fairyglade / ly

display manager with console UI
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ly breaks after logging out #145

Open t0rb1t opened 4 years ago

t0rb1t commented 4 years ago

I'm using awesomewm, I also tested this with BSPWM, and any time I exit the window managers, it doesn't actually go back to ly, it just stays there with the windows open, but no real way to interact with anything.

If I go to a tty and sudo killall ly sudo systemctl start ly

it will be working again, but it doesn't work otherwise after logging out.

This same issue doesn't happen when using lightdm, but I like ly more.

tadly commented 4 years ago

Can confirm with i3. After exiting the wm, ly becomes unresponsive.

GeorgeColeclough commented 4 years ago

Hi, on xmonad after exiting, ly's screen gets filled up with garbage about not being able to launch various programs. I can still login again but the display is nonsensical. This doesn't happen when loging in to shell

nununoisy commented 4 years ago

Can reproduce on sway.

nullgemm commented 4 years ago

Could you try again with the latest changes?

liljenstolpe commented 4 years ago

I'm seeing the same thing right now on sway. The LY window comes back after terminating sway, but it seems 'frozen' - no cursor, no keyboard input, etc. This is with latest build via a git pull about 10 minutes ago. (07 December)

nullgemm commented 4 years ago

I just reverted a weird PR in termbox-next, maybe it helps?

trn1ty commented 4 years ago

Came here to either find a solution to this or to make an issue about it, and while I'm happy to see others are having the same problem it's unfortunate there's no solution. I've tested this with i3wm, XFCE, Cinnamon, KDE Plasma, and the plain shell, and I can't find a remedy. What I've done for the moment to get past it is to launch the shell by default and startx to get into i3 but it's sort of impractical (though before I had a proper display manager I did do that and am used to it). What happens specifically is that ly displays logged out and no longer accepts user input in either the window manager selection box, the username, or the password text boxes. No cursor is shown and keypresses don't do anything either, however if I press F1 to shutdown or F2 to reboot it does do so.

My hardware is a Thinkpad T420 with a 2-core x86-64 Intel i5-2540M, 16GB DDR3 (though I also reproduced this problem with 6GB DDR3), integrated graphics, and a 1600x900 display. I'm running Debian 10.2 amd64 and a recent version of ly (I downloaded and installed around Thanksgiving of this year).

alrayyes commented 4 years ago

I have the same issue with bspwm & ly-git on arch. Tried starting it with bspwm & .xinitrc option with the same result. All the windows hang except of the current window which seems to be responsive. Only way out is to kill & restart ly.

Any updates/workarounds for this yet? Until then I'm going to have to use sigh LightDM sigh

trn1ty commented 4 years ago

I compiled and installed a month or two ago and ly actually works now after logging out. I'm going to fire up a netbook and do some more tests at some point but if you're still having this problem and you're a year or two behind try the latest version.

trn1ty commented 4 years ago

I don't believe this is a problem anymore. Tested it on two machines - both running Debian 10 - and could no longer reproduce the issue.

alrayyes commented 4 years ago

Works for me as well now

sachahjkl commented 4 years ago

just compiled the latest version, for me it fails after logging out and then trying to log into another user

trn1ty commented 4 years ago

Tested logging out and back in between my user account and a guest account and it went fine for me, any chance you could share what OS/kernel you're using?

weust1979 commented 3 years ago

I have this problem on my FreeBSD 12.2 installation as well. When I either login to shell or xinitrc (WindowMaker) and log out I can't use Ly anymore and have to kill the process so it auto-restarts.

This is with version 0.4.0 which is in ports. Not 0.5.0 from github.

kdkasad commented 3 years ago

Same problem in Artix Linux with the latest version of ly and kernel version v5.10-rc3.

sina-salahshour commented 3 years ago

same problem with Arch Linux using dwm

thiago-rezende commented 3 years ago

Same problem with Arch Linux using Openbox and fish shell

The problem only occurs when using fish as default shell and works fine with bash or zsh

di-effe commented 2 years ago

Same problem here with Arch, LeftWM 0.2.11 and Ly v0.5.3.r5.g609b3f9. Logout command (loginctl terminate-session ${XDG_SESSION_ID-}) close the window manager, but instead of starting ly it shows a bunch of errors and it get stuck there.

