fairecasoimeme / ZiPulses

Pulses Zigbee sensor to capture Gazpar or water counter
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Update unit_of_measure in ZHA #33

Open fredoche1810 opened 3 weeks ago

fredoche1810 commented 3 weeks ago

Hello, I try to change the value of the unit of measure as explained here : https://github.com/fairecasoimeme/ZiPulses?tab=readme-ov-file#zha When I go in Home Assistant on the Zipulse to reconfigure I can find the parameters. When I read the information of the unit_of_measure, I receive the following value : enum8.undefined_0x00 When I try to change it to "7" as value to have Liters, the value is send without error but it doesn't change anything. Moreover, when I read it again, it's always the default value enum8.undefined_0x00 Do you have to insert the value in a specific format ? It's the first time for me that I have to use enum8 as format. Thanks in advance, IMG_8137

fairecasoimeme commented 2 weeks ago

Did you get the Green V, when you click on "écrire l'attribut" ? Did you push the ZiPulse's link button ?

fredoche1810 commented 2 weeks ago

Hello @fairecasoimeme,

Yes I have a green V when i click on "écrire l'attribut". Yes I pushed on the ZiPulse to wake it up. Without that no green V. I think that the format of the value isn't given correctly due to enum8. Only int 7 for liters isn't enough no ?

I suppose when I see your nickname that we can also do it in French.


fairecasoimeme commented 2 weeks ago

il me semble qu'en mettant juste 7 dans l'étiquette valeur suffit.

fredoche1810 commented 2 weeks ago

C'est ce que j'ai fait ... Je n'ai pas d'erreur lorsque je fais "écrire l'attribut" mais quand je relis la valeur elle n'a pas été modifiée malheureusement