fairecasoimeme / ZiGate

Zigate is an Universal Zigbee Gateway
171 stars 59 forks source link

Konke ne s'associe pas #256

Closed sifus closed 4 years ago

sifus commented 4 years ago


j'ai deux capteurs de mouvement Konke et sur Jeedom avec le plugin Zigate la procédure d'association ne marche pas.

En mode écoute et 10 secondes sur le bouton., mais rien.

Zigate 3.1a Jeedom 3.3.35

pipiche38 commented 4 years ago

Bonsoir, voir avec les développeurs du plugin jeedom, car cela fonctionne coté Domotciz, mais le plugin a du etre adapté.

sifus commented 4 years ago

Et du coup c'est qui le développeur Jeedom ?

doudz commented 4 years ago

@sifus c'est moi, pour tout problème il faudrait ouvrir un ticket ici https://github.com/Jeedom-Zigate/jeedom-plugin-zigate/issues

doudz commented 4 years ago

@pipiche38 quel genre d'adaptation ? ce n'est pas une association classique ?

pipiche38 commented 4 years ago

Le Motion Sensor Konke utilise le cluster IAS, il faut donc faire l'enrollment de la Zigate dans le Sensor lors de l'appairage. Le statut arrive via 0x8401

Il ne faut pas faire de bind du cluster 0x0500 ni de configurereporting

doudz commented 4 years ago

@pipiche38 merci donc si je comprend bien si on ne fait pas l'enrollment le sensor est bien appairé mais le statut ne remonte pas c'est ça ?

@sifus merci de confirmer si le problème concerne l'association ou la remontée d'information lors de la détection

pipiche38 commented 4 years ago

@pipiche38 merci donc si je comprend bien si on ne fait pas l'enrollment le sensor est bien appairé mais le statut ne remonte pas c'est ça ?

Oui je pense

pipiche38 commented 4 years ago

et ma compréhension est que c'est valble pour chaque device IAS respectant la norme.

doudz commented 4 years ago

Merci @pipiche38

sifus commented 4 years ago

Probleme d'association, je n'arrive pas à faire apparaitre le module dans Jeedom.

doudz commented 4 years ago

Il faudrait relancer le démon en mode debug, retenter de faire l'association et m'envoyer le log

sifus commented 4 years ago

Ok je te fais ça...

...et d’ailleurs je viens de voir que j'ai souvent un problème de "retry connextion". Dois-je changer le module USB (j'ai le bleu actuellement) ? @fairecasoimeme

Capture d’écran 2019-11-04 à 13 23 10
sifus commented 4 years ago

En relançant le demon j'ai comme d'habitude tout mes capteurs qui demandent un rafraichissement, ce que je ne fait jamais car je comprend pas comment faire donc j’attends en général que les premières valeurs arrivent toutes seules... (en cliquant sur le bouton rafraichir j'ai jamais l'impression que ça fait quelques chose...)

Capture d’écran 2019-11-04 à 13 29 26
doudz commented 4 years ago

Ok je te fais ça...

...et d’ailleurs je viens de voir que j'ai souvent un problème de "retry connextion". Dois-je changer le module USB (j'ai le bleu actuellement) ?

Capture d’écran 2019-11-04 à 13 23 10

est-ce que le réglage du port est sur auto ?

doudz commented 4 years ago

merci Effectivement il ne se passe rien, je ne vois pas de "Device Announce" Pour le moment le plugin Jeedom est donc hors de cause

Si vous avez bien respecté la procédure https://zigate.fr/produits-konke-compatibles-zigate/compatible/konketempsensor/ il faudrait voir avec @fairecasoimeme c'est peut-être un souci de compatibilité avec un modèle en particulier ou un canal ou autre...

sifus commented 4 years ago

Non je le force en sélectionnant "Prolific..." sinon souvent il se remet sur le port de ma clé enocean (UBS FTDI) et du coup tous mes modules passent en inconnu.

D’ailleurs au début je pensais que c’était un bug avant que je découvre que c’était repassé sur un autre port après un redémarrage ou une coupure de courant.

doudz commented 4 years ago

Non je le force en sélectionnant "Prolific..." sinon souvent il se remet sur le port de ma clé enocean (UBS FTDI) et du coup tous mes modules passent en inconnu.

D’ailleurs au début je pensais que c’était un bug avant que je découvre que c’était repassé sur un autre port après un redémarrage ou une coupure de courant.

Le changement de port est vraiment un problème, surtout quand on a plusieurs clés similaire. Comment est reconnu la clé enocean ? (un petit screenshot)

sifus commented 4 years ago

c'est peut-être un souci de compatibilité avec un modèle en particulier ou un canal ou autre...

Un gars sur un autre topic dit qu'il a réussi à faire l'association de ces modules (Konke).

Pour la clé enocean, ce screenshot ?

Capture d’écran 2019-11-04 à 13 46 28
pipiche38 commented 4 years ago

Konke --> Canal 15,20, 25 https://github.com/pipiche38/Domoticz-Zigate-Wiki/blob/master/en-eng/Compatible-Devices.md#konke

doudz commented 4 years ago

c'est peut-être un souci de compatibilité avec un modèle en particulier ou un canal ou autre...

Un gars sur un autre topic dit qu'il a réussi à faire l'association de ces modules (Konke).

Pour la clé enocean, ce screenshot ?

Capture d’écran 2019-11-04 à 13 46 28

merci, je voulais simplement voir comment était reconnu la clé car je projette de modifier le mode auto pour la zigate

sifus commented 4 years ago

Il faudrait relancer le démon en mode debug, retenter de faire l'association et m'envoyer le log

Voila mes log Zigate Debug (association a la fin)