Only fix is to jump to another tty and sudo systemctl restart ly

That happens with both fish and zsh

sina-salahshour commented 2 years ago

i've made a dwm.desktop file and called an autostart.sh file in it instead of writing all configs at .xinitrc now, logging out doesn't break ly.

bhavyagoel commented 2 years ago

i've made a dwm.desktop file and called an autostart.sh file in it instead of writing all configs at .xinitrc now, logging out doesn't break ly.

Had my .xinitrc empty, yet the issue was there.

saltgen commented 1 year ago

Same problem on a Fedora 37 + i3 + Fish shell

RannyArcher commented 1 year ago

the same thing happened with me since i use fish shell but ... actually after some experiments ... discover that fish shell isn't the problem cause when i use startx i can logout successfully in each i3wm and bspwm. and i use arch btw.

shasherazi commented 1 year ago

Same thing happening on arch with bspwm and i3. Doesn't happen with hyprland tho, so I'm thinking wayland isn't affected by this

prirai commented 1 year ago

Looks like the issue is still present on Arch Linux latest. Is there a way to disable this output somehow? In my case it happens with Plasma on Wayland. Yes, @shasherazi this is on wayland as well.

mspi21 commented 1 year ago

I have the same problem. How has it been 3 years since this issue is known, yet no solution or fix is available?

System Info: Kernel: 6.4.1-zen1-1-zen arch: x86_64 bits: 64 compiler: gcc v: 13.1.1 Desktop: Hyprland info: waybar vt: 2 dm: N/A Distro: Garuda Linux base: Arch Linux

GotaLoveFiraCode commented 1 year ago

Same exact issue, but only on one device. Cannot reproduce on other devices, but the issue persists on relevant device (linux 6.4.3-arch1-2 x86_64, i3, picom). Solution forth coming?

mxalk commented 11 months ago

6.4.10-arch1-1 with i3 ly works for some time after logging out. can log back in if done fast but after some seconds it "gracefully" terminates. tty becomes unresponsive and stays at the ly-i3 shutdown dump without actually shutting down the os. can jump to other tty

GotaLoveFiraCode commented 11 months ago

Okey... I might have found what you could call a fix: when checking localectl for another reason I happened to see X11 Options: terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp which does exactly what I want mod+shift+e to do in i3: bring me back to ly whith out any issues :) This is a perfectly viable solution for me, but might not be that practical for other people, so I don't think it deserves to close the issue, but I still think that it could be useful for other i3 guys who need help. To set this option you can edit /etc/vconsole.conf and add XKBOPTIONS=terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp to the bottom of the file. This should do the trick, but honestly, I have no idea. Again, I am on 6.4.11-arch2-1 using i3 (and picom if that's relevant). Greatings and goodbyes

ilikenwf commented 10 months ago

I sometimes run into this after logout on Archlinux as well. Input is either not being recognized, is laggy, or things aren't redrawing perhaps?

I switched to ly, though, because I wanted something minimal that wouldn't override xsecurelock when I just lock the machine...and that's super light so I'm not always running a second X instance. Because I rarely log out and am more apt to lock the machine or reboot, ly fits my needs.

unrealapex commented 10 months ago

I can confirm that this issue also occurs with openbox.

e-l-i-j-a-h commented 9 months ago

I can confirm this issue occurs on Void Linux with AwesomeWM when using the Fish shell only. I can exit fine with bash as my shell.

OmegaLambda1998 commented 3 months ago

Maybe not the most secure patch, but I get around this by making my "logout" command in sway sudo systemctl restart ly.service. I then added the following to /etc/sudoers to skip the password check: ALL ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /bin/systemctl restart ly.service

AnErrupTion commented 2 months ago

Works for me on master with Arch + Openbox + Fish. Can anyone try as well? If it doesn't work, can you try commenting the following lines in /etc/ly/xsetup.sh:

#    [ -f /etc/profile ] && . /etc/profile
#    xsess_tmp=`mktemp /tmp/xsess-env-XXXXXX`
#    $SHELL --login -c "/bin/sh -c 'export -p' > $xsess_tmp"
#    . $xsess_tmp
#    rm -f $xsess_tmp

and see if it works afterwards?

BICH0 commented 2 months ago

Facing the similar problem when executing i3-msg exit image