fairtracks / fairtracks_standard

FAIRtracks is a JSON Schema defining a minimal standard for genomic track metadata.
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Track type / EDAM ontology collaboration #5

Closed sveinugu closed 4 years ago

sveinugu commented 5 years ago
sveinugu commented 5 years ago

@dzerbino @jmfernandez @ehovig After much consideration, i suggest the property should be named “type_of_condensed_data». Better would have been «condensed_data_type», but it is grammatically wrong I think, as it seems to say that it is the type that is condensed and not the data.

“Data condensation» is a term that has replaced «data reduction» because of the negative connotations of the latter term. All tracks contain condensed data by their very nature. But what is lacking everywhere is a vocabulary which describes the generic form or type of the condensed data (as a “track subtype”), including how it should be interpreted. The idea is that these terms are purely technical and not biological. Here are some suggested terms:

sveinugu commented 5 years ago

In addition, I suggest to add a “track_type” property using the terminology of our 15 track types: https://bmcbioinformatics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1471-2105-12-494/figures/1

Of course I am partial here, but there exists no other terminology of the kind, and they have proved to be very useful.