[2019-11-04 12:29:03][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-2) : Check Need discovery LUMI lumi.sensor_ht (2e7c) 00158d0002f354d7
[2019-11-04 12:29:03][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-2) : Check Need discovery Device  (096c) 00158d0003269677
[2019-11-04 12:29:03][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-2) : REQUEST : 0x0100 b'\x02    l\x01\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x04\x00\x05'
[2019-11-04 12:29:03][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-2) : Msg to send b'010000107502096c01010000000000000200040005'
[2019-11-04 12:29:03][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-2) : Encoded Msg to send b'010211021002101075021202196c021102110210021002100210021002100212021002140210021503'
[2019-11-04 12:29:03][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-2) : Waiting for status message for command 0x0100
[2019-11-04 12:29:03][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Listen) : Raw packet received, b'\x01\x80\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x15\x86\x02\x10\x02\x12\x02\x11\x02\x10\x02\x10\x03\x01\x87\x02\x12\x02\x10\x02\x18\xe1\xd4\x02\x11\x02\x11\x02\x12\x02\x19l\xa9v\x03'
[2019-11-04 12:29:03][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Event Loop) : Dispatch ZIGATE_PACKET_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:29:03][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Received response 0x8000: b'00020100'
[2019-11-04 12:29:03][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Event Loop) : Dispatch ZIGATE_PACKET_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:29:03][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8000 - Status response : status:0, sequence:2, packet_type:256, error:b'', lqi:0
[2019-11-04 12:29:03][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Received response 0x8702: b'd4010102096ca9'
[2019-11-04 12:29:03][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:29:03][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8702 - APS Data Confirm Fail : status:212, source_endpoint:1, dst_endpoint:1, dst_address_mode:2, dst_address:096c, sequence:169, lqi:118
[2019-11-04 12:29:03][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-2) : STATUS code to command 0x0100:RESPONSE 0x8000 - Status response : status:0, sequence:2, packet_type:256, error:b'', lqi:0
[2019-11-04 12:29:03][ERROR][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8702 - APS Data Confirm Fail : status:212, source_endpoint:1, dst_endpoint:1, dst_address_mode:2, dst_address:096c, sequence:169, lqi:118
[2019-11-04 12:29:03][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:29:03][DEBUG][root](Thread-1) : Send to jeedom :  {'action': 'ZIGATE_DEVICE_NEED_DISCOVERY', 'device': Device  (a79a) 00158d0002e272b7}
[2019-11-04 12:29:03][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool](Thread-1) : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2019-11-04 13:29:03][DEBUG] : Array (     [action] => ZIGATE_DEVICE_NEED_DISCOVERY     [device] => Array         (             [info] => Array                 (                     [id] => 4                     [mac_capability] => 10000000                     [last_seen] => 2019-11-01 17:39:07                     [ieee] => 00158d0002e272b7                     [addr] => a79a                     [lqi] => 66                     [power_type] => 0                 )              [generictype] =>              [discovery] =>              [addr] => a79a             [endpoints] => Array                 (                     [0] => Array                         (                             [profile] => 0                             [out_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [clusters] => Array                                 (                                     [0] => Array                                         (                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [data] => 100021c70b21a843240100000000217200205d                                                             [attribute] => 65282                                                             [value] => 3.015                                                             [name] => battery_voltage                                                             [type] => float                                                             [unit] => V                                                         )                                                  )                                              [cluster] => 0                                         )                                      [1] => Array                                         (                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [value] =>                                                              [name] => onoff                                                             [type] => bool                                                             [data] =>                                                              [attribute] => 0                                                         )                                                  )                                              [cluster] => 6                                         )                                  )                              [in_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [device] => 0                             [endpoint] => 1                         )                  )          )  )
[2019-11-04 12:29:03][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool](Thread-1) : "POST /plugins/zigate/core/php/jeeZiGate.php?apikey=32BcmHiJsJauMTnK3KbMeRnkSy97sxge HTTP/1.1" 200 16
[2019-11-04 12:29:03][DEBUG][root](Thread-1) : Jeedom reply :  {'success': True}
[2019-11-04 12:29:04][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Listen) : Raw packet received, b'\x01\x87\x02'
[2019-11-04 12:29:04][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Listen) : Raw packet received, b'\x12\x02\x10\x02\x18\x9e\xf0\x02\x11\x02\x11\x02\x12\x02\x1bM\xa7\x02\x10\x03'
[2019-11-04 12:29:04][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Event Loop) : Dispatch ZIGATE_PACKET_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:29:04][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Received response 0x8702: b'f00101020b4da7'
[2019-11-04 12:29:04][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8702 - APS Data Confirm Fail : status:240, source_endpoint:1, dst_endpoint:1, dst_address_mode:2, dst_address:0b4d, sequence:167, lqi:0
[2019-11-04 12:29:04][ERROR][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8702 - APS Data Confirm Fail : status:240, source_endpoint:1, dst_endpoint:1, dst_address_mode:2, dst_address:0b4d, sequence:167, lqi:0
[2019-11-04 12:29:04][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:29:06][WARNING][zigate](Thread-2) : No response waiting for type
[2019-11-04 12:29:06][WARNING][zigate](Thread-2) : No type (modelIdentifier) for device 096c
[2019-11-04 12:29:06][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-2) : Need discovery : no type
[2019-11-04 12:29:06][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-2) : Dispatch ZIGATE_DEVICE_NEED_DISCOVERY
[2019-11-04 12:29:06][DEBUG][root](Thread-2) : External command ZIGATE_DEVICE_NEED_DISCOVERY : {'device': Device  (096c) 00158d0003269677, 'zigate': <zigate.core.ZiGate object at 0x75db0af0>}
[2019-11-04 12:29:06][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-2) : Check Need discovery LUMI lumi.sensor_wleak.aq1 (18e5) 00158d0002774d80
[2019-11-04 12:29:06][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-2) : Check Need discovery LUMI lumi.sensor_magnet (2b96) 00158d0002a12c00
[2019-11-04 12:29:06][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-2) : Check Need discovery Device  (43d7) 00158d0002e31877
[2019-11-04 12:29:06][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-2) : REQUEST : 0x0100 b'\x02C\xd7\x01\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x04\x00\x05'
[2019-11-04 12:29:06][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-2) : Msg to send b'01000010840243d701010000000000000200040005'
[2019-11-04 12:29:06][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-2) : Encoded Msg to send b'010211021002101084021243d7021102110210021002100210021002100212021002140210021503'
[2019-11-04 12:29:06][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-2) : Waiting for status message for command 0x0100
[2019-11-04 12:29:06][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Listen) : Raw packet received, b'\x01\x80\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x15\x87\x02\x10\x02\x13\x02\x11\x02\x10\x02\x10\x03'
[2019-11-04 12:29:06][DEBUG][root](Thread-1) : Send to jeedom :  {'action': 'ZIGATE_DEVICE_NEED_DISCOVERY', 'device': Device  (096c) 00158d0003269677}
[2019-11-04 12:29:06][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool](Thread-1) : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2019-11-04 13:29:06][DEBUG] : Array (     [action] => ZIGATE_DEVICE_NEED_DISCOVERY     [device] => Array         (             [info] => Array                 (                     [id] => 13                     [mac_capability] =>                      [last_seen] => 2019-08-24 10:27:24                     [ieee] => 00158d0003269677                     [addr] => 096c                     [lqi] => 24                     [power_type] => 0                 )              [generictype] =>              [discovery] =>              [addr] => 096c             [endpoints] => Array                 (                     [0] => Array                         (                             [profile] => 0                             [out_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [clusters] => Array                                 (                                     [0] => Array                                         (                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [data] => 100121f60b21a843240600050000216309205a                                                             [attribute] => 65282                                                             [value] => 3.062                                                             [name] => battery_voltage                                                             [type] => float                                                             [unit] => V                                                         )                                                  )                                              [cluster] => 0                                         )                                      [1] => Array                                         (                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [value] =>                                                              [name] => onoff                                                             [type] => bool                                                             [data] =>                                                              [attribute] => 0                                                         )                                                  )                                              [cluster] => 6                                         )                                  )                              [in_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [device] => 0                             [endpoint] => 1                         )                  )          )  )
[2019-11-04 12:29:06][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Event Loop) : Dispatch ZIGATE_PACKET_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:29:06][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Received response 0x8000: b'00030100'
[2019-11-04 12:29:06][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8000 - Status response : status:0, sequence:3, packet_type:256, error:b'', lqi:0
[2019-11-04 12:29:06][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:29:06][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-2) : STATUS code to command 0x0100:RESPONSE 0x8000 - Status response : status:0, sequence:3, packet_type:256, error:b'', lqi:0
[2019-11-04 12:29:06][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool](Thread-1) : "POST /plugins/zigate/core/php/jeeZiGate.php?apikey=32BcmHiJsJauMTnK3KbMeRnkSy97sxge HTTP/1.1" 200 16
[2019-11-04 12:29:06][DEBUG][root](Thread-1) : Jeedom reply :  {'success': True}
[2019-11-04 12:29:09][WARNING][zigate](Thread-2) : No response waiting for type
[2019-11-04 12:29:09][WARNING][zigate](Thread-2) : No type (modelIdentifier) for device 43d7
[2019-11-04 12:29:09][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-2) : Need discovery : no type
[2019-11-04 12:29:09][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-2) : Dispatch ZIGATE_DEVICE_NEED_DISCOVERY
[2019-11-04 12:29:09][DEBUG][root](Thread-2) : External command ZIGATE_DEVICE_NEED_DISCOVERY : {'device': Device  (43d7) 00158d0002e31877, 'zigate': <zigate.core.ZiGate object at 0x75db0af0>}
[2019-11-04 12:29:09][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-2) : Check Need discovery Device  (2229) 00158d0002e2dd52
[2019-11-04 12:29:09][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-2) : REQUEST : 0x0100 b'\x02")\x01\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x04\x00\x05'
[2019-11-04 12:29:09][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-2) : Msg to send b'010000101b02222901010000000000000200040005'
[2019-11-04 12:29:09][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-2) : Encoded Msg to send b'01021102100210101b02122229021102110210021002100210021002100212021002140210021503'
[2019-11-04 12:29:09][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-2) : Waiting for status message for command 0x0100
[2019-11-04 12:29:09][DEBUG][root](Thread-1) : Send to jeedom :  {'action': 'ZIGATE_DEVICE_NEED_DISCOVERY', 'device': Device  (43d7) 00158d0002e31877}
[2019-11-04 12:29:09][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool](Thread-1) : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2019-11-04 13:29:09][DEBUG] : Array (     [action] => ZIGATE_DEVICE_NEED_DISCOVERY     [device] => Array         (             [info] => Array                 (                     [id] => 7                     [last_seen] => 2019-11-04 11:35:21                     [ieee] => 00158d0002e31877                     [addr] => 43d7                     [lqi] => 117                     [power_type] => 0                 )              [generictype] =>              [discovery] =>              [addr] => 43d7             [endpoints] => Array                 (                     [0] => Array                         (                             [profile] => 0                             [out_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [clusters] => Array                                 (                                     [0] => Array                                         (                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [data] => 100021bd0b21a843240100000000214f00205e                                                             [attribute] => 65282                                                             [value] => 3.005                                                             [name] => battery_voltage                                                             [type] => float                                                             [unit] => V                                                         )                                                  )                                              [cluster] => 0                                         )                                      [1] => Array                                         (                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [value] =>                                                              [name] => onoff                                                             [type] => bool                                                             [data] =>                                                              [attribute] => 0                                                         )                                                  )                                              [cluster] => 6                                         )                                  )                              [in_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [device] => 0                             [endpoint] => 1                         )                  )          )  )
[2019-11-04 12:29:09][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool](Thread-1) : "POST /plugins/zigate/core/php/jeeZiGate.php?apikey=32BcmHiJsJauMTnK3KbMeRnkSy97sxge HTTP/1.1" 200 16
[2019-11-04 12:29:09][DEBUG][root](Thread-1) : Jeedom reply :  {'success': True}
[2019-11-04 12:29:09][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Listen) : Raw packet received, b'\x01\x80\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x15\x80\x02\x10\x02\x14\x02\x11\x02\x10\x02\x10\x03'
[2019-11-04 12:29:09][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Event Loop) : Dispatch ZIGATE_PACKET_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:29:09][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Received response 0x8000: b'00040100'
[2019-11-04 12:29:09][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8000 - Status response : status:0, sequence:4, packet_type:256, error:b'', lqi:0
[2019-11-04 12:29:09][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:29:09][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-2) : STATUS code to command 0x0100:RESPONSE 0x8000 - Status response : status:0, sequence:4, packet_type:256, error:b'', lqi:0
[2019-11-04 12:29:10][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Listen) : Raw packet received, b'\x01\x87\x02\x11\x02\x10\x02\x13U\xd0\x02\x10\x02\x10\x03'
[2019-11-04 12:29:10][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Event Loop) : Dispatch ZIGATE_PACKET_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:29:10][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Received response 0x8701: b'd000'
[2019-11-04 12:29:10][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8701 - Route Discovery Confirmation : status:208, network_status:0, lqi:0
[2019-11-04 12:29:10][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:29:12][WARNING][zigate](Thread-2) : No response waiting for type
[2019-11-04 12:29:12][WARNING][zigate](Thread-2) : No type (modelIdentifier) for device 2229
[2019-11-04 12:29:12][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-2) : Need discovery : no type
[2019-11-04 12:29:12][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-2) : Dispatch ZIGATE_DEVICE_NEED_DISCOVERY
[2019-11-04 12:29:12][DEBUG][root](Thread-2) : External command ZIGATE_DEVICE_NEED_DISCOVERY : {'device': Device  (2229) 00158d0002e2dd52, 'zigate': <zigate.core.ZiGate object at 0x75db0af0>}
[2019-11-04 12:29:12][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-2) : Check Need discovery LUMI lumi.sensor_ht (fd6b) 00158d0002b6fbb3
[2019-11-04 12:29:12][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-2) : Check Need discovery LUMI lumi.sensor_magnet (aee5) 00158d0002b6e9bb
[2019-11-04 12:29:12][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-2) : Check Need discovery LUMI lumi.sensor_ht (3052) 00158d0002e28fe7
[2019-11-04 12:29:12][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-2) : Check Need discovery Device lumi.sensor_smoke (f94b) 00158d00031b3c2b
[2019-11-04 12:29:12][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-2) : No template found for lumi.sensor_smoke
