fairy-stockfish / variant-nnue-pytorch

chess variant NNUE training code for Fairy-Stockfish
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Unknown error when trying to Train #28

Closed ACosmicCake closed 1 year ago

ACosmicCake commented 1 year ago


For some reason i cannot get the code to work as it is not showing any errors currently. Could you help me figure out what is going on?

i am trying to create a nnue file for a 10x10 variant.

Could it be that the pytorch-lighning and pytorch is incompatible? Not sure why assertion would fail :(

There are two extra pieces, would i have to code them manually into the code?

sorry if these questions are simple i'm trying my best to learn.

Thank you so much for your dedication, the chess engine world is thankful for all this amazing work


(siege) C:\Users\Kosmic\Desktop\variant-nnue-pytorch-master>python train.py --smart-fen-skipping --random-fen-skipping 3 --batch-size 16384 --threads 20 --num-workers 20 --gpus 1 C:\Users\Kosmic\Desktop\Variant\Validation-data\1mil9depth.bin C:\Users\Kosmic\Desktop\Variant\Validation-data\1mil12depth.bin Feature set: HalfKAv2^ Num real features: 150000 Num virtual features: 1600 Num features: 151600 Training with C:\Users\Kosmic\Desktop\Variant\Validation-data\1mil9depth.bin validating with C:\Users\Kosmic\Desktop\Variant\Validation-data\1mil12depth.bin Global seed set to 42 Seed 42 Using batch size 16384 Smart fen skipping: True Random fen skipping: 3 limiting torch to 20 threads. Using log dir logs/ C:\Users\Kosmic\anaconda3\envs\siege\Lib\site-packages\pytorch_lightning\callbacks\model_checkpoint.py:487: LightningDeprecationWarning: Argument period in ModelCheckpoint is deprecated in v1.3 and will be removed in v1.5. Please use every_n_epochs instead. rank_zero_deprecation( C:\Users\Kosmic\anaconda3\envs\siege\Lib\site-packages\pytorch_lightning\callbacks\model_checkpoint.py:432: UserWarning: ModelCheckpoint(save_last=True, save_top_k=None, monitor=None) is a redundant configuration. You can save the last checkpoint with ModelCheckpoint(save_top_k=None, monitor=None). rank_zero_warn( ModelCheckpoint(save_last=True, save_top_k=-1, monitor=None) will duplicate the last checkpoint saved. GPU available: True, used: True TPU available: False, using: 0 TPU cores IPU available: False, using: 0 IPUs Using c++ data loader Assertion failed: bits <= 6, file C:/Users/Kosmic/Desktop/variant-nnue-pytorch-master/lib/nnue_trainLOCAL_RANK: 0 - CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES: [0] ing_datRanger optimizer loaded. Gradient Centralization usage = False a_formats.h, line 662 Assertion failed: bits <= 6, file C:/Users/Kosmic/Desktop/variant-nnue-pytorch-master/lib/nnue_training_data_formats.h, line 662

| Name | Type | Params

0 | input | DoubleFeatureTransformerSlice | 78.8 M 1 | layer_stacks | LayerStacks | 152 K

79.0 M Trainable params 0 Non-trainable params 79.0 M Total params 315.939 Total estimated model params size (MB) Validation sanity check: 0it [00:00, ?it/s]C:\Users\Kosmic\anaconda3\envs\siege\Lib\site-packages\pytorch_lightning\trainer\data_loading.py:105: UserWarning: The dataloader, val dataloader 0, does not have many workers which may be a bottleneck. Consider increasing the value of the num_workers argument(try 20 which is the number of cpus on this machine) in theDataLoader` init to improve performance. rank_zero_warn( Validation sanity check: 0%| | 0/2 [00:00<?, ?it/s] (siege) C:\Users\Kosmic\Desktop\variant-nnue-pytorch-master>

env Package!

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ianfab commented 1 year ago


ACosmicCake commented 1 year ago

Hi, Thank you so much for the quick reply! You are amazing. It has started training.

But If i may i would like to ask something i am confused about.

So to generate training data we can either use the classical Eval, or nnue. And it is recommended to use Nnue for better training data evaluations.

But if there is no nnue for the custom variant, i would have to use the classical eval. Then after that train with the data generated with pytorch nnue to create a nnue file.

And if i use the nnue eval file back to generate more training data with the nnue, and do the whole process again. Wouldn't that be a perpetual cycle that doesnt improve on itself? since it is using the data from the classival eval file, and not a purely generated data from nnue playing.

Thank you so much for your time. <3

ianfab commented 1 year ago

Yes, in principle a loop of "take best eval -> generate training data -> train -> get better eval" is working and that basically is what we are doing. There are diminishing returns though, so progress slows down and eventually stops.

ACosmicCake commented 1 year ago

Thank you so much!