faizann24 / wifi-bruteforcer-fsecurify

Android application to brute force WiFi passwords without requiring a rooted device.
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Predefined passwordlist #8

Open Tadelsucht opened 7 years ago

Tadelsucht commented 7 years ago

Entries like "1234" are not possible passwords for wifi, because 40 Bit WEP use atleast 5 characters, 128 Bit WEP 13 characters and WPA 8 characters.

spmedia commented 7 years ago

Great idea, someone needs to strip out all of the non-possible passwords and make a pull request for new update working pw list :)

OnkelM commented 7 years ago

not someone but the developer itself...

spmedia commented 7 years ago

Check out this pw list for WPA/WPA2 length passwords.


Deadier commented 7 years ago

Hi, isn't it possible to generate rainbow tables like it is used for Windows password ?

Sent from my Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 using FastHub

OnkelM commented 7 years ago

Those password lists mentioned are looking good but do have a lot of 7 char ones that are not useable

spmedia commented 7 years ago

Created an update to password list to use the top 10,000 passwords from https://github.com/berzerk0/Probable-Wordlists/tree/master/Real-Passwords/WPA-Length

