faisalman / ua-parser-js

UAParser.js - The Essential Tool for User-Agent Detection in JavaScript & Web Development.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
8.85k stars 1.18k forks source link

Announcement: The Upcoming Version 2.0 Will Be Released Under Dual-License: AGPLv3 License / UAParser.js "PRO" License #680

Open faisalman opened 8 months ago

faisalman commented 8 months ago

Hi All,

We've been announcing this change in a discussion page two weeks ago, but since it might not reach the large part of the community, we will provide more details about the change here:

TL;DR all the past and future releases of version 0.7.x / 1.0.x remain MIT, while version 2.0.x will be under AGPL.

What the license change means

Starting from version 2.0 you'll be able to choose between using our regular free & open-source license (under AGPLv3) or PRO license. AGPLv3 is an OSI-approved open-source license from GNU, pretty much same as GPL, only with an addition of network clause. If you opt for the free version of UAParser.js, you just need to provide the source and changes that you've made to the library. If you opt for the PRO License instead, you don't have to open-source your modifications. We offer 3 tiers of PRO License: Personal (non-commercial), Business (1 license per project), and Enterprise (indefinite projects).

Note that if you are using the current stable version of v0.7.x / v1.0.x then you won't be affected by this change since this new license will only applies to v2.0.x upwards. You can continue using those old versions as usual without the need to revisit the terms as we have no plan to re-license them. The development for those versions also won't get prioritized, alhough they might still get occassional updates, particularly for bugfix-related updates.

Behind the change

Looking back, after more than a decade, what initially started as a for-fun and for-learning side-project, has been slowly growing to become a popular module in npm, with almost ~12M downloads per week, and are being used by top tech companies, with a little to no incentives.

Looking forward, we still want to continue develop this small project to be even more awesome. For it to be successful we are aiming for a sustainable model that works for an open-source project. In the past two years, we have tried the voluntary donation route with a little success. This time, we decide to try a new model where we can get paid for maintaining the project while still keep it Free & Open-Source.

Future roadmap

Lately, Chrome has been freezing its user-agent in favor of their new proposal for a user-agent client hints. Although other browser vendors like Apple & Mozilla doesn't support it, but with Google's massive share of browser usage, incorporating User-Agent Client Hints data on top of the existing User-Agent seems inevitable if we still want to get a reliable detection, like avoiding the vague Android K, differentiate Windows 11 from 10, Brave from Chrome, etc. On top of that, other major browsers that doesn't support client hints also starting to freeze some part of its user-agent, which made feature detection the only route to identify iPad from macOS.

These kind of future-proof detection enhancements, along with some new cutting-edge features, better tooling support (ESM, TypeScript, etc), more extensive test, helpful documentation, and other best practices, will be available in the upcoming version 2.0 of UAParser.js.

Finally, we are aware that collaboration will be the key for this plan to be successful. If you have something to ask or offer, please don't hesitate to drop us a question here or email us directly.

Thank you!

Faisal Salman Maintainer of UAParser.js https://github.com/faisalman

philstools commented 8 months ago

When using an unmodified, CDN-hosted, version of the (2.0) library, does the website javascript code need to be AGPL too?

MarioRicalde commented 8 months ago
  1. The corporate-like message makes me wonder about who is "We"?
  2. Will this money be going to past, active and future contributors? If not, what is the strategy?
  3. Will this change affect third-party services like: "51 Degrees", who forked and made a monetized offering and has rather aggressive techniques to acquire costumers, documented in issue https://github.com/faisalman/ua-parser-js/issues/634 ?
  4. Will there be any guarantees for paying customers in regard to situations like: https://github.com/faisalman/ua-parser-js/issues/536 ?
faisalman commented 8 months ago

Thank you for the questions, please allow me to give my view on these matters:


From my understanding of the AGPL license, only the code that contains what's considered as a derivative work that needs to be released under AGPL-compatible license as well.