[2019-11-04 12:29:12][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-2) : Start automagic bind and report process for device Device lumi.sensor_smoke (f94b) 00158d00031b3c2b
[2019-11-04 12:29:12][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-2) : Bind and report endpoint 1 for device Device lumi.sensor_smoke (f94b) 00158d00031b3c2b
[2019-11-04 12:29:12][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-2) : Check Need discovery Device  (1dd9) 00158d0002e2dbfb
[2019-11-04 12:29:12][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-2) : REQUEST : 0x0100 b'\x02\x1d\xd9\x01\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x04\x00\x05'
[2019-11-04 12:29:12][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-2) : Msg to send b'01000010d4021dd901010000000000000200040005'
[2019-11-04 12:29:12][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-2) : Encoded Msg to send b'0102110210021010d402121dd9021102110210021002100210021002100212021002140210021503'
[2019-11-04 12:29:12][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-2) : Waiting for status message for command 0x0100
[2019-11-04 12:29:12][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Listen) : Raw packet received, b'\x01\x80\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x15\x81\x02\x10\x02\x15\x02\x11\x02\x10\x02\x10\x03'
[2019-11-04 12:29:12][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Event Loop) : Dispatch ZIGATE_PACKET_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:29:12][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Received response 0x8000: b'00050100'
[2019-11-04 12:29:12][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8000 - Status response : status:0, sequence:5, packet_type:256, error:b'', lqi:0
[2019-11-04 12:29:12][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:29:12][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-2) : STATUS code to command 0x0100:RESPONSE 0x8000 - Status response : status:0, sequence:5, packet_type:256, error:b'', lqi:0
[2019-11-04 12:29:13][DEBUG][root](Thread-1) : Send to jeedom :  {'action': 'ZIGATE_DEVICE_NEED_DISCOVERY', 'device': Device  (2229) 00158d0002e2dd52}
[2019-11-04 12:29:13][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool](Thread-1) : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2019-11-04 13:29:13][DEBUG] : Array (     [action] => ZIGATE_DEVICE_NEED_DISCOVERY     [device] => Array         (             [info] => Array                 (                     [id] => 3                     [last_seen] => 2019-11-04 11:47:30                     [ieee] => 00158d0002e2dd52                     [addr] => 2229                     [lqi] => 143                     [power_type] => 0                 )              [generictype] =>              [discovery] =>              [addr] => 2229             [endpoints] => Array                 (                     [0] => Array                         (                             [profile] => 0                             [out_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [clusters] => Array                                 (                                     [0] => Array                                         (                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [data] => 100021b30b21a843240100000000215b00205c                                                             [attribute] => 65282                                                             [value] => 2.995                                                             [name] => battery_voltage                                                             [type] => float                                                             [unit] => V                                                         )                                                  )                                              [cluster] => 0                                         )                                      [1] => Array                                         (                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [value] =>                                                              [name] => onoff                                                             [type] => bool                                                             [data] =>                                                              [attribute] => 0                                                         )                                                  )                                              [cluster] => 6                                         )                                  )                              [in_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [device] => 0                             [endpoint] => 1                         )                  )          )  )
[2019-11-04 12:29:13][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool](Thread-1) : "POST /plugins/zigate/core/php/jeeZiGate.php?apikey=32BcmHiJsJauMTnK3KbMeRnkSy97sxge HTTP/1.1" 200 16
[2019-11-04 12:29:13][DEBUG][root](Thread-1) : Jeedom reply :  {'success': True}
[2019-11-04 12:29:13][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Listen) : Raw packet received, b'\x01\x87\x02\x11\x02\x10\x02\x13U\xd0\x02\x10\x02\x10\x03'
[2019-11-04 12:29:13][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Event Loop) : Dispatch ZIGATE_PACKET_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:29:13][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Received response 0x8701: b'd000'
[2019-11-04 12:29:13][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8701 - Route Discovery Confirmation : status:208, network_status:0, lqi:0
[2019-11-04 12:29:13][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:29:14][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Listen) : Raw packet received, b'\x01\x87\x02\x12\x02\x10\x02\x18A\xf0\x02\x11\x02\x11\x02\x12C\xd7\xaa\x02\x10\x03'
[2019-11-04 12:29:14][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Event Loop) : Dispatch ZIGATE_PACKET_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:29:14][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Received response 0x8702: b'f001010243d7aa'
[2019-11-04 12:29:14][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8702 - APS Data Confirm Fail : status:240, source_endpoint:1, dst_endpoint:1, dst_address_mode:2, dst_address:43d7, sequence:170, lqi:0
[2019-11-04 12:29:14][ERROR][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8702 - APS Data Confirm Fail : status:240, source_endpoint:1, dst_endpoint:1, dst_address_mode:2, dst_address:43d7, sequence:170, lqi:0
[2019-11-04 12:29:14][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:29:15][WARNING][zigate](Thread-2) : No response waiting for type
[2019-11-04 12:29:15][WARNING][zigate](Thread-2) : No type (modelIdentifier) for device 1dd9
[2019-11-04 12:29:15][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-2) : Need discovery : no type
[2019-11-04 12:29:15][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-2) : Dispatch ZIGATE_DEVICE_NEED_DISCOVERY
[2019-11-04 12:29:15][DEBUG][root](Thread-2) : External command ZIGATE_DEVICE_NEED_DISCOVERY : {'device': Device  (1dd9) 00158d0002e2dbfb, 'zigate': <zigate.core.ZiGate object at 0x75db0af0>}
[2019-11-04 12:29:15][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-2) : Check Need discovery LUMI lumi.sensor_wleak.aq1 (de2a) 00158d0002704731
[2019-11-04 12:29:16][DEBUG][root](Thread-1) : Send to jeedom :  {'action': 'ZIGATE_DEVICE_NEED_DISCOVERY', 'device': Device  (1dd9) 00158d0002e2dbfb}
[2019-11-04 12:29:16][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool](Thread-1) : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2019-11-04 13:29:16][DEBUG] : Array (     [action] => ZIGATE_DEVICE_NEED_DISCOVERY     [device] => Array         (             [info] => Array                 (                     [id] => 0                     [mac_capability] => 10000000                     [last_seen] => 2019-11-04 11:46:29                     [ieee] => 00158d0002e2dbfb                     [addr] => 1dd9                     [lqi] => 76                     [power_type] => 0                 )              [generictype] =>              [discovery] =>              [addr] => 1dd9             [endpoints] => Array                 (                     [0] => Array                         (                             [profile] => 0                             [out_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [clusters] => Array                                 (                                     [0] => Array                                         (                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [data] => 100021bd0b21a84324010000000021a100205f                                                             [attribute] => 65282                                                             [value] => 3.005                                                             [name] => battery_voltage                                                             [type] => float                                                             [unit] => V                                                         )                                                  )                                              [cluster] => 0                                         )                                      [1] => Array                                         (                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [value] =>                                                              [name] => onoff                                                             [type] => bool                                                             [data] =>                                                              [attribute] => 0                                                         )                                                  )                                              [cluster] => 6                                         )                                  )                              [in_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [device] => 0                             [endpoint] => 1                         )                  )          )  )
[2019-11-04 12:29:16][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool](Thread-1) : "POST /plugins/zigate/core/php/jeeZiGate.php?apikey=32BcmHiJsJauMTnK3KbMeRnkSy97sxge HTTP/1.1" 200 16
[2019-11-04 12:29:16][DEBUG][root](Thread-1) : Jeedom reply :  {'success': True}
[2019-11-04 12:29:17][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Listen) : Raw packet received, b'\x01\x87\x02\x12\x02\x10\x02\x18\xdf\xf0\x02\x11\x02\x11\x02\x12")\xab\x02\x10\x03'
[2019-11-04 12:29:17][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Event Loop) : Dispatch ZIGATE_PACKET_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:29:17][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Received response 0x8702: b'f00101022229ab'
[2019-11-04 12:29:17][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8702 - APS Data Confirm Fail : status:240, source_endpoint:1, dst_endpoint:1, dst_address_mode:2, dst_address:2229, sequence:171, lqi:0
[2019-11-04 12:29:17][ERROR][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8702 - APS Data Confirm Fail : status:240, source_endpoint:1, dst_endpoint:1, dst_address_mode:2, dst_address:2229, sequence:171, lqi:0
[2019-11-04 12:29:17][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:29:20][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Listen) : Raw packet received, b'\x01\x87\x02\x12\x02\x10\x02\x18\x17\xf0\x02\x11\x02\x11\x02\x12\x1d\xd9\xac\x02\x10\x03'
[2019-11-04 12:29:20][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Event Loop) : Dispatch ZIGATE_PACKET_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:29:20][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Received response 0x8702: b'f00101021dd9ac'
[2019-11-04 12:29:20][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8702 - APS Data Confirm Fail : status:240, source_endpoint:1, dst_endpoint:1, dst_address_mode:2, dst_address:1dd9, sequence:172, lqi:0
[2019-11-04 12:29:20][ERROR][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8702 - APS Data Confirm Fail : status:240, source_endpoint:1, dst_endpoint:1, dst_address_mode:2, dst_address:1dd9, sequence:172, lqi:0
[2019-11-04 12:29:20][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:29:24][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Listen) : Raw packet received, b'\x01\x81\x02\x12\x02\x105fQ5\x97\x02\x11\x02\x10\x02\x10\xff\x02\x11\x02\x10B\x02\x10(\x02\x11!\xef\x02\x1b\x02\x13(\x1c\x02\x14!\xa8C\x02\x15!$\x02\x10\x02\x16$\x02\x11\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x1a!\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x18!\x02\x14\x10d \x02\x11\x96#\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x10N\x03'
[2019-11-04 12:29:24][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Event Loop) : Dispatch ZIGATE_PACKET_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:29:24][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Received response 0x8102: b'513597010000ff01004200280121ef0b03281c0421a84305212400062401000000000a2100000821041064200196230000000000'
[2019-11-04 12:29:24][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8102 - Individual Attribute Report : sequence:81, addr:3597, endpoint:1, cluster:0, attribute:65281, status:0, data_type:66, size:40, data:0121ef0b03281c0421a84305212400062401000000000a2100000821041064200196230000000000, lqi:78
[2019-11-04 12:29:24][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Acquire Lock on device Device lumi.sensor_smoke (3597) 00158d0002cb0f1d
[2019-11-04 12:29:24][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Release Lock on device Device lumi.sensor_smoke (3597) 00158d0002cb0f1d
[2019-11-04 12:29:24][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Acquire Lock on device Device lumi.sensor_smoke (3597) 00158d0002cb0f1d
[2019-11-04 12:29:24][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Release Lock on device Device lumi.sensor_smoke (3597) 00158d0002cb0f1d
[2019-11-04 12:29:24][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Acquire Lock on device Device lumi.sensor_smoke (3597) 00158d0002cb0f1d
[2019-11-04 12:29:24][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Release Lock on device Device lumi.sensor_smoke (3597) 00158d0002cb0f1d
[2019-11-04 12:29:24][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED
[2019-11-04 12:29:24][DEBUG][root](ZiGate-Decode data) : External command ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED : {'device': Device lumi.sensor_smoke (3597) 00158d0002cb0f1d, 'zigate': <zigate.core.ZiGate object at 0x75db0af0>, 'attribute': {'value': 3.055, 'addr': '3597', 'type': <class 'float'>, 'name': 'battery_voltage', 'endpoint': 1, 'data': '0121ef0b03281c0421a84305212400062401000000000a2100000821041064200196230000000000', 'attribute': 65281, 'cluster': 0, 'unit': 'V'}}
[2019-11-04 12:29:24][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:29:25][DEBUG][root](Thread-1) : Send to jeedom :  {'action': 'ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED', 'device': Device lumi.sensor_smoke (3597) 00158d0002cb0f1d, 'attribute': {'value': 3.055, 'addr': '3597', 'type': <class 'float'>, 'name': 'battery_voltage', 'endpoint': 1, 'data': '0121ef0b03281c0421a84305212400062401000000000a2100000821041064200196230000000000', 'attribute': 65281, 'cluster': 0, 'unit': 'V'}}
[2019-11-04 12:29:25][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool](Thread-1) : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2019-11-04 13:29:25][DEBUG] : Array (     [action] => ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED     [device] => Array         (             [info] => Array                 (                     [id] => 6                     [mac_capability] => 10000000                     [last_seen] => 2019-11-04 12:29:24                     [ieee] => 00158d0002cb0f1d                     [addr] => 3597                     [lqi] => 78                     [power_type] => 0                 )              [generictype] =>              [discovery] =>              [addr] => 3597             [endpoints] => Array                 (                     [0] => Array                         (                             [profile] => 0                             [out_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [clusters] => Array                                 (                                     [0] => Array                                         (                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [data] => 0121ef0b03281c0421a84305212400062401000000000a2100000821041064200196230000000000                                                             [attribute] => 65281                                                             [value] => 3.055                                                             [name] => battery_voltage                                                             [type] => float                                                             [unit] => V                                                         )                                                      [1] => Array                                                         (                                                             [value] => lumi.sensor_smoke                                                             [name] => type                                                             [type] => str                                                             [data] => lumi.sensor_smoke                                                             [attribute] => 5                                                         )                                                  )                                              [cluster] => 0                                         )                                      [1] => Array                                         (                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [data] => 0000000000000000                                                             [attribute] => 255                                                             [name] => zone_status                                                             [value] => Array                                                                 (                                                                     [alarm2] =>                                                                      [supervision] =>                                                                      [alarm1] =>                                                                      [restore] =>                                                                      [trouble] =>                                                                      [low_battery] =>                                                                      [test_mode] =>                                                                      [tamper] =>                                                                      [battery_defect] =>                                                                      [ac_fault] =>                                                                  )                                                          )                                                  )                                              [cluster] => 1280                                         )                                  )                              [in_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [device] => 0                             [endpoint] => 1                         )                  )          )      [attribute] => Array         (             [value] => 3.055             [addr] => 3597             [type] => float             [name] => battery_voltage             [endpoint] => 1             [data] => 0121ef0b03281c0421a84305212400062401000000000a2100000821041064200196230000000000             [attribute] => 65281             [cluster] => 0             [unit] => V         )  )
