbird/RaedQuickSignal/blob/main/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/RaedQuickSignal/screens/skinFHD.py#L5273-L5275 . 1

And the currently codes it is general codes for all image DreamOS or open source without using python six already I have drop it from py2 images .. only for weather and only for py3 ..