  1. "We" means the team behind UAParser.js.
  2. Collected fund is intended primarily to support the team members that regularly maintain the project. Only after a certain threshold reached, we'll then be able to allocate some fund to be distributed to all contributors fairly.
  3. This change doesn't affect past/future forks of v0.7 / v1.0.
  4. No guarantees, but you can easily check the provenance statement of our published npm packages and verify its integrity by using security tools of your choice.

    ua-parser-js package provenance

Nikemare commented 8 months ago

@faisalman Please have a look here: https://snyk.io/learn/agpl-license/#closed

AGPL is a strong copy left license. I'm not sure if this is really what you intend to do.

I think LGPL, MPL, CDDL or EPL, which are all weak copy left licenses, might be what you really want to achieve.

faisalman commented 8 months ago

@Nikemare @TIncorviaITLS which license would you suggest? We're aiming for an open-core model to simply maintain a mutual balance between us and our users.

ketys-from-meiro commented 8 months ago

Is Android K thingy already addressed in v2.0 or will it come later? Why/when should I choose to use paid version of UA-Parser library? We're currently using it as dependency as-is in our JS SDK in business.

faisalman commented 8 months ago


From our perspective of an open-core model, in UAParser.js case, v2.0 can be regarded as a combination of v1.0 (the open & limited "core") + some added features (the commercial add-ons / "shell").


The Android K issue has been addressed in v2.0, please see https://github.com/faisalman/ua-parser-js/issues/648.

You should choose the paid version only if you need the features of v2.0 but don't want to comply with the AGPL license.

MarioRicalde commented 8 months ago

We need a lot of clarity on these terms: "Core" "Shell".

The change from MIT to AGPL will cause your application to be removed from virtually all credible open source projects and open source and commercial products and SaaS offerings. Or, the existing MIT version of your application will be forked and maintained outside of your control.

This. 100%. Not to mention that the license change is happening in such a "weird" way (small notice, not a lot of traction.. etc). We are not sure if we should trust this or the maintainer after these moves.

faisalman commented 8 months ago


We need a lot of clarity on these terms: "Core" "Shell".

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open-core_model https://dev.to/ryandawsonuk/the-open-core-business-model-363n

In UAParser.js case, basically:

(v1.0 as the "Core") + (some new features like client-hints, feature-detection, etc as the "Shell") ==> v2.0

This. 100%. Not to mention that the license change is happening in such a "weird" way (small notice, not a lot of traction.. etc). We are not sure if we should trust this or the maintainer after these moves.

Thanks for the insight. Any idea on how to announce the change as to not be considered weird? We're thinking about adding a postinstall message but it has been considered as a spammy behavior.

sandstrom commented 8 months ago

@faisalman A few thoughts:

faisalman commented 8 months ago


Wow. Thanks for the thoughtful inputs!

The good thing with life-time is that it's easy for companies, just pay once and be done with it. The problem though is that your cashflow won't be great after the initial spike. An annual fee might be better.

Indeed, our idea is that by offering a one-time payment we hope that it would make it easier for companies/developers to spend their development budget. While we also realize that it would make our revenue to be unpredictable on the other side, but it's something that we can accept at this time. We'll try to reconsider this at some point though.

As an alternative to paying via credit-card, maybe you could also offer the license to anyone paying above X in Github donations. That way, companies that are already using Github donations can use that payment mechanism.

This seems to be easy to implement yet overlooked by us, will definitely try it! :+1:

For code workflows to work properly, don't use a private NPM registry. Instead, just make it a license thing, where companies are obligated to pay, but there won't be any technological check to enforce it (like a private NPM registry would). The trouble with private NPM registries (like FontAwesome has), is that it causes a lot of work to set it up. So many will just look for an alternative library instead of bothering.

Agree 100%! We prefer to provide the migration experience to be as seamless as possible. Currently we are publishing the packages in public npm registry under our organization scope: @ua-parser-js with the license agreements as the only difference.

lancedockins commented 7 months ago

@faisalman A few thoughts...

I had never actually heard of your library until today as I was looking for a JS-based UA parser script to use in one of our company projects. We can write our own. But we try to be efficient with our time when possible.