[2019-11-04 13:29:25][DEBUG] : create command 1.0.65281
[2019-11-04 12:29:25][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool](Thread-1) : "POST /plugins/zigate/core/php/jeeZiGate.php?apikey=32BcmHiJsJauMTnK3KbMeRnkSy97sxge HTTP/1.1" 200 16
[2019-11-04 12:29:25][DEBUG][root](Thread-1) : Jeedom reply :  {'success': True}
[2019-11-04 12:29:57][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool](Thread-4) : Starting new HTTPS connection (1): doudz.pythonanywhere.com
[2019-11-04 12:29:57][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool](Thread-4) : https://doudz.pythonanywhere.com:443 "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2019-11-04 12:29:57][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool](Thread-4) : Starting new HTTPS connection (1): doudz.pythonanywhere.com
[2019-11-04 12:29:58][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool](Thread-4) : https://doudz.pythonanywhere.com:443 "POST / HTTP/1.1" 500 291
[2019-11-04 13:33:38][DEBUG] : callZiGate permit_join
[2019-11-04 12:33:38][DEBUG][root](Thread-5) : Message received in socket
[2019-11-04 12:33:38][DEBUG][root](Thread-5) : {'args': '', 'action': 'permit_join'}
[2019-11-04 12:33:38][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-5) : REQUEST : 0x0049 FFFC1E00
[2019-11-04 12:33:38][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-5) : Msg to send b'0049000450fffc1e00'
[2019-11-04 12:33:38][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-5) : Encoded Msg to send b'010210490210021450fffc1e021003'
[2019-11-04 12:33:38][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-5) : Waiting for status message for command 0x0049
[2019-11-04 12:33:38][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Listen) : Raw packet received, b'\x01\x80\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x15?\x02\x10\xf3\x02\x10I\x02\x10\x03'
[2019-11-04 12:33:38][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Event Loop) : Dispatch ZIGATE_PACKET_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:33:38][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Received response 0x8000: b'00f30049'
[2019-11-04 12:33:38][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8000 - Status response : status:0, sequence:243, packet_type:73, error:b'', lqi:0
[2019-11-04 12:33:38][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:33:38][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-5) : STATUS code to command 0x0049:RESPONSE 0x8000 - Status response : status:0, sequence:243, packet_type:73, error:b'', lqi:0
[2019-11-04 12:33:38][DEBUG][root](Thread-5) : {'success': True, 'result': OrderedDict([('status', 0), ('sequence', 243), ('packet_type', 73), ('error', b''), ('lqi', 0)])}
[2019-11-04 13:33:38][DEBUG] : result callZiGate Array (     [success] => 1     [result] => Array         (             [status] => 0             [sequence] => 243             [packet_type] => 73             [error] =>              [lqi] => 0         )  )
[2019-11-04 12:33:56][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-3) : Auto saving /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/zigate.json
[2019-11-04 12:33:56][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-3) : Saving persistent file
[2019-11-04 12:33:56][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-3) : Acquire Lock to save persistent file
[2019-11-04 12:33:56][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-3) : File already existing, make a backup before
[2019-11-04 12:33:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-3) : Release Lock of persistent file
[2019-11-04 12:33:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-3) : REQUEST : 0x0010
[2019-11-04 12:33:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-3) : Msg to send b'0010000010'
[2019-11-04 12:33:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-3) : Encoded Msg to send b'01021010021002101003'
[2019-11-04 12:33:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-3) : Waiting for status message for command 0x0010
[2019-11-04 12:33:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Listen) : Raw packet received, b'\x01\x80\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x15\x95\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x10\x10\x02\x10\x03\x01\x80\x10\x02\x10\x02\x15\x8f\x02\x10\x02\x13\x02\x13\x1a\x02\x10\x03'
[2019-11-04 12:33:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Event Loop) : Dispatch ZIGATE_PACKET_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:33:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Received response 0x8000: b'00000010'
[2019-11-04 12:33:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Event Loop) : Dispatch ZIGATE_PACKET_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:33:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8000 - Status response : status:0, sequence:0, packet_type:16, error:b'', lqi:0
[2019-11-04 12:33:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Received response 0x8010: b'0003031a'
[2019-11-04 12:33:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:33:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8010 - Version list : major:3, installer:31a, lqi:0, version:3.1a
[2019-11-04 12:33:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:33:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-3) : STATUS code to command 0x0010:RESPONSE 0x8000 - Status response : status:0, sequence:0, packet_type:16, error:b'', lqi:0
[2019-11-04 12:35:43][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Listen) : Raw packet received, b'\x01\x81\x02\x12\x02\x10 2RC\xd7\x02\x11\x02\x10\x02\x10\xff\x02\x12\x02\x10B\x02\x10\x13\x10\x02\x10!\xbd\x02\x1b!\xa8C$\x02\x11\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x10!O\x02\x10 ]\x81\x03'
[2019-11-04 12:35:43][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Event Loop) : Dispatch ZIGATE_PACKET_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:35:43][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Received response 0x8102: b'5243d7010000ff0200420013100021bd0b21a843240100000000214f00205d'
[2019-11-04 12:35:43][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8102 - Individual Attribute Report : sequence:82, addr:43d7, endpoint:1, cluster:0, attribute:65282, status:0, data_type:66, size:19, data:100021bd0b21a843240100000000214f00205d, lqi:129
[2019-11-04 12:35:43][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Acquire Lock on device Device  (43d7) 00158d0002e31877
[2019-11-04 12:35:43][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Release Lock on device Device  (43d7) 00158d0002e31877
[2019-11-04 12:35:43][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Acquire Lock on device Device  (43d7) 00158d0002e31877
[2019-11-04 12:35:43][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Release Lock on device Device  (43d7) 00158d0002e31877
[2019-11-04 12:35:43][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Acquire Lock on device Device  (43d7) 00158d0002e31877
[2019-11-04 12:35:43][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Release Lock on device Device  (43d7) 00158d0002e31877
[2019-11-04 12:35:43][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED
[2019-11-04 12:35:43][DEBUG][root](ZiGate-Decode data) : External command ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED : {'device': Device  (43d7) 00158d0002e31877, 'zigate': <zigate.core.ZiGate object at 0x75db0af0>, 'attribute': {'value': 3.005, 'addr': '43d7', 'type': <class 'float'>, 'name': 'battery_voltage', 'endpoint': 1, 'data': '100021bd0b21a843240100000000214f00205d', 'attribute': 65282, 'cluster': 0, 'unit': 'V'}}
[2019-11-04 12:35:43][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:35:43][DEBUG][root](Thread-1) : Send to jeedom :  {'action': 'ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED', 'device': Device  (43d7) 00158d0002e31877, 'attribute': {'value': 3.005, 'addr': '43d7', 'type': <class 'float'>, 'name': 'battery_voltage', 'endpoint': 1, 'data': '100021bd0b21a843240100000000214f00205d', 'attribute': 65282, 'cluster': 0, 'unit': 'V'}}
[2019-11-04 12:35:43][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool](Thread-1) : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2019-11-04 13:35:43][DEBUG] : Array (     [action] => ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED     [device] => Array         (             [info] => Array                 (                     [id] => 7                     [last_seen] => 2019-11-04 12:35:43                     [ieee] => 00158d0002e31877                     [addr] => 43d7                     [lqi] => 129                     [power_type] => 0                 )              [generictype] =>              [discovery] =>              [addr] => 43d7             [endpoints] => Array                 (                     [0] => Array                         (                             [profile] => 0                             [out_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [clusters] => Array                                 (                                     [0] => Array                                         (                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [data] => 100021bd0b21a843240100000000214f00205d                                                             [attribute] => 65282                                                             [value] => 3.005                                                             [name] => battery_voltage                                                             [type] => float                                                             [unit] => V                                                         )                                                  )                                              [cluster] => 0                                         )                                      [1] => Array                                         (                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [value] =>                                                              [name] => onoff                                                             [type] => bool                                                             [data] =>                                                              [attribute] => 0                                                         )                                                  )                                              [cluster] => 6                                         )                                  )                              [in_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [device] => 0                             [endpoint] => 1                         )                  )          )      [attribute] => Array         (             [value] => 3.005             [addr] => 43d7             [type] => float             [name] => battery_voltage             [endpoint] => 1             [data] => 100021bd0b21a843240100000000214f00205d             [attribute] => 65282             [cluster] => 0             [unit] => V         )  )
[2019-11-04 13:35:43][DEBUG] : create command 1.0.65282
[2019-11-04 12:35:43][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool](Thread-1) : "POST /plugins/zigate/core/php/jeeZiGate.php?apikey=32BcmHiJsJauMTnK3KbMeRnkSy97sxge HTTP/1.1" 200 16
[2019-11-04 12:35:43][DEBUG][root](Thread-1) : Jeedom reply :  {'success': True}
[2019-11-04 12:35:51][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Listen) : Raw packet received, b'\x01\x87\x02\x12\x02\x10\x02\x18E\xf0\x02\x11\x02\x11\x02\x12C\xd7\xae\x02\x10\x03'
[2019-11-04 12:35:51][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Event Loop) : Dispatch ZIGATE_PACKET_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:35:51][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Received response 0x8702: b'f001010243d7ae'
[2019-11-04 12:35:51][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8702 - APS Data Confirm Fail : status:240, source_endpoint:1, dst_endpoint:1, dst_address_mode:2, dst_address:43d7, sequence:174, lqi:0
[2019-11-04 12:35:51][ERROR][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8702 - APS Data Confirm Fail : status:240, source_endpoint:1, dst_endpoint:1, dst_address_mode:2, dst_address:43d7, sequence:174, lqi:0
[2019-11-04 12:35:51][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:38:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-6) : Auto saving /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/zigate.json
[2019-11-04 12:38:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-6) : Saving persistent file
[2019-11-04 12:38:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-6) : Acquire Lock to save persistent file
[2019-11-04 12:38:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-6) : File already existing, make a backup before
[2019-11-04 12:38:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-6) : Release Lock of persistent file
[2019-11-04 12:38:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-6) : REQUEST : 0x0010
[2019-11-04 12:38:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-6) : Msg to send b'0010000010'
[2019-11-04 12:38:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-6) : Encoded Msg to send b'01021010021002101003'
[2019-11-04 12:38:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-6) : Waiting for status message for command 0x0010
[2019-11-04 12:38:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Listen) : Raw packet received, b'\x01\x80\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x15\x95\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x10\x10\x02\x10\x03\x01\x80\x10\x02\x10\x02\x15\x8f\x02\x10\x02\x13\x02\x13\x1a\x02\x10\x03'
[2019-11-04 12:38:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Event Loop) : Dispatch ZIGATE_PACKET_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:38:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Received response 0x8000: b'00000010'
[2019-11-04 12:38:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Event Loop) : Dispatch ZIGATE_PACKET_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:38:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8000 - Status response : status:0, sequence:0, packet_type:16, error:b'', lqi:0
[2019-11-04 12:38:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Received response 0x8010: b'0003031a'
[2019-11-04 12:38:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:38:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8010 - Version list : major:3, installer:31a, lqi:0, version:3.1a
[2019-11-04 12:38:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:38:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-6) : STATUS code to command 0x0010:RESPONSE 0x8000 - Status response : status:0, sequence:0, packet_type:16, error:b'', lqi:0
[2019-11-04 13:39:17][DEBUG] : callZiGate get_version_text
[2019-11-04 12:39:17][DEBUG][root](Thread-5) : Message received in socket
[2019-11-04 12:39:17][DEBUG][root](Thread-5) : {'args': '', 'action': 'get_version_text'}
[2019-11-04 12:39:17][DEBUG][root](Thread-5) : {'success': True, 'result': '3.1a'}
[2019-11-04 13:39:17][DEBUG] : result callZiGate Array (     [success] => 1     [result] => 3.1a )
[2019-11-04 13:39:17][DEBUG] : callZiGate get_libversion
[2019-11-04 12:39:17][DEBUG][root](Thread-5) : Message received in socket
[2019-11-04 12:39:17][DEBUG][root](Thread-5) : {'args': '', 'action': 'get_libversion'}
[2019-11-04 12:39:17][DEBUG][root](Thread-5) : {'success': True, 'result': '0.33.1'}
[2019-11-04 13:39:17][DEBUG] : result callZiGate Array (     [success] => 1     [result] => 0.33.1 )
[2019-11-04 12:43:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-7) : Auto saving /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/zigate.json
[2019-11-04 12:43:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-7) : Saving persistent file
[2019-11-04 12:43:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-7) : Acquire Lock to save persistent file
[2019-11-04 12:43:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-7) : File already existing, make a backup before
[2019-11-04 12:43:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-7) : Release Lock of persistent file
[2019-11-04 12:43:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-7) : REQUEST : 0x0010
[2019-11-04 12:43:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-7) : Msg to send b'0010000010'
[2019-11-04 12:43:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-7) : Encoded Msg to send b'01021010021002101003'
[2019-11-04 12:43:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-7) : Waiting for status message for command 0x0010
[2019-11-04 12:43:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Listen) : Raw packet received, b'\x01\x80\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x15\x95\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x10\x10\x02\x10\x03\x01\x80\x10\x02\x10\x02\x15\x8f\x02\x10\x02\x13\x02\x13\x1a\x02\x10\x03'
[2019-11-04 12:43:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Event Loop) : Dispatch ZIGATE_PACKET_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:43:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Received response 0x8000: b'00000010'
[2019-11-04 12:43:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Event Loop) : Dispatch ZIGATE_PACKET_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:43:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8000 - Status response : status:0, sequence:0, packet_type:16, error:b'', lqi:0
[2019-11-04 12:43:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Received response 0x8010: b'0003031a'
[2019-11-04 12:43:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:43:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8010 - Version list : major:3, installer:31a, lqi:0, version:3.1a
[2019-11-04 12:43:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:43:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-7) : STATUS code to command 0x0010:RESPONSE 0x8000 - Status response : status:0, sequence:0, packet_type:16, error:b'', lqi:0
[2019-11-04 12:45:18][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Listen) : Raw packet received, b'\x01\x81\x02\x12\x02\x10/\xb6\x18\x02\x1bM\x02\x11\x02\x10\x02\x10\xff\x02\x11\x02\x10B\x02\x10"\x02\x11!\xd1\x02\x1b\x02\x13(\x16\x02\x14!\xa8C\x02\x15!"\x02\x10\x02\x16$\x02\x11\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x18!\x02\x14\x02\x12\x02\x1a!\x02\x10\x02\x10d\x10\x02\x10\x02\x10\x87\x03'
[2019-11-04 12:45:18][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Event Loop) : Dispatch ZIGATE_PACKET_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:45:18][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Received response 0x8102: b'180b4d010000ff01004200220121d10b0328160421a8430521220006240100000000082104020a21000064100000'
[2019-11-04 12:45:18][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8102 - Individual Attribute Report : sequence:24, addr:0b4d, endpoint:1, cluster:0, attribute:65281, status:0, data_type:66, size:34, data:0121d10b0328160421a8430521220006240100000000082104020a21000064100000, lqi:135
[2019-11-04 12:45:18][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Acquire Lock on device Device  (0b4d) 00158d00023a6784
[2019-11-04 12:45:18][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Release Lock on device Device  (0b4d) 00158d00023a6784
