fairvotereform / RankIt

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Update #184

Open iambateman opened 3 years ago

iambateman commented 3 years ago

Chris, feel free to close once you've read. Copying @erisch23 and @ggordn3r for context.

I updated the Readme with some more context on the app, but we may need to talk some more to get you up to speed. In the interim, you can go ahead and get firebase and gcloud SDK installed on your machine, as well as the app running locally, if you haven't already. Let me know what your schedule is like the next few weeks if you want to chat.

For what it's worth, deployments are done from your local machine (npm run deploy), separate from Github.

If you ever needed to roll back in an emergency, you could go to https://console.cloud.google.com/appengine/versions?serviceId=default&project=rankit-vote&versionId=20201209t161557 and use an older version.