fairecasoimeme / Zlinky_TIC

Téléinformation Linky autoalimenté ZigBee 3.0
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some sensors are lost since v10 update #122

Closed Albirew closed 1 year ago

Albirew commented 1 year ago

It looks like update to v10 (Firmware: 0x0000000a) made me loose a whole lot of sensors:

among these, what I use the most are Electricalmeasurementapparentpower and PTEC PTEC automation is the following:

  - service: zha_toolkit.execute
      command: attr_read
      ieee: REDACTED
      cluster: 1794
      attribute: 32
      state_id: sensor.lixee_zlinky_tic_infos_PTEC

Sans titre Sans titre2

bdien commented 1 year ago

Same issue with V10, SINSTS 65535 and SMAXN -32768.

Using zigbee2mqtt 1.28.0, was working before OTA. Tried to remove the ZLinky and rejoin, without any improvement.

nbufnoir commented 1 year ago

Same here, SINSTS at 65535 and not updating since I went to v10

CladStriffe commented 1 year ago

This issue has already been raised (see #89 ) According to the developer, in V10 the way SINSTS and other values are managed has changed to cover both single-phase and tri-phase. This requires an update of zigbee2mqtt (no date provided).

bdien commented 1 year ago

I've modified the file from zigbee2mqtt (Latest rev 5011671) to make SINSTS and SMAXN work (SMAXN-1 is more difficult, being a ZLinky special attibute). https://gist.github.com/bdien/260fea4b4f82295a2613f85184ee332f

To use it, put the content as lixee.js, next to configuration.yaml. And add the following lines to configuration.yaml:

  - lixee.js

Only tested with the standard mode, single phase, zigbee2mqtt 1.28.0.

fairecasoimeme commented 1 year ago

I'll try to fix this issue with a new firmware version, to be compatible with plugins.

pipiche38 commented 1 year ago

same issue of Domoticz

navycrow commented 1 year ago

same issue. :(

fairecasoimeme commented 1 year ago

You can try the new version to fix it https://github.com/fairecasoimeme/Zlinky_TIC/releases/tag/v11.0

bdien commented 1 year ago

Thanks ! I've got a weird behaviour from zigbee2mqtt OTA: It is detecting the new file v11 but telling me that no update is available. Could it be related to the fileVersion (10) field from the metadata that it is receiving (i am not sure from which URL) ?

Is new image available for '0x00158d0006a40287',
   current '{"fieldControl":0,"manufacturerCode":4151,"imageType":1,"fileVersion":10}',
   latest meta '{"fileVersion":10,"fileSize":244142,"url":"https://github.com/fairecasoimeme/Zlinky_TIC/releases/download/v11.0/ZLinky_router_limited_v11.ota"}'
CladStriffe commented 1 year ago

Thanks !

I've got a weird behaviour from zigbee2mqtt OTA: It is detecting the new file v11 but telling me that no update is available.

Could it be related to the fileVersion (10) field from the metadata that it is receiving (i am not sure from which URL) ?

Is new image available for '0x00158d0006a40287',

   current '{"fieldControl":0,"manufacturerCode":4151,"imageType":1,"fileVersion":10}',

   latest meta '{"fileVersion":10,"fileSize":244142,"url":"https://github.com/fairecasoimeme/Zlinky_TIC/releases/download/v11.0/ZLinky_router_limited_v11.ota"}'

Same here. Nonetheless, thanks for the quick fix.

fairecasoimeme commented 1 year ago

Sorry I'm just reupload

CladStriffe commented 1 year ago

Hello, thank you for the update. However I cannot update to v11 using OTA in Z2m. I have an error "image type mismatch". It is maybe related to the fact that z2m is trying to use the router_limited version, even if it should use the regular one (I never manually updated the ZLinky to use a no-router version). Am I missing something ?

bdien commented 1 year ago

Managed to update to 4000-0011 with Z2M, SINSTS, SMAXN and SMAXN-1 are working. Thanks !!

For Z2M update, there is indeed an issue, Z2M will select the first .ota file from the release. I "fixed" it by modifying the file node_modules/zigbee-herdsman-converters/lib/ota/lixee.js in my docker image within the following section:

    // Find the most recent OTA file available
    for (const e of releasesLIST.sort((a, b) => a.published_at - a.published_at)) {
        if (e.assets) {
            const targetObj = e.assets
                .find((a) => a.name.endsWith('router_v11.ota')); // <-- Patched here (Ugly)
            if (targetObj && targetObj.browser_download_url) {
                firmURL = targetObj;
fairecasoimeme commented 1 year ago

I renamed. Please retry

CladStriffe commented 1 year ago

Update is now in progress. Thank you for your support ! 👍

plouf34 commented 1 year ago

Hello Is it possible to upgrade from v10 router OTA to v11 limited OTA via zigbee2mqtt OTA update? Or we must absolutely flash the zlinky from USB TTL when old firmware is router and not limited?

Albirew commented 1 year ago

Thanks, I got back almost all semsors What still doesn't work are:

CladStriffe commented 1 year ago

Thanks, I got back almost all semsors

What still doesn't work are:

  • those that never worked in first place (Electricalmeasurement and Electricalmeasurementpowerfactor)

  • the one I'd like it to work (PTEC witch shows current tariff, if someone with sensor knowledge can help)

PTEC is a value used in "historic" mode. Is it the mode used be your Linky ? If it is, it may not work depending on your current subscription and provider (not compatible with WE hours for example). I would suggest to request to change the mode from "historic" to "standard" to your provider. (ENGIE for example has a dedicated form online to do this).

Albirew commented 1 year ago

Ah, i switched from "historic" to "standard" recently, but kept the HP/HC tariff. How do you keep watch of currently applied tariff in standard mode then?

CladStriffe commented 1 year ago

It is LTARF.

If you have some old sensors in tic_command_whitelist, you should empty this field first (that's the name of the setting in zigbee2mqtt, not sure how it is written somewhere else)

Albirew commented 1 year ago

Thanks for pointing me to the right direction: cluster ff66 attr 200. I edited automation like this to keep track of history:

  - service: zha_toolkit.execute
      command: attr_read
      ieee: REDACTED
      cluster: 65382
      attribute: 512
      state_id: sensor.lixee_zlinky_tic_infos_PTEC

I will close this issue since all the sensors i use are back. The 2 remaining sensors were not working from the start so i don't miss them (^_^; )

renaiku commented 1 year ago

I've modified the file from zigbee2mqtt (Latest rev 5011671) to make SINSTS and SMAXN work (SMAXN-1 is more difficult, being a ZLinky special attibute). https://gist.github.com/bdien/260fea4b4f82295a2613f85184ee332f

@bdien is it PRed in z2m ? In zlinky OTA V11 & z2m 1.28.2, my SINSTS is stuck at 438VA.

bdien commented 1 year ago

@bdien is it PRed in z2m ? In zlinky OTA V11 & z2m 1.28.2, my SINSTS is stuck at 438VA.

Not PRed as it is working on my side (Z2M 1.28.2 without any modification, ZLinky 4000-0011 (V11), Standard Mode)