fairyglade / ly

display manager with console UI
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ly+dwm+slstatus #392

Open mrneilypops opened 2 years ago

mrneilypops commented 2 years ago

If I log in with ly my slstatus script does not start. If I login with startx my slstatus script starts OK. I have tried setting a delay on slstatus-makes no difference. Any tips most welcome. I am using Arch linux.

AnErrupTion commented 2 years ago

@mrneilypops Does it work if you add your script in ~/.xinitrc anc launch your session using the xinitrc entry in Ly?

mrneilypops commented 2 years ago

No that does not work. Here is my ~/.xinitrc file;


[[ -f ~/.Xresources ]] && xrdb -merge -I$HOME ~/.Xresources

start some nice programs

if [ -d /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ] ; then for f in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/?*.sh ; do [ -x "$f" ] && . "$f" done unset f fi

xset +fp /usr/share/fonts/local xset fp rehash xset -dpms & xset s off & urxvtd -q -o -f &

(conky | while read LINE; do xsetroot -name "$LINE"; done)

redshift &

mpd & nitrogen --restore &

thunar --daemon &

conky &

dwmblocks &

picom & slstatus &

exec dbus-launch ck-launch-session dwm

exec dwm ` These options work;

  1. If I use startx on boot.
  2. If I move to TTY1 and type startx.
  3. If I start slstatus from the terminal.

Here is my slstatus config.h;

`/ See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. /

/ interval between updates (in ms) / const unsigned int interval = 1000;

/ text to show if no value can be retrieved / static const char unknown_str[] = "n/a";

/ maximum output string length /

define MAXLEN 2048


All other commands in ~/.xinitrc load OK. It is just slstatus that does not load via ly but does load with startx. I only have the xinitrc option on the ly login screen. Thanks.

mrneilypops commented 2 years ago

I am making progress... My slstatus calls an mpd script but ly complains of an error on line 11. `#!/bin/sh #######


####### space=echo " " timeout=0.2

while true do

echo mpc | sed -n '1,1p' @ mpc volume | sed -e 's#volume: ##'

        echo `mpc --format \[%title%]\ | head -n 1`
   sleep $timeout

If I comment out this script then slstatus loads with ly login. However, I do not know what is wrong with the mpd script to stop slstatus loading...

Cavernosa commented 2 years ago

Check if your LANG and PATH are set correctly when logging in via ly it could be them.

robounicorn678 commented 6 months ago

I'm also having this problem, where did you find the line to comment out that made it work again? I'm on gentoo.