[2019-11-04 12:45:18][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Acquire Lock on device Device  (0b4d) 00158d00023a6784
[2019-11-04 12:45:18][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Release Lock on device Device  (0b4d) 00158d00023a6784
[2019-11-04 12:45:18][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Acquire Lock on device Device  (0b4d) 00158d00023a6784
[2019-11-04 12:45:18][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Release Lock on device Device  (0b4d) 00158d00023a6784
[2019-11-04 12:45:18][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED
[2019-11-04 12:45:18][DEBUG][root](ZiGate-Decode data) : External command ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED : {'device': Device  (0b4d) 00158d00023a6784, 'zigate': <zigate.core.ZiGate object at 0x75db0af0>, 'attribute': {'value': 3.025, 'addr': '0b4d', 'type': <class 'float'>, 'name': 'battery_voltage', 'endpoint': 1, 'data': '0121d10b0328160421a8430521220006240100000000082104020a21000064100000', 'attribute': 65281, 'cluster': 0, 'unit': 'V'}}
[2019-11-04 12:45:18][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:45:18][DEBUG][root](Thread-1) : Send to jeedom :  {'action': 'ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED', 'device': Device  (0b4d) 00158d00023a6784, 'attribute': {'value': 3.025, 'addr': '0b4d', 'type': <class 'float'>, 'name': 'battery_voltage', 'endpoint': 1, 'data': '0121d10b0328160421a8430521220006240100000000082104020a21000064100000', 'attribute': 65281, 'cluster': 0, 'unit': 'V'}}
[2019-11-04 12:45:18][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool](Thread-1) : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2019-11-04 13:45:18][DEBUG] : Array (     [action] => ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED     [device] => Array         (             [info] => Array                 (                     [id] => 9                     [mac_capability] => 10000000                     [last_seen] => 2019-11-04 12:45:18                     [ieee] => 00158d00023a6784                     [addr] => 0b4d                     [lqi] => 135                     [power_type] => 0                 )              [generictype] =>              [discovery] =>              [addr] => 0b4d             [endpoints] => Array                 (                     [0] => Array                         (                             [profile] => 0                             [out_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [clusters] => Array                                 (                                     [0] => Array                                         (                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [data] => 0121d10b0328160421a8430521220006240100000000082104020a21000064100000                                                             [attribute] => 65281                                                             [value] => 3.025                                                             [name] => battery_voltage                                                             [type] => float                                                             [unit] => V                                                         )                                                  )                                              [cluster] => 0                                         )                                  )                              [in_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [device] => 0                             [endpoint] => 1                         )                  )          )      [attribute] => Array         (             [value] => 3.025             [addr] => 0b4d             [type] => float             [name] => battery_voltage             [endpoint] => 1             [data] => 0121d10b0328160421a8430521220006240100000000082104020a21000064100000             [attribute] => 65281             [cluster] => 0             [unit] => V         )  )
[2019-11-04 13:45:18][DEBUG] : create command 1.0.65281
[2019-11-04 12:45:18][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool](Thread-1) : "POST /plugins/zigate/core/php/jeeZiGate.php?apikey=32BcmHiJsJauMTnK3KbMeRnkSy97sxge HTTP/1.1" 200 16
[2019-11-04 12:45:18][DEBUG][root](Thread-1) : Jeedom reply :  {'success': True}
[2019-11-04 12:46:48][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Listen) : Raw packet received, b'\x01\x81\x02\x12\x02\x10 <\x02\x12\x1d\xd9\x02\x11\x02\x10\x02\x10\xff\x02\x12\x02\x10B\x02\x10\x13\x10\x02\x10!\xbd\x02\x1b!\xa8C$\x02\x11\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x10!\xa1\x02\x10 _c\x03'
[2019-11-04 12:46:48][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Event Loop) : Dispatch ZIGATE_PACKET_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:46:48][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Received response 0x8102: b'021dd9010000ff0200420013100021bd0b21a84324010000000021a100205f'
[2019-11-04 12:46:48][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8102 - Individual Attribute Report : sequence:2, addr:1dd9, endpoint:1, cluster:0, attribute:65282, status:0, data_type:66, size:19, data:100021bd0b21a84324010000000021a100205f, lqi:99
[2019-11-04 12:46:48][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Acquire Lock on device Device  (1dd9) 00158d0002e2dbfb
[2019-11-04 12:46:48][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Release Lock on device Device  (1dd9) 00158d0002e2dbfb
[2019-11-04 12:46:48][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Acquire Lock on device Device  (1dd9) 00158d0002e2dbfb
[2019-11-04 12:46:48][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Release Lock on device Device  (1dd9) 00158d0002e2dbfb
[2019-11-04 12:46:48][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Acquire Lock on device Device  (1dd9) 00158d0002e2dbfb
[2019-11-04 12:46:48][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Release Lock on device Device  (1dd9) 00158d0002e2dbfb
[2019-11-04 12:46:48][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED
[2019-11-04 12:46:48][DEBUG][root](ZiGate-Decode data) : External command ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED : {'device': Device  (1dd9) 00158d0002e2dbfb, 'zigate': <zigate.core.ZiGate object at 0x75db0af0>, 'attribute': {'value': 3.005, 'addr': '1dd9', 'type': <class 'float'>, 'name': 'battery_voltage', 'endpoint': 1, 'data': '100021bd0b21a84324010000000021a100205f', 'attribute': 65282, 'cluster': 0, 'unit': 'V'}}
[2019-11-04 12:46:48][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:46:48][DEBUG][root](Thread-1) : Send to jeedom :  {'action': 'ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED', 'device': Device  (1dd9) 00158d0002e2dbfb, 'attribute': {'value': 3.005, 'addr': '1dd9', 'type': <class 'float'>, 'name': 'battery_voltage', 'endpoint': 1, 'data': '100021bd0b21a84324010000000021a100205f', 'attribute': 65282, 'cluster': 0, 'unit': 'V'}}
[2019-11-04 12:46:48][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool](Thread-1) : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2019-11-04 13:46:48][DEBUG] : Array (     [action] => ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED     [device] => Array         (             [info] => Array                 (                     [id] => 0                     [mac_capability] => 10000000                     [last_seen] => 2019-11-04 12:46:48                     [ieee] => 00158d0002e2dbfb                     [addr] => 1dd9                     [lqi] => 99                     [power_type] => 0                 )              [generictype] =>              [discovery] =>              [addr] => 1dd9             [endpoints] => Array                 (                     [0] => Array                         (                             [profile] => 0                             [out_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [clusters] => Array                                 (                                     [0] => Array                                         (                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [data] => 100021bd0b21a84324010000000021a100205f                                                             [attribute] => 65282                                                             [value] => 3.005                                                             [name] => battery_voltage                                                             [type] => float                                                             [unit] => V                                                         )                                                  )                                              [cluster] => 0                                         )                                      [1] => Array                                         (                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [value] =>                                                              [name] => onoff                                                             [type] => bool                                                             [data] =>                                                              [attribute] => 0                                                         )                                                  )                                              [cluster] => 6                                         )                                  )                              [in_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [device] => 0                             [endpoint] => 1                         )                  )          )      [attribute] => Array         (             [value] => 3.005             [addr] => 1dd9             [type] => float             [name] => battery_voltage             [endpoint] => 1             [data] => 100021bd0b21a84324010000000021a100205f             [attribute] => 65282             [cluster] => 0             [unit] => V         )  )
[2019-11-04 13:46:48][DEBUG] : create command 1.0.65282
[2019-11-04 12:46:48][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool](Thread-1) : "POST /plugins/zigate/core/php/jeeZiGate.php?apikey=32BcmHiJsJauMTnK3KbMeRnkSy97sxge HTTP/1.1" 200 16
[2019-11-04 12:46:48][DEBUG][root](Thread-1) : Jeedom reply :  {'success': True}
[2019-11-04 12:46:55][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Listen) : Raw packet received, b'\x01\x87\x02\x12\x02\x10\x02\x18\x14\xf0\x02\x11\x02\x11\x02\x12\x1d\xd9\xaf\x02\x10\x03'
[2019-11-04 12:46:55][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Event Loop) : Dispatch ZIGATE_PACKET_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:46:55][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Received response 0x8702: b'f00101021dd9af'
[2019-11-04 12:46:55][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8702 - APS Data Confirm Fail : status:240, source_endpoint:1, dst_endpoint:1, dst_address_mode:2, dst_address:1dd9, sequence:175, lqi:0
[2019-11-04 12:46:55][ERROR][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8702 - APS Data Confirm Fail : status:240, source_endpoint:1, dst_endpoint:1, dst_address_mode:2, dst_address:1dd9, sequence:175, lqi:0
[2019-11-04 12:46:55][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:47:53][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Listen) : Raw packet received, b'\x01\x81\x02\x12\x02\x10 q\xdb")\x02\x11\x02\x10\x02\x10\xff\x02\x12\x02\x10B\x02\x10\x13\x10\x02\x10!\xb3\x02\x1b!\xa8C$\x02\x11\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x10![\x02\x10 Z\xc9\x03'
[2019-11-04 12:47:53][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Event Loop) : Dispatch ZIGATE_PACKET_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:47:53][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Received response 0x8102: b'db2229010000ff0200420013100021b30b21a843240100000000215b00205a'
[2019-11-04 12:47:53][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8102 - Individual Attribute Report : sequence:219, addr:2229, endpoint:1, cluster:0, attribute:65282, status:0, data_type:66, size:19, data:100021b30b21a843240100000000215b00205a, lqi:201
[2019-11-04 12:47:53][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Acquire Lock on device Device  (2229) 00158d0002e2dd52
[2019-11-04 12:47:53][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Release Lock on device Device  (2229) 00158d0002e2dd52
[2019-11-04 12:47:53][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Acquire Lock on device Device  (2229) 00158d0002e2dd52
[2019-11-04 12:47:53][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Release Lock on device Device  (2229) 00158d0002e2dd52
[2019-11-04 12:47:53][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Acquire Lock on device Device  (2229) 00158d0002e2dd52
[2019-11-04 12:47:53][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Release Lock on device Device  (2229) 00158d0002e2dd52
[2019-11-04 12:47:53][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED
[2019-11-04 12:47:53][DEBUG][root](ZiGate-Decode data) : External command ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED : {'device': Device  (2229) 00158d0002e2dd52, 'zigate': <zigate.core.ZiGate object at 0x75db0af0>, 'attribute': {'value': 2.995, 'addr': '2229', 'type': <class 'float'>, 'name': 'battery_voltage', 'endpoint': 1, 'data': '100021b30b21a843240100000000215b00205a', 'attribute': 65282, 'cluster': 0, 'unit': 'V'}}
[2019-11-04 12:47:53][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:47:54][DEBUG][root](Thread-1) : Send to jeedom :  {'action': 'ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED', 'device': Device  (2229) 00158d0002e2dd52, 'attribute': {'value': 2.995, 'addr': '2229', 'type': <class 'float'>, 'name': 'battery_voltage', 'endpoint': 1, 'data': '100021b30b21a843240100000000215b00205a', 'attribute': 65282, 'cluster': 0, 'unit': 'V'}}
[2019-11-04 12:47:54][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool](Thread-1) : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2019-11-04 13:47:54][DEBUG] : Array (     [action] => ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED     [device] => Array         (             [info] => Array                 (                     [id] => 3                     [last_seen] => 2019-11-04 12:47:53                     [ieee] => 00158d0002e2dd52                     [addr] => 2229                     [lqi] => 201                     [power_type] => 0                 )              [generictype] =>              [discovery] =>              [addr] => 2229             [endpoints] => Array                 (                     [0] => Array                         (                             [profile] => 0                             [out_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [clusters] => Array                                 (                                     [0] => Array                                         (                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [data] => 100021b30b21a843240100000000215b00205a                                                             [attribute] => 65282                                                             [value] => 2.995                                                             [name] => battery_voltage                                                             [type] => float                                                             [unit] => V                                                         )                                                  )                                              [cluster] => 0                                         )                                      [1] => Array                                         (                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [value] =>                                                              [name] => onoff                                                             [type] => bool                                                             [data] =>                                                              [attribute] => 0                                                         )                                                  )                                              [cluster] => 6                                         )                                  )                              [in_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [device] => 0                             [endpoint] => 1                         )                  )          )      [attribute] => Array         (             [value] => 2.995             [addr] => 2229             [type] => float             [name] => battery_voltage             [endpoint] => 1             [data] => 100021b30b21a843240100000000215b00205a             [attribute] => 65282             [cluster] => 0             [unit] => V         )  )
[2019-11-04 13:47:54][DEBUG] : create command 1.0.65282
[2019-11-04 12:47:54][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool](Thread-1) : "POST /plugins/zigate/core/php/jeeZiGate.php?apikey=32BcmHiJsJauMTnK3KbMeRnkSy97sxge HTTP/1.1" 200 16
[2019-11-04 12:47:54][DEBUG][root](Thread-1) : Jeedom reply :  {'success': True}
[2019-11-04 12:48:01][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Listen) : Raw packet received, b'\x01\x87\x02\x12\x02\x10\x02\x18\xc4\xf0\x02\x11\x02\x11\x02\x12")\xb0\x02\x10\x03'
[2019-11-04 12:48:01][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Event Loop) : Dispatch ZIGATE_PACKET_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:48:01][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Received response 0x8702: b'f00101022229b0'
[2019-11-04 12:48:01][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8702 - APS Data Confirm Fail : status:240, source_endpoint:1, dst_endpoint:1, dst_address_mode:2, dst_address:2229, sequence:176, lqi:0
[2019-11-04 12:48:01][ERROR][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8702 - APS Data Confirm Fail : status:240, source_endpoint:1, dst_endpoint:1, dst_address_mode:2, dst_address:2229, sequence:176, lqi:0
[2019-11-04 12:48:01][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:48:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-8) : Auto saving /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/zigate.json
[2019-11-04 12:48:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-8) : Saving persistent file
[2019-11-04 12:48:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-8) : Acquire Lock to save persistent file
[2019-11-04 12:48:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-8) : File already existing, make a backup before
[2019-11-04 12:48:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-8) : Release Lock of persistent file
[2019-11-04 12:48:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-8) : REQUEST : 0x0010
[2019-11-04 12:48:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-8) : Msg to send b'0010000010'
[2019-11-04 12:48:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-8) : Encoded Msg to send b'01021010021002101003'
[2019-11-04 12:48:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-8) : Waiting for status message for command 0x0010
[2019-11-04 12:48:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Listen) : Raw packet received, b'\x01\x80\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x15\x95\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x10\x10\x02\x10\x03\x01\x80\x10\x02\x10\x02\x15\x8f\x02\x10\x02\x13\x02\x13\x1a\x02\x10\x03'
[2019-11-04 12:48:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Event Loop) : Dispatch ZIGATE_PACKET_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:48:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Received response 0x8000: b'00000010'
