fairyglade / ly

display manager with console UI
Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
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Animation doesn't work #627

Closed Letus252 closed 2 months ago

Letus252 commented 2 months ago

I wanted to enable DOOM animation but it doesn't seem to work. I tried restarting Ly, rebooting system and reinstalling Ly but to no avail. This is my /etc/ly/config.ini:

# Animation enabled/disabled
animate = true

# The active animation
# 0 -> PSX DOOM fire (default)
# 1 -> CMatrix 
animation = 0

# format string for clock in top right corner (see strftime specification)
#clock = %c

# enable/disable big clock
#bigclock = true

# The character used to mask the password
#asterisk = *

# Erase password input on failure
blank_password = true

#The `fg` and `bg` color settings take a digit 0-8 corresponding to:
#define TB_DEFAULT 0x00
#define TB_BLACK   0x01
#define TB_RED     0x02
#define TB_GREEN   0x03
#define TB_YELLOW  0x04
#define TB_BLUE    0x05
#define TB_MAGENTA 0x06
#define TB_CYAN    0x07
#define TB_WHITE   0x08
# Setting both to zero makes `bg` black and `fg` white. To set the actual color palette you are encouraged to use another tool 
# such as [mkinitcpio-colors](https://github.com/evanpurkhiser/mkinitcpio-colors). Note that the color palette defined with 
# `mkinitcpio-colors` takes 16 colors (0-15), only values 0-8 are valid for `ly` config and these values do not correspond 
# exactly. For instance, in defining palettes with `mkinitcpio-colors` the order is black, dark red, dark green, brown, dark 
# blue, dark purple, dark cyan, light gray, dark gray, bright red, bright green, yellow, bright blue, bright purple, bright 
# cyan, and white, indexed in that order 0 through 15. For example, the color defined for white (indexed at 15 in the mkinitcpio 
# config) will be used by `ly` for `fg = 8`.

# Background color id
#bg = 0

# Foreground color id
#fg = 9

# Blank main box background
# Setting to false will make it transparent
#blank_box = true

# Remove main box borders
#hide_borders = false

# Main box margins
#margin_box_h = 2
#margin_box_v = 1

# Input boxes length
#input_len = 34

# Max input sizes
#max_desktop_len = 100
#max_login_len = 255
#max_password_len = 255

# Input box active by default on startup
#default_input = 2

# Load the saved desktop and username
#load = true

# Save the current desktop and login as defaults
#save = true

# File in which to save and load the default desktop and login
#save_file = /etc/ly/save

# Remove F1/F2 command hints
#hide_f1_commands = false

# Command executed when pressing F1
#shutdown_cmd = /sbin/shutdown -a now

# Command executed when pressing F2
#restart_cmd = /sbin/shutdown -r now

# Active language
# Available languages are found in /etc/ly/lang/
#lang = en

# tty in use
#tty = 2

# Console path
#console_dev = /dev/console

# Default path
#path = /sbin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin

# Event timeout in milliseconds
#min_refresh_delta = 5

# Service name (set to ly to use the provided pam config file)
#service_name = ly

# Terminal reset command (tput is faster)
#term_reset_cmd = /usr/bin/tput reset

# Cookie generator
#mcookie_cmd = /usr/bin/mcookie

# Wayland setup command
#wayland_cmd = /etc/ly/wsetup.sh

# Add wayland specifier to session names
#wayland_specifier = false

# Wayland desktop environments
#waylandsessions = /usr/share/wayland-sessions

# xinitrc
#xinitrc = ~/.xinitrc

# Xorg server command
#x_cmd = /usr/bin/X

# Xorg setup command
#x_cmd_setup = /etc/ly/xsetup.sh

# Xorg xauthority edition tool
#xauth_cmd = /usr/bin/xauth

# Xorg desktop environments
#xsessions = /usr/share/xsessions

(Second animation doesn't work either).

angrybacon commented 2 months ago

Other issues on the subject seem to recommend using the git version. On Arch that's ly-git 0.6.0.r10.g3d8d8d6-1 for me at the time of writing.

The configuration option there has changed so make sure you're using the new configuration file and edit that to use the animation that you prefer.

Letus252 commented 2 months ago

I removed previous version and compiled latest one from the source and it worked. Thanks for help.