fairtracks / fairtracks_standard

FAIRtracks is a JSON Schema defining a minimal standard for genomic track metadata.
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Add support for sample replicates #14

Open sveinugu opened 5 years ago

sveinugu commented 5 years ago

From https://github.com/orgs/fairtracks/teams/fairtracks-developers/discussions/33

"The solution adopted at IHEC is that we can link two samples as being biological replicates of each other. If two experiments are technical replicates of each other, they are simply attached to the same sample."

sveinugu commented 5 years ago

See https://github.com/orgs/fairtracks/teams/fairtracks-developers/discussions/6 about the example data. The natural way to update is then perhaps to move from GEO to ENCODE ids?

dzerbino commented 5 years ago

I could replace with EGA Sample IDs (e.g. ERS466414)

dzerbino commented 5 years ago

Looking at this more in details, the current IDs are BioSample IDs, e.g.: http://identifiers.org/resolve?query=BIOSAMPLE:SAMEA2556037 I don't understand why we are discussing GEO IDs nor how we would map this to ENCODE IDs.

sveinugu commented 5 years ago

@dzerbino Sorry about the confusion. This is about the example JSON file in the standard, which is copied from ENCODE. Not BLUEPRINT

sveinugu commented 5 years ago

I should probably locate the BIOSAMPLE Ids for the examples, if I can find a link

dzerbino commented 5 years ago

Gotcha! See example above

sveinugu commented 5 years ago

I see now that this has to be postponed, as it will require that an experiment can point to more than one sample, which we do not have downstream support for currently.

@dzerbino @dtitov