[2019-11-04 12:48:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Event Loop) : Dispatch ZIGATE_PACKET_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:48:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8000 - Status response : status:0, sequence:0, packet_type:16, error:b'', lqi:0
[2019-11-04 12:48:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Received response 0x8010: b'0003031a'
[2019-11-04 12:48:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:48:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8010 - Version list : major:3, installer:31a, lqi:0, version:3.1a
[2019-11-04 12:48:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:48:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-8) : STATUS code to command 0x0010:RESPONSE 0x8000 - Status response : status:0, sequence:0, packet_type:16, error:b'', lqi:0
[2019-11-04 12:50:04][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Listen) : Raw packet received, b'\x01\x81\x02\x12\x02\x10,R\x1e\xfdk\x02\x11\x02\x10\x02\x10\xff\x02\x11\x02\x10B\x02\x10\x1f\x02\x11!\x95\x02\x1b\x02\x14!\xa8\x13\x02\x15!\x12\x02\x10\x02\x16$\x02\x11\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x10d)\x02\x10\x02\x18e!w\x17\x02\x1a!\x02\x10\x02\x10\xa8\x03'
[2019-11-04 12:50:04][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Event Loop) : Dispatch ZIGATE_PACKET_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:50:04][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Received response 0x8102: b'1efd6b010000ff010042001f0121950b0421a813052112000624010000000064290008652177170a210000'
[2019-11-04 12:50:04][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8102 - Individual Attribute Report : sequence:30, addr:fd6b, endpoint:1, cluster:0, attribute:65281, status:0, data_type:66, size:31, data:0121950b0421a813052112000624010000000064290008652177170a210000, lqi:168
[2019-11-04 12:50:04][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Acquire Lock on device LUMI lumi.sensor_ht (fd6b) 00158d0002b6fbb3
[2019-11-04 12:50:04][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Release Lock on device LUMI lumi.sensor_ht (fd6b) 00158d0002b6fbb3
[2019-11-04 12:50:04][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Acquire Lock on device LUMI lumi.sensor_ht (fd6b) 00158d0002b6fbb3
[2019-11-04 12:50:04][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Release Lock on device LUMI lumi.sensor_ht (fd6b) 00158d0002b6fbb3
[2019-11-04 12:50:04][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Acquire Lock on device LUMI lumi.sensor_ht (fd6b) 00158d0002b6fbb3
[2019-11-04 12:50:04][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Release Lock on device LUMI lumi.sensor_ht (fd6b) 00158d0002b6fbb3
[2019-11-04 12:50:04][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED
[2019-11-04 12:50:04][DEBUG][root](ZiGate-Decode data) : External command ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED : {'device': LUMI lumi.sensor_ht (fd6b) 00158d0002b6fbb3, 'zigate': <zigate.core.ZiGate object at 0x75db0af0>, 'attribute': {'value': 2.965, 'addr': 'fd6b', 'type': <class 'float'>, 'name': 'battery_voltage', 'endpoint': 1, 'data': '0121950b0421a813052112000624010000000064290008652177170a210000', 'attribute': 65281, 'cluster': 0, 'unit': 'V'}}
[2019-11-04 12:50:04][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:50:04][DEBUG][root](Thread-1) : Send to jeedom :  {'action': 'ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED', 'device': LUMI lumi.sensor_ht (fd6b) 00158d0002b6fbb3, 'attribute': {'value': 2.965, 'addr': 'fd6b', 'type': <class 'float'>, 'name': 'battery_voltage', 'endpoint': 1, 'data': '0121950b0421a813052112000624010000000064290008652177170a210000', 'attribute': 65281, 'cluster': 0, 'unit': 'V'}}
[2019-11-04 12:50:04][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool](Thread-1) : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2019-11-04 13:50:04][DEBUG] : Array (     [action] => ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED     [device] => Array         (             [info] => Array                 (                     [descriptor_capability] => 00000000                     [id] => 2                     [last_seen] => 2019-11-04 12:50:04                     [power_type] => 0                     [bit_field] => 0100000000000010                     [lqi] => 168                     [manufacturer_code] => 1037                     [addr] => fd6b                     [mac_capability] => 10000000                     [server_mask] => 0                     [ieee] => 00158d0002b6fbb3                 )              [generictype] => sensor             [discovery] => templated             [addr] => fd6b             [endpoints] => Array                 (                     [0] => Array                         (                             [profile] => 260                             [out_clusters] => Array                                 (                                     [0] => 0                                     [1] => 4                                     [2] => 3                                     [3] => 5                                     [4] => 25                                     [5] => 65535                                     [6] => 18                                 )                              [clusters] => Array                                 (                                     [0] => Array                                         (                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [data] => 2                                                             [attribute] => 1                                                             [value] => 2                                                             [name] => application_version                                                         )                                                      [1] => Array                                                         (                                                             [data] => 3                                                             [attribute] => 7                                                             [value] => 3                                                             [name] => power_source                                                         )                                                      [2] => Array                                                         (                                                             [data] => LUMI                                                             [attribute] => 4                                                             [value] => LUMI                                                             [name] => manufacturer                                                         )                                                      [3] => Array                                                         (                                                             [value] => lumi.sensor_ht                                                             [name] => type                                                             [type] => str                                                             [data] => lumi.sensor_ht                                                             [attribute] => 5                                                         )                                                      [4] => Array                                                         (                                                             [data] => 0121950b0421a813052112000624010000000064290008652177170a210000                                                             [attribute] => 65281                                                             [value] => 2.965                                                             [name] => battery_voltage                                                             [type] => float                                                             [unit] => V                                                         )                                                  )                                              [cluster] => 0                                         )                                      [1] => Array                                         (                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [data] => 2037                                                             [attribute] => 0                                                             [value] => 20.37                                                             [name] => temperature                                                             [type] => float                                                             [unit] => °C                                                         )                                                  )                                              [cluster] => 1026                                         )                                      [2] => Array                                         (                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [data] => 6068                                                             [attribute] => 0                                                             [value] => 60.68                                                             [name] => humidity                                                             [type] => float                                                             [unit] => %                                                         )                                                  )                                              [cluster] => 1029                                         )                                  )                              [in_clusters] => Array                                 (                                     [0] => 0                                     [1] => 3                                     [2] => 25                                     [3] => 65535                                     [4] => 18                                 )                              [device] => 24321                             [endpoint] => 1                         )                      [1] => Array                         (                             [profile] => 260                             [out_clusters] => Array                                 (                                     [0] => 4                                     [1] => 3                                     [2] => 5                                     [3] => 18                                 )                              [clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [in_clusters] => Array                                 (                                     [0] => 3                                     [1] => 18                                 )                              [device] => 24322                             [endpoint] => 2                         )                      [2] => Array                         (                             [profile] => 0                             [out_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [in_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [device] => 0                             [endpoint] => 3                         )                  )          )      [attribute] => Array         (             [value] => 2.965             [addr] => fd6b             [type] => float             [name] => battery_voltage             [endpoint] => 1             [data] => 0121950b0421a813052112000624010000000064290008652177170a210000             [attribute] => 65281             [cluster] => 0             [unit] => V         )  )
[2019-11-04 13:50:04][DEBUG] : create command 1.0.65281
[2019-11-04 12:50:04][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool](Thread-1) : "POST /plugins/zigate/core/php/jeeZiGate.php?apikey=32BcmHiJsJauMTnK3KbMeRnkSy97sxge HTTP/1.1" 200 16
[2019-11-04 12:50:04][DEBUG][root](Thread-1) : Jeedom reply :  {'success': True}
[2019-11-04 12:51:14][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Listen) : Raw packet received, b'\x01\x81\x02\x12\x02\x105\x15(\xf9K\x02\x11\x02\x10\x02\x10\xff\x02\x11\x02\x10B\x02\x10(\x02\x11!\xf9\x02\x1b\x02\x13(\x1b\x02\x14!\xa8C\x02\x15!\x02\x1b\x02\x10\x02\x16$\x02\x11\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x1a!\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x18!\x02\x14\x10d \x02\x12\x96#\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x10i\x03'
[2019-11-04 12:51:14][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Event Loop) : Dispatch ZIGATE_PACKET_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:51:14][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Received response 0x8102: b'28f94b010000ff01004200280121f90b03281b0421a84305210b00062401000000000a2100000821041064200296230000000000'
[2019-11-04 12:51:14][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8102 - Individual Attribute Report : sequence:40, addr:f94b, endpoint:1, cluster:0, attribute:65281, status:0, data_type:66, size:40, data:0121f90b03281b0421a84305210b00062401000000000a2100000821041064200296230000000000, lqi:105
[2019-11-04 12:51:14][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Acquire Lock on device Device lumi.sensor_smoke (f94b) 00158d00031b3c2b
[2019-11-04 12:51:14][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Release Lock on device Device lumi.sensor_smoke (f94b) 00158d00031b3c2b
[2019-11-04 12:51:14][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Acquire Lock on device Device lumi.sensor_smoke (f94b) 00158d00031b3c2b
[2019-11-04 12:51:14][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Release Lock on device Device lumi.sensor_smoke (f94b) 00158d00031b3c2b
[2019-11-04 12:51:14][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Acquire Lock on device Device lumi.sensor_smoke (f94b) 00158d00031b3c2b
[2019-11-04 12:51:14][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Release Lock on device Device lumi.sensor_smoke (f94b) 00158d00031b3c2b
[2019-11-04 12:51:14][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED
[2019-11-04 12:51:14][DEBUG][root](ZiGate-Decode data) : External command ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED : {'device': Device lumi.sensor_smoke (f94b) 00158d00031b3c2b, 'zigate': <zigate.core.ZiGate object at 0x75db0af0>, 'attribute': {'value': 3.065, 'addr': 'f94b', 'type': <class 'float'>, 'name': 'battery_voltage', 'endpoint': 1, 'data': '0121f90b03281b0421a84305210b00062401000000000a2100000821041064200296230000000000', 'attribute': 65281, 'cluster': 0, 'unit': 'V'}}
[2019-11-04 12:51:14][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:51:14][DEBUG][root](Thread-1) : Send to jeedom :  {'action': 'ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED', 'device': Device lumi.sensor_smoke (f94b) 00158d00031b3c2b, 'attribute': {'value': 3.065, 'addr': 'f94b', 'type': <class 'float'>, 'name': 'battery_voltage', 'endpoint': 1, 'data': '0121f90b03281b0421a84305210b00062401000000000a2100000821041064200296230000000000', 'attribute': 65281, 'cluster': 0, 'unit': 'V'}}
[2019-11-04 12:51:14][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool](Thread-1) : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2019-11-04 13:51:14][DEBUG] : Array (     [action] => ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED     [device] => Array         (             [info] => Array                 (                     [id] => 11                     [mac_capability] => 10000000                     [last_seen] => 2019-11-04 12:51:14                     [ieee] => 00158d00031b3c2b                     [addr] => f94b                     [lqi] => 105                     [power_type] => 0                 )              [generictype] =>              [discovery] =>              [addr] => f94b             [endpoints] => Array                 (                     [0] => Array                         (                             [profile] => 0                             [out_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [clusters] => Array                                 (                                     [0] => Array                                         (                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [data] => 0121f90b03281b0421a84305210b00062401000000000a2100000821041064200296230000000000                                                             [attribute] => 65281                                                             [value] => 3.065                                                             [name] => battery_voltage                                                             [type] => float                                                             [unit] => V                                                         )                                                      [1] => Array                                                         (                                                             [value] => lumi.sensor_smoke                                                             [name] => type                                                             [type] => str                                                             [data] => lumi.sensor_smoke                                                             [attribute] => 5                                                         )                                                  )                                              [cluster] => 0                                         )                                      [1] => Array                                         (                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [data] => 0000000000000000                                                             [attribute] => 255                                                             [name] => zone_status                                                             [value] => Array                                                                 (                                                                     [alarm2] =>                                                                      [supervision] =>                                                                      [alarm1] =>                                                                      [restore] =>                                                                      [trouble] =>                                                                      [low_battery] =>                                                                      [test_mode] =>                                                                      [tamper] =>                                                                      [battery_defect] =>                                                                      [ac_fault] =>                                                                  )                                                          )                                                  )                                              [cluster] => 1280                                         )                                  )                              [in_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [device] => 0                             [endpoint] => 1                         )                  )          )      [attribute] => Array         (             [value] => 3.065             [addr] => f94b             [type] => float             [name] => battery_voltage             [endpoint] => 1             [data] => 0121f90b03281b0421a84305210b00062401000000000a2100000821041064200296230000000000             [attribute] => 65281             [cluster] => 0             [unit] => V         )  )
