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As a poll creator, I can enable "presentation mode" #91

Open ggordn3r opened 4 years ago

ggordn3r commented 4 years ago

Presentation mode allows a poll creator to source votes and display results in a live event setting.

Fundamentally, there are 2 states, voting and results, each with their own goal:

  1. During voting, enable voters at a live event to easily find the poll. URLs are currently not typable.
    • proposed solution A: Temporary URL, 4-letter code (like Jackbox room code)
    • proposed solution B: QR code
    • Could this screen also be tallying the number of votes coming in? Seems more interactive.
    • Would need to be easy/obvious for poll creator to close voting and transition to presentation results view from here.
  2. During results, display to fill a large screen with results only
    • Because expert will be there to guide viewers, this mode doesn't require a round summary
    • Could emphasize the winners name (confetti animation?) on 1st view
    • Overall aesthetic is more formal--should be at home on a stage

Note: important dependencies if we move forward with #86 (images) and custom colors Question: how many choices could this reasonably contain? Should we say "+ 10 more" or something in the bottom slot if choices exceed space available?

Maybe something can be learned from RCVIS: https://www.rcvis.com/visualize=payson-2019-11-12_13-46-26_summary_1json#barchart-interactive

Or the RCVRC best practices: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3K2g6lIQMWsYkEzSkgtWHBQVDg/view


ggordn3r commented 4 years ago

This is the original description for the issue--notice how different it is from the current one:

Originally, we designed the app to load votes in real time while users were looking at the round summaries; however, that proved confusing to users, especially with few votes when winners might flip-flop while users are reading the round summaries.

Therefore we froze the view in v1 (see #79). However, a live "presentation mode" would be a cool tool for events, so attendees can see the votes come in.

ggordn3r commented 4 years ago

@iambateman leaving this assigned to you for design specifications. Once you've defined those, reassign to Ralph and move the card to his column on the project board.

iambateman commented 4 years ago

Presentation Mode

@ggordn3r this is a bit more of a realistic version intended for a broader range of voting situations. It would show the top 7 (possibly 9, depending on how it shakes out).


ggordn3r commented 4 years ago

Because there won't be any live, in-person events during the RCV week of action anymore, I'm pushing this to the main 2.0 release instead of the priority one.

@iambateman my last question is: how does a poll creator enter presentation mode? Is it a new purple button on the poll management page?

ggordn3r commented 4 years ago

@iambateman would you be able to implement this lightweight presentation mode? Though Emily was willing to forego it if the results view changes became complicated, I'd like to include it if possible.