fairyglade / ly

display manager with console UI
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Authentication error on fresh arch install? #478

Open agoodfellow123 opened 1 year ago

agoodfellow123 commented 1 year ago

Hello, I have a freshly insatalled arch system, I installed ly from AUR with paru, then I did the systemctl commands. However doesn't matter how much I tried ly does not accept my password. I did the literally same thing few months ago on a VM and didn't get the same issue so I was wondering if this happened with the latest updates.

agoodfellow123 commented 1 year ago

Update: O tried an non numeric password and it worked... Still my numeric password does not work. Also I tried to install lemurs and had the exact same problem.

keilmillerjr commented 7 months ago

I did a fresh install of arch on my hardware. I used the archinstall script. ly does not authenticate at all for me. I can log in just fine to the console. I tried changing my password to one without numbers, like suggested above. It made no difference. Very frustrating. I tried this in a vm a few weeks ago and it worked.

Edit: Same thing happens when I select SSDM. 🤔