faizanahemad / FastNet

API layer built on tensorflow-2.0 for high performance and easy training
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Image Normalization Mapper - Batch Mode #4

Open faizanahemad opened 5 years ago

faizanahemad commented 5 years ago

Proposed Features

How the API looks like?

def get_image_normalizer(mean,std):
    mean,std is the mean,std of 3 channels individually like [100, 81.1, 92],[12.1, 13.2, 21.5]
    def transformer(x):
        ## your code here should normalize the images coming in x-tensor
        ## x is of shape [batch_size,Height,Width,Channels]
    return transformer

Intended Usage Like how mappers are used here and here


Online References/Documentation was referred while making this API

Branch Name (The github branch in which you are working on this).

Note: Before raising a PR make sure that you have made an issue like this with tag: enhancement, ensure your code is tested and documented.

unography commented 4 years ago

Added a PR here - https://github.com/faizanahemad/FastNet/pull/11