In any case, I definitely represent the kind of company that would seriously consider purchasing an Enterprise license. In fact, I actually came very close to buying one today. This licensing issue, however, is the thing that stopped me from doing so. Companies that can afford an Enterprise license are going to think a bit differently about scripts that have any connection whatsover with a strong copyleft license like AGPL3. We have a lot of proprietary pre-existing projects that are entirely incompatible with open source copyleft licenses. While your UA Parser script is great, it's most definitely not worth the risk that its use in a pre-existing proprietary project would "infect" all separate and pre-existing code.

Just to keep it short:

For a commercial/private enterprise, copyleft is a HUGE risk. It's so huge that a lot of companies will not touch any project that even suggests that it has a connection with GPL or AGPL. The only time that I've seen open source projects used by private companies, those projects have been either MIT or similarly licensed (as your script has been until now) MIT and similar licenses are known to have no risk of copyleft for the private company. There's a reason for that. There's just no room for gray areas with this stuff for private companies. It's either safe to use or it's not. If there's even a question of whether it's safe to use, that falls into the "not safe" category by default for most companies.

When a package is deemed unsafe, a company that can afford a license like this has a few options:

They typically can afford every one of those and all of those are going to be safer than using anything that "might" have a copyleft connection (and definitely lacks clarity about that).

Given all of that, I think you might be undercutting the overall goal with AGPL + Pro. As others have already mentioned, AGPL + Pro will likely delist the project from a lot of distribution channels that it currently enjoys but if you're also scaring off any commercial buyers with talk of copyleft licenses, then the entire project is just going to head to the trash bin rather than get funded.

For what it's worth, you might try to change this to something that appeals to all existing user groups that you work with right now. That might be something like:

  1. Having two distribution channels - old and new.
  2. Old could be MIT (as it has been) and would just get something like bug fixes (with a time delay for non-critical bug fixes)
  3. New could be purely commercial and would be where new dev and features go. It might make sense to have some degree of support included with your Pro licenses as well. You might also give bug fixes out immediately as they are available rather than on a time delay. E.g. you could provide critical bug fixes to both branches and non-critical ones on a time delay. Maybe something like a 2 week delay for critical to hit the old branch and a 3-6 month delay for the non-critical bug fixes to get from new to old.
  4. As you hit major milestones, you could roll the current "new" version down to "old" and put it on MIT and you could make a new "new" branch that would become the new Pro version. That would serve as a breakpoint that would justify a license upgrade for Pro users if they wanted to maintain support, access to new features/bug fixes, etc in the "new"/Pro version.

There are other ways to monetize like support programs and such too. But the model that I'm suggesting has several advantages over the AGPL + Pro route that you're proposing:

I know that while I won't touch a project that has any perceived risk of copyleft for our private projects (even if they "say" that they have a pro license that isn't copyleft), I not only will but have purchased pro editions of projects that do something like I described above where an old branch/version is MIT and the new/feature/R&D branch is Pro only with some limited support.

Take all of that for whatever it's worth. I just thought it would help you to get the perspective of someone that is fully inside of the demographic that you're trying to court with these Pro licenses (since I came close to buying one until I saw the AGPL connection).

TIncorviaITLS commented 7 months ago

@faisalman: for enterprise software companies, the surprise license change from MIT to AGPL is the end for your project -- it will be forked under MIT or simply removed. If you value continued control of the project, consider reverting to the MIT license.

sandstrom commented 7 months ago

I disagree.

Take Sidekiq Pro for example. It's offered under LGPLv3 and a commercial license. Here are some of the companies that are paying for it:


That said, I do think you (@faisalman) should basically copy-paste the license, FAQ and purchase flow from Sidekiq, or some other software project that has done this transition.

Companies won't be bothered by the cost, but they will care about 'ease of purchasing'. This is a mix of terms/license, payment methods, distribution, etc. Regarding distribution, I'd go with plain download (this is the approach that Docker desktop took, which I think will serve you better than private NPM -- that's a lot of hassle).

All this said, I still think it could be the end of your project, because getting someone to fork out money is always difficult. But I don't think a commercial license in itself is a blocker.

