fairdataihub / analytics

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Dependency Dashboard #3

Open renovate[bot] opened 1 year ago

renovate[bot] commented 1 year ago

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.

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Detected dependencies

package.json - `@emotion/react 11.11.1` - `@emotion/server 11.11.0` - `@iconify/react 4.1.1` - `@mantine/carousel 6.0.21` - `@mantine/core 6.0.21` - `@mantine/dates 6.0.21` - `@mantine/dropzone 6.0.21` - `@mantine/form 6.0.21` - `@mantine/hooks 6.0.21` - `@mantine/modals 6.0.21` - `@mantine/next 6.0.21` - `@mantine/notifications 6.0.21` - `@mantine/nprogress 6.0.21` - `@mantine/prism 6.0.21` - `@mantine/rte 5.10.5` - `@mantine/spotlight 6.0.21` - `@radix-ui/react-icons ^1.3.0` - `@radix-ui/react-slot ^1.0.2` - `class-variance-authority ^0.7.0` - `clsx ^2.0.0` - `cors 2.8.5` - `dayjs 1.11.10` - `embla-carousel-react 7.1.0` - `is-localhost-ip ^2.0.0` - `jose ^4.14.4` - `lucide-react ^0.292.0` - `mongo-sanitize 1.1.0` - `mongodb 6.2.0` - `next ^14.0.0` - `next-auth 4.24.4` - `nextjs-cors 2.1.2` - `react 18.2.0` - `react-dom 18.2.0` - `request-ip 3.3.0` - `tailwind-merge ^1.14.0` - `tailwindcss-animate ^1.0.7` - `uuid 9.0.1` - `validator 13.11.0` - `zod ^3.21.4` - `@types/cors 2.8.15` - `@types/mongo-sanitize 1.0.3` - `@types/node 20.9.0` - `@types/react 18.2.36` - `@types/request-ip 0.0.40` - `@types/uuid 9.0.6` - `@types/validator 13.11.5` - `@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin ^6.0.0` - `@typescript-eslint/parser ^6.0.0` - `autoprefixer 10.4.16` - `eslint ^8.43.0` - `eslint-config-next ^14.0.0` - `eslint-config-prettier ^9.0.0` - `eslint-import-resolver-typescript ^3.5.5` - `eslint-plugin-prettier ^5.0.0` - `eslint-plugin-simple-import-sort ^10.0.0` - `eslint-plugin-unused-imports ^3.0.0` - `postcss 8.4.31` - `prettier ^3.0.0` - `prettier-plugin-tailwindcss ^0.5.0` - `tailwindcss 3.3.5` - `typescript 5.2.2`

fairdataihub-bot[bot] commented 1 year ago

Hello! Thank you for opening this issue. Your input is valuable and helps improve the project. Can you please provide a detailed description of the problem you're encountering? Any additional information such as steps to reproduce the issue would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!