[2019-11-04 13:51:14][DEBUG] : create command 1.0.65281
[2019-11-04 12:51:14][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool](Thread-1) : "POST /plugins/zigate/core/php/jeeZiGate.php?apikey=32BcmHiJsJauMTnK3KbMeRnkSy97sxge HTTP/1.1" 200 16
[2019-11-04 12:51:14][DEBUG][root](Thread-1) : Jeedom reply :  {'success': True}
[2019-11-04 12:53:25][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Listen) : Raw packet received, b'\x01\x81\x02\x12\x02\x10 \xben\xe5\x02\x16\x02\x11\x02\x10\x02\x10\xff\x02\x12\x02\x10B\x02\x10\x13\x10'
[2019-11-04 12:53:25][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Listen) : Raw packet received, b'\x02\x10!\x9f\x02\x1b!\xa8\x13$\x02\x11\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x10!\x12\x02\x10 ]i\x03'
[2019-11-04 12:53:26][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Event Loop) : Dispatch ZIGATE_PACKET_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:53:26][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Received response 0x8102: b'6ee506010000ff02004200131000219f0b21a813240100000000211200205d'
[2019-11-04 12:53:26][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8102 - Individual Attribute Report : sequence:110, addr:e506, endpoint:1, cluster:0, attribute:65282, status:0, data_type:66, size:19, data:1000219f0b21a813240100000000211200205d, lqi:105
[2019-11-04 12:53:26][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Acquire Lock on device LUMI lumi.sensor_magnet (e506) 00158d0002b75114
[2019-11-04 12:53:26][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Release Lock on device LUMI lumi.sensor_magnet (e506) 00158d0002b75114
[2019-11-04 12:53:26][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Acquire Lock on device LUMI lumi.sensor_magnet (e506) 00158d0002b75114
[2019-11-04 12:53:26][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Release Lock on device LUMI lumi.sensor_magnet (e506) 00158d0002b75114
[2019-11-04 12:53:26][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Acquire Lock on device LUMI lumi.sensor_magnet (e506) 00158d0002b75114
[2019-11-04 12:53:26][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Release Lock on device LUMI lumi.sensor_magnet (e506) 00158d0002b75114
[2019-11-04 12:53:26][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED
[2019-11-04 12:53:26][DEBUG][root](ZiGate-Decode data) : External command ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED : {'device': LUMI lumi.sensor_magnet (e506) 00158d0002b75114, 'zigate': <zigate.core.ZiGate object at 0x75db0af0>, 'attribute': {'value': 2.975, 'addr': 'e506', 'type': <class 'float'>, 'name': 'battery_voltage', 'endpoint': 1, 'data': '1000219f0b21a813240100000000211200205d', 'attribute': 65282, 'cluster': 0, 'unit': 'V'}}
[2019-11-04 12:53:26][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:53:26][DEBUG][root](Thread-1) : Send to jeedom :  {'action': 'ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED', 'device': LUMI lumi.sensor_magnet (e506) 00158d0002b75114, 'attribute': {'value': 2.975, 'addr': 'e506', 'type': <class 'float'>, 'name': 'battery_voltage', 'endpoint': 1, 'data': '1000219f0b21a813240100000000211200205d', 'attribute': 65282, 'cluster': 0, 'unit': 'V'}}
[2019-11-04 12:53:26][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool](Thread-1) : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2019-11-04 13:53:26][DEBUG] : Array (     [action] => ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED     [device] => Array         (             [info] => Array                 (                     [id] => 8                     [mac_capability] => 10000000                     [last_seen] => 2019-11-04 12:53:26                     [ieee] => 00158d0002b75114                     [addr] => e506                     [lqi] => 105                     [power_type] => 0                 )              [generictype] =>              [discovery] => templated             [addr] => e506             [endpoints] => Array                 (                     [0] => Array                         (                             [profile] => 260                             [out_clusters] => Array                                 (                                     [0] => 0                                     [1] => 4                                     [2] => 3                                     [3] => 6                                     [4] => 8                                     [5] => 5                                     [6] => 25                                 )                              [clusters] => Array                                 (                                     [0] => Array                                         (                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [data] => 10                                                             [attribute] => 1                                                             [value] => 10                                                             [name] => application_version                                                         )                                                      [1] => Array                                                         (                                                             [data] => 1000219f0b21a813240100000000211200205d                                                             [attribute] => 65282                                                             [value] => 2.975                                                             [name] => battery_voltage                                                             [type] => float                                                             [unit] => V                                                         )                                                      [2] => Array                                                         (                                                             [data] => LUMI                                                             [attribute] => 4                                                             [value] => LUMI                                                             [name] => manufacturer                                                         )                                                      [3] => Array                                                         (                                                             [value] => lumi.sensor_magnet                                                             [name] => type                                                             [type] => str                                                             [data] => lumi.sensor_magnet                                                             [attribute] => 5                                                         )                                                  )                                              [cluster] => 0                                         )                                      [1] => Array                                         (                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [value] =>                                                              [name] => onoff                                                             [type] => bool                                                             [data] =>                                                              [attribute] => 0                                                         )                                                  )                                              [cluster] => 6                                         )                                  )                              [in_clusters] => Array                                 (                                     [0] => 0                                     [1] => 3                                     [2] => 65535                                     [3] => 25                                 )                              [device] => 260                             [endpoint] => 1                         )                  )          )      [attribute] => Array         (             [value] => 2.975             [addr] => e506             [type] => float             [name] => battery_voltage             [endpoint] => 1             [data] => 1000219f0b21a813240100000000211200205d             [attribute] => 65282             [cluster] => 0             [unit] => V         )  )
[2019-11-04 13:53:26][DEBUG] : create command 1.0.65282
[2019-11-04 12:53:26][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool](Thread-1) : "POST /plugins/zigate/core/php/jeeZiGate.php?apikey=32BcmHiJsJauMTnK3KbMeRnkSy97sxge HTTP/1.1" 200 16
[2019-11-04 12:53:26][DEBUG][root](Thread-1) : Jeedom reply :  {'success': True}
[2019-11-04 12:53:33][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Listen) : Raw packet received, b'\x01\x87\x02\x12\x02\x10\x02\x18-\xf0\x02\x11\x02\x11\x02\x12\xe5\x02\x16\xb1\x02\x10\x03'
[2019-11-04 12:53:33][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Event Loop) : Dispatch ZIGATE_PACKET_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:53:33][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Received response 0x8702: b'f0010102e506b1'
[2019-11-04 12:53:33][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8702 - APS Data Confirm Fail : status:240, source_endpoint:1, dst_endpoint:1, dst_address_mode:2, dst_address:e506, sequence:177, lqi:0
[2019-11-04 12:53:33][ERROR][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8702 - APS Data Confirm Fail : status:240, source_endpoint:1, dst_endpoint:1, dst_address_mode:2, dst_address:e506, sequence:177, lqi:0
[2019-11-04 12:53:33][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:53:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-9) : Auto saving /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/zigate.json
[2019-11-04 12:53:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-9) : Saving persistent file
[2019-11-04 12:53:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-9) : Acquire Lock to save persistent file
[2019-11-04 12:53:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-9) : File already existing, make a backup before
[2019-11-04 12:53:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-9) : Release Lock of persistent file
[2019-11-04 12:53:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-9) : REQUEST : 0x0010
[2019-11-04 12:53:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-9) : Msg to send b'0010000010'
[2019-11-04 12:53:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-9) : Encoded Msg to send b'01021010021002101003'
[2019-11-04 12:53:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-9) : Waiting for status message for command 0x0010
[2019-11-04 12:53:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Listen) : Raw packet received, b'\x01\x80\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x15\x95\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x10\x10\x02\x10\x03\x01\x80\x10\x02\x10\x02\x15\x8f\x02\x10\x02\x13\x02\x13\x1a\x02\x10\x03'
[2019-11-04 12:53:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Event Loop) : Dispatch ZIGATE_PACKET_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:53:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Received response 0x8000: b'00000010'
[2019-11-04 12:53:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Event Loop) : Dispatch ZIGATE_PACKET_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:53:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8000 - Status response : status:0, sequence:0, packet_type:16, error:b'', lqi:0
[2019-11-04 12:53:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Received response 0x8010: b'0003031a'
[2019-11-04 12:53:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:53:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8010 - Version list : major:3, installer:31a, lqi:0, version:3.1a
[2019-11-04 12:53:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:53:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-9) : STATUS code to command 0x0010:RESPONSE 0x8000 - Status response : status:0, sequence:0, packet_type:16, error:b'', lqi:0
[2019-11-04 13:54:22][DEBUG] : callZiGate get_version_text
[2019-11-04 12:54:22][DEBUG][root](Thread-5) : Message received in socket
[2019-11-04 12:54:22][DEBUG][root](Thread-5) : {'args': '', 'action': 'get_version_text'}
[2019-11-04 12:54:22][DEBUG][root](Thread-5) : {'success': True, 'result': '3.1a'}
[2019-11-04 13:54:22][DEBUG] : result callZiGate Array (     [success] => 1     [result] => 3.1a )
[2019-11-04 13:54:22][DEBUG] : callZiGate get_libversion
[2019-11-04 12:54:22][DEBUG][root](Thread-5) : Message received in socket
[2019-11-04 12:54:22][DEBUG][root](Thread-5) : {'args': '', 'action': 'get_libversion'}
[2019-11-04 12:54:22][DEBUG][root](Thread-5) : {'success': True, 'result': '0.33.1'}
[2019-11-04 13:54:22][DEBUG] : result callZiGate Array (     [success] => 1     [result] => 0.33.1 )
[2019-11-04 13:54:42][DEBUG] : callZiGate permit_join
[2019-11-04 12:54:42][DEBUG][root](Thread-5) : Message received in socket
[2019-11-04 12:54:42][DEBUG][root](Thread-5) : {'args': '', 'action': 'permit_join'}
[2019-11-04 12:54:42][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-5) : REQUEST : 0x0049 FFFC1E00
[2019-11-04 12:54:42][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-5) : Msg to send b'0049000450fffc1e00'
[2019-11-04 12:54:42][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-5) : Encoded Msg to send b'010210490210021450fffc1e021003'
[2019-11-04 12:54:42][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-5) : Waiting for status message for command 0x0049
[2019-11-04 12:54:42][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Listen) : Raw packet received, b'\x01\x80\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x158\x02\x10\xf4\x02\x10I\x02\x10\x03'
[2019-11-04 12:54:42][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Event Loop) : Dispatch ZIGATE_PACKET_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:54:42][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Received response 0x8000: b'00f40049'
[2019-11-04 12:54:42][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8000 - Status response : status:0, sequence:244, packet_type:73, error:b'', lqi:0
[2019-11-04 12:54:42][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:54:42][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-5) : STATUS code to command 0x0049:RESPONSE 0x8000 - Status response : status:0, sequence:244, packet_type:73, error:b'', lqi:0
[2019-11-04 12:54:42][DEBUG][root](Thread-5) : {'success': True, 'result': OrderedDict([('status', 0), ('sequence', 244), ('packet_type', 73), ('error', b''), ('lqi', 0)])}
[2019-11-04 13:54:42][DEBUG] : result callZiGate Array (     [success] => 1     [result] => Array         (             [status] => 0             [sequence] => 244             [packet_type] => 73             [error] =>              [lqi] => 0         )  )
[2019-11-04 13:58:21][DEBUG] : callZiGate permit_join
[2019-11-04 12:58:21][DEBUG][root](Thread-5) : Message received in socket
[2019-11-04 12:58:21][DEBUG][root](Thread-5) : {'args': '', 'action': 'permit_join'}
[2019-11-04 12:58:21][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-5) : REQUEST : 0x0049 FFFC1E00
[2019-11-04 12:58:21][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-5) : Msg to send b'0049000450fffc1e00'
[2019-11-04 12:58:21][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-5) : Encoded Msg to send b'010210490210021450fffc1e021003'
[2019-11-04 12:58:21][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-5) : Waiting for status message for command 0x0049
[2019-11-04 12:58:21][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Listen) : Raw packet received, b'\x01\x80\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x159\x02\x10\xf5\x02\x10I\x02\x10\x03'
[2019-11-04 12:58:21][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Event Loop) : Dispatch ZIGATE_PACKET_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:58:21][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Received response 0x8000: b'00f50049'
[2019-11-04 12:58:21][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8000 - Status response : status:0, sequence:245, packet_type:73, error:b'', lqi:0
[2019-11-04 12:58:21][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:58:21][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-5) : STATUS code to command 0x0049:RESPONSE 0x8000 - Status response : status:0, sequence:245, packet_type:73, error:b'', lqi:0
[2019-11-04 12:58:21][DEBUG][root](Thread-5) : {'success': True, 'result': OrderedDict([('status', 0), ('sequence', 245), ('packet_type', 73), ('error', b''), ('lqi', 0)])}
[2019-11-04 13:58:21][DEBUG] : result callZiGate Array (     [success] => 1     [result] => Array         (             [status] => 0             [sequence] => 245             [packet_type] => 73             [error] =>              [lqi] => 0         )  )
[2019-11-04 12:58:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-10) : Auto saving /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/zigate.json
[2019-11-04 12:58:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-10) : Saving persistent file
[2019-11-04 12:58:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-10) : Acquire Lock to save persistent file
[2019-11-04 12:58:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-10) : File already existing, make a backup before
[2019-11-04 12:58:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-10) : Release Lock of persistent file
[2019-11-04 12:58:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-10) : REQUEST : 0x0010
[2019-11-04 12:58:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-10) : Msg to send b'0010000010'
[2019-11-04 12:58:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-10) : Encoded Msg to send b'01021010021002101003'
[2019-11-04 12:58:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-10) : Waiting for status message for command 0x0010
[2019-11-04 12:58:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Listen) : Raw packet received, b'\x01\x80\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x15\x95\x02\x10\x02\x10\x02\x10\x10\x02\x10\x03\x01\x80\x10\x02\x10\x02\x15\x8f\x02\x10\x02\x13\x02\x13\x1a\x02\x10\x03'
[2019-11-04 12:58:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Event Loop) : Dispatch ZIGATE_PACKET_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:58:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Received response 0x8000: b'00000010'
[2019-11-04 12:58:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Event Loop) : Dispatch ZIGATE_PACKET_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:58:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8000 - Status response : status:0, sequence:0, packet_type:16, error:b'', lqi:0
[2019-11-04 12:58:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Received response 0x8010: b'0003031a'
[2019-11-04 12:58:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2019-11-04 12:58:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : RESPONSE 0x8010 - Version list : major:3, installer:31a, lqi:0, version:3.1a
[2019-11-04 12:58:57][DEBUG][zigate](Thread-10) : STATUS code to command 0x0010:RESPONSE 0x8000 - Status response : status:0, sequence:0, packet_type:16, error:b'', lqi:0
[2019-11-04 12:58:57][DEBUG][zigate](ZiGate-Decode data) : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
doudz commented 4 years ago