TIncorviaITLS commented 7 months ago

Sidekick Pro has an existing license and an infrastructure for billing. So far, the UA.Parser.JS license appears to be an idea. Until there is an acceptable EULA, a payment infrastructure, etc. there will be little uptake. QUESTION: how many licenses have been sold to date?

faisalman commented 7 months ago

@lancedockins @sandstrom @TIncorviaITLS

Thank you for the thorough evaluations. It's really valuable for us to get to know from the enterprise-side perspectives. We see some interesting points to be considered within this transitioning process. Thanks!

TIncorviaITLS commented 6 months ago

Please post a link to the terms and conditions of your commercial licenses. I see that there are fees for the commercial licenses, but I do not see copies of the licenses (i.e., the terms and conditions related to the commercial licenses). Thanks

jkjustjoshing commented 5 months ago

I went to the website, saw the table for the different licensed versions, and wanted to use the MIT licensed one. But there's no indication of how to do that. I poked into the /dist folder, expecting 2 versions, a stripped down MIT one and a beefier AGPL one. However, no indication of that.

It's only once I snooped around the issues and find this one that I understand how the MIT vs AGPL license works, and know I need to use 1.0. Your messaging on where the divide is and how to acquire the MIT licensed one should improve

faisalman commented 5 months ago

@TIncorviaITLS @jkjustjoshing

Thank you for pointing. I'll work on enhancing the clarity of the licenses.

castarco commented 5 months ago

@faisalman I'm having doubts about which one is installed when we install it from npm and set the version to 2.0.0-beta. Is it the MIT one? or the AGPL/privative one?

I have no trouble with paying for the license, but of course I want to be sure that I'm getting the more complete one, and it is very unclear how to obtain one or the other.

On the other hand, I'd have preferred to go through sponsorship instead of going through Lemonsqueezy, for clear reasons: it's a win-win situation since it slightly increases the visibility of the sponsor as well.

faisalman commented 4 months ago


If you installed it from ua-parser-js package then it's either MIT (v1.0) or AGPL (since v2.0).

But since you have purchased the PRO license, you are allowed to use the @ua-parser-js/pro-business package which is released under private license. This has been described in the provided link within the same email as license key. I'm sorry if the instructions isn't too clear.

As for the license acquiring method, I'm currently using Lemonsqueezy as I found it to be easy to setup and pay, however, if one have trouble using it or prefer to use another method they can also purchase the PRO licenses from my GitHub sponsors page: https://github.com/sponsors/faisalman?frequency=one-time

zhoulei-source commented 1 month ago

If I am using the free version 2.0 beta of ua-parser-js and I do not make any modifications to it, do I need to open-source my code? Can I use it for commercial purposes?

ljharb commented 2 weeks ago

Will the v1 line (the one the entire ecosystem is likely to remain on for the duration) receive security vulnerability backports, or is it explicitly End of Life?

faisalman commented 2 weeks ago

Will the v1 line (the one the entire ecosystem is likely to remain on for the duration) receive security vulnerability backports, or is it explicitly End of Life?

@ljharb we’ll try our best to keep the v1.x line alive and well. It will certainly get occasional updates, especially when it involves vulnerability bugfix.

As can be seen that since the license change was announced at v1.0.35, v1.x is still getting updated several times:


ljharb commented 2 weeks ago

Awesome, thanks for confirming :-)

kamikazechaser commented 2 weeks ago


I personally support the change to AGPL-3.0 + offering a PRO license to those who fear the strong copyleft principles and "viral" nature of (A)GPL. OSS development needs to be sustainable and your proposal is fair enough.

There is some FUD in this thread that AGPL-3.0 is an "unsafe" license. Yes, you cannot use an AGPL-3.0 licensed library in a proprietary system or even import it in an MIT licensed project without making either software open source and GPL-comptible licensed as well.

However, there is the alternative of the PRO license being offered (which you are not coercing anyone to use). If they don't like the terms of the AGPL (Copyleft/FSF/GNU principles) they can always pay and obtain the usually more permissive commercial/PRO license.