I needed to download original videos from flickr, but saw that the download video part was commented out. So I looked into seeing if I could enable it and have been successful in doing so.
It's essentially what was already there, just a couple of tweaks for the filtering of json:
Uncommented it all, changed "startswith('Site')" to "startswith('Video Original')" and removed ".replace('/site/', '/orig/')", and commented out the "continue"
if is_download and photo.get('media') == 'video':
photo_args = args.copy()
photo_args['photo_id'] = photo['id']
sizes = json.loads(api.photos_getSizes(**photo_args))
if sizes['stat'] != 'ok':
original = filter(lambda s: s['label'].startswith('Video Original') and s['media'] == 'video', sizes['sizes']['size'])
if original:
photos[photo['title']] = original.pop()['source']
# print photos
# Skipts download video for now since it doesn't work
It downloaded all the videos in their original format for me, and MD5 checksums matched.
I can do a pull request if you want, or unless you want to do some testing yourself?
I needed to download original videos from flickr, but saw that the download video part was commented out. So I looked into seeing if I could enable it and have been successful in doing so.
It's essentially what was already there, just a couple of tweaks for the filtering of json:
Uncommented it all, changed "startswith('Site')" to "startswith('Video Original')" and removed ".replace('/site/', '/orig/')", and commented out the "continue"
It downloaded all the videos in their original format for me, and MD5 checksums matched.
I can do a pull request if you want, or unless you want to do some testing yourself?