@sifus est-ce que la zigate a été mise sur l'un des canaux compatibles (@pipiche38 merci) 15, 20 ou 25 ?

sifus commented 4 years ago

@sifus est-ce que la zigate a été mise sur l'un des canaux compatibles (@pipiche38 merci) 15, 20 ou 25 ?

Ah, c'est ça que @pipiche38 voulait dire, non je ne suis jamais intervenu sur les canaux... ou est-ce que je change les canaux ?

là, à la place de canal 11 (ça semble plutôt être un paramètre wifi ...) ?

Capture d’écran 2019-11-04 à 14 06 04
doudz commented 4 years ago

c'est effectivement similaire à ce qu'on trouve pour le wifi il faudrait mettre 15 par exemple. Par contre attention, peut-être (je n'ai jamais essayé) il faudra peut-être refaire l'appairage des autres équipements

sifus commented 4 years ago

Bien joué ! @doudz @pipiche38

C'est bon j'ai détecté mes capteurs de mouvement Konke en changeant le canal pour le 15 (à la place du 11 par défaut).

Les autres capteurs demandent effectivement un rafraichissement en changeant de canal.

Du coup est ce qu'il y a un canal mieux qu'un autre selon l'encombrement ou autre (comme le wifi) ?

doudz commented 4 years ago

D'abord, il faut choisir un canal compatible avec son matériel, et ensuite oui c'est une question d'encombrement, donc choisir un canal différent de son voisin éventuellement peut aider vérifier aussi les interférences avec le wifi car les fréquences sont similaires


sifus commented 4 years ago

Super merci à tous :)

sifus commented 4 years ago

Désoler je sais pas si c'est à moi de clore le sujet...

pipiche38 commented 4 years ago

Oui tu peux clore, je pense