faizanahemad / FastNet

API layer built on tensorflow-2.0 for high performance and easy training
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Add GridSearch API and Implementation, User defined Configs only #1

Open faizanahemad opened 5 years ago

faizanahemad commented 5 years ago

Proposed Features

How the API looks like?

def gridsearch_manual(run_fn,configs,results_file,runs=3,
    run_fn: this function takes config as input, reads data, runs model and gives out 
    configs: is a list of user defined configs, it is either a filename or a list of dict. In case it is file 
    it should be csv, 1st row as header names, and each row is treated as a single config, and 1 
    row is read as key-value pair.
    runs: is the number of times each config is tried, to ensure stable results

    return best_config

Intended Usage This will be called from a script file or notebook, and provide best hyper-params


Online References/Documentation was referred while making this API

Branch Name (The github branch in which you are working on this).

Note: Before raising a PR make sure that you have made an issue like this with tag: enhancement, ensure your code